Andrew Carter

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hope you guys enjoy the video 

I live by myself my dad died when I was 7 and my mom hates me because of the fact that I am nothing like her, so she kicked me out which I do not really mind. I was able to get enough money from my secret life to by a two-story house where I live, and I love it here. Anyway, that is my life and now I have to get ready for my fake one I strip out of my pj and hope in the shower and relax in the hot water. After my shower I wrap the towel around my body and go into my closet I grab a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt and my hair in a messy bun with my glasses. I grab my backpack and go downstairs and head out the door I do not eat breakfast. I have to walk to school because if I take my car or bike my cover is blown, I have a Lamborghini that is black, and my bike is full black as well. As I approach school, I take a deep breath and walk in as I walk in, I see people staring at me I am trying my hardest to not roll my eyes and yell at them to look away. As I head to my locker I grab my things out and then my locker slams but I don't flinch I look to my right and see the schools queen bee Samantha I try to walk away but she pushes my back into the lockers I ball my fist up so that I don't hit her the out of no where she slaps me but I don't move my head after a minute I realize my mistake I forgot to fake pain I silently curse at myself but when she slaps me again I fake hurt then she laughs thinking she hurt me and walks away. I get up grab my book and walk to class where I find my best friend Eric, I sit next to him and we talk until class starts.

Halfway into the lesson the door opens and appears the school fuckboy and bad boy Drew Carter while everyone looks at him, I roll my eyes and get back to work. As soon as the bell ring I get but then "Natalie and Drew can you come up to the front please" I roll my eyes again and walk to the front " thank you for coming so Natalie you seem to have the highest mark in the class and Drew you have the lowest so I was wondering if you could possible tutor Drew for me Natalie" my eyes widen " um no offence miss but I don't thi-" I was cut of by Drew say " that is a great idea" he say while smirking at me I grit my teeth and say " OK fine by me" and walk off as I reach my locker I feel a presence I turn and see Drew staring at me " what do you want" I say with a cold tone " just wanted to talk with you about the studying" I huff " fine I can tutor you on Monday and Fridays after school up until 6 but we only need 1 hour per session, since today is Monday just meet me at the parking lot after school we can head to mine after sound good great you can go now" I say all I one breath grab my things close my locker turn around and see Drew still staring at me shocked the quickly recovers " ok fine cool with me we can take my car to yours" " great bye" I go to walk away my he grabs my arm " quick question before you go" I roll my eyes and huff " quickly" losing patients " what do you do After school after 8" I freeze no one can know that I fight and I race. " that is none of your business" I snap and break out of his grip and walk away heading to the parking lot even though I have the rest of the day I need to get out of here so I head home.

hey guys hope you enjoyed this part of the book, what do you think of Drew? like and comment please. have a great day or night wherever you are and have a piece of chocolate you can never have to much. bye 


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