3-I help you, you help me

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"What did he steal?" The baker asked the masked stranger.

'He stole a friend of mine.'

"W-what!? That's absurd!" The baker exclaimed, earning a nod from the stranger in response. "If I help you, and ask my friend to get you to the castle, will you help me with something?"

'Depends, what do you need?'

"There's a guard-" That made the stranger snicker, the first thing the baker had heard from him. "-a-and I want to get him to talk to me. Y-you see, us common folk aren't allowed to talk to nobility or anyone related to nobles, which includes the guards, especially the royal guard. If I get my friend to help you in the castle, can you get the guard in my shop? Just, I don't know, recommend my goods or something."

The stranger nodded.

'I'll see what I can do.'

"Thank you, stranger!" The baker smiled wide, making the masked stranger smile, not that the baker could see.


"W-what...?" The baker asked, shocked to hear a voice come from the man.

"My name is Dream." The masked stranger clarified.

"That's a strange name..."

"It's a nickname, dipshit." The masked man crossed his arms. The baker swore he could hear the scowl.

"Ay, language!" The baker scolded. "Anyways, m-my name is Darryl. I know you didn't ask, but since I know your name or nickname, you might as well know mine."

Dream nodded. "So who's this guard you want to bone?"

That made the baker, Darryl, red in the face, resembling a tomato. "I-it's not like that!" He sighed. "You see that guard over there? The short one."

Dream nodded.

"That's him. His name is Zak. I don't know his last name, but I do know that he's close with the current captain of the royal guard." Darryl explained. "The one next to him, the one with the bandana, is Nick. He's the friend I've been talking about, and he'll be your ticket in the castle, once I message him. He's the captain's right hand, and has close access to the King."


"But only the captain can access the King's treasures, which I assume your friend is in."

"Is there any way to get into the royal guard?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure Nick can tell you. All I know is that you have to be of noble blood."

"Thank god that my mother is a seamstress for a king in another kingdom."

Darryl nodded before grabbing a fresh piece of paper and writing something down. "Here," he handed the paper to Dream. "Give this to Nick."

Dream nodded, leaving the bakery and walking towards two dark-haired males. He approached the taller one and gave him the paper. He read it before giving Dream a weird look.

A Tale Of Two KingsWhere stories live. Discover now