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Think of Vinces house as a glorified witch-hut from MC

Also, any and all french is from Google Translate, so if it's wrong, please tell me. I speak very little French, and what French I do know I learned from google translate, duolingo, and Hamilton fanfics, so please tell me if/when I'm wrong!!!!

Also also, after the pervious chapter, I have learned that Tubbo does have brown hair, and I am aware of that. HOWEVER, keeping that in mind, I'm still only gonna use his skin description bc it's just easier. I'm doing the same thing for SapNap, if any of you noticed. I'm aware they look extraordinarily different from their skins, but I'm 99% sure that people are more familiar with  their skins than their actual appearance, so yeah.


Clay and Tubbo were hot, sweaty, and very muddy by the time they got to the house.

Much like Mega's, it was a basic cabin, but this time it was standing on posts above the mud. It wasn't too big, but it was still very pretty from the outside. From the slanted roof to the blackened windows where Clay could barely make out a silhouette of a man.

He gently knocked on the wooden door, signaling their arrival. A few moments (and locks) later, they were greeted with a man.

Well, more like teen, to Clay.

He had dark brown hair and a grey blindfold over his eyes. He was tall. Well, compared to the teenager beside him, he was. He looked young, maybe twenty at the oldest.

He wore a dark robe and a pristine white blouse underneath said robe, black leather trousers and knee-high boots.

"Je me demandai quand vous aller arriver." The man said. He had a thick accent, making it very clear that he definitely wasn't from here. "Entrez, avant que les alligators ne vous mangent."
(I was wondering when you'll arrive-Come in, before the alligators eat you)

He spun around, gesturing for the two men to follow. Clay and Tubbo looked at each other before following the stranger inside.

"I was told to find you." Clay said, sitting on the surprisingly comfortable sofa. "I was a...long journey here."

"Oui oui je sais." The man said, taking a kettle off a stove, pouring the boiling water in three cups. "Mega vous a envoyé, oui?"
(Yes yes I know-Mega sent you, yes?)

"Um.....I'm sorry, but I don't understand you." Clay said as he watched the stranger hand him and Tubbo the cups.




Clay and Tubbo promptly did as they were ordered because, quite frankly, this stranger was terrifying.

The drink, which Clay identified as some sort of tea, was bitter, yet left a sort of tingly sensation on his tongue. It felt nice, of he was being honest.

"Mmm, this is really good!" The teen commented. "What is it?"

The slightly older male ignored the teen, his gaze never leaving Clay.

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