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If anyone said that Clay or Techno were stupid, then they were dead wrong. Techno knew exactly who was behind the mask, and he knew that Clay knew that Techno knew.

Neither man was stupid. They were cold, calculating.

They are equal, in every way possible.

Perhaps, in another life, they would've been friends.

It's a shame it's not this one.

A normal person would just simply denied their rival, or, even better, just straight up kill them.

So why is it that the king of all people, willingly, and knowingly, let his rival into his castle, knowing damn well how quickly he can, and will, be right next to him in regards of rank?

It's simple, really. Techno isn't allowed to force George's hand. Neither man is. George must make the decision on his own, and forcing anything or killing anyone wont help.

That being said, he'll do anything, and everything, in his power to keep George and Clay away.

Because he knows exactly who George will choose.


"Okay, so George is locked away in this tower here." Nick stated, pointing to the castle map. "The only people allowed in the tower are the king and captain, so if you want an easy way to get to George, you need to become captain. Should be simple for you."

"Yeah, except for the fact that Techno obviously knows who I am." Clay countered. "Even if I overthrow Tommy, I'm 110% certain that Techno will still keep me away from George for as long as humanly possible."

"He actually has a point." Darryl butted in, not looking at either male as he cleaned the counter. "If you want to break out your friend, you're going to have to find a less direct way."

"But Techno isn't stupid." Nick said. "If he suspected us of even thinking about breaking George, he'll do everything in his power to keep us from him."

"Which is exactly why we need a direct, yet sneaky, way to get to George." Clay countered. "Who delivers George's meals, usually?"

"If the captain is busy, then usually Zak, why?"

"If we can somehow find a way to keep Zak busy, I can go up there and deliver George's meal." Clay said.

"He usually comes to the bakery around five." Darryl pointed out, fully into the conversation at the mention of the guards name. "Maybe I can keep him here longer than usual."

"Perfect. Is there anything that could go wrong?" Clay looked at Nick.

"Well, we're not the only guards, you know. As long as any guard other than you is available, then Techno will keep you from George."

"Then what's the best way to distract the entire Royal Guard?"

Darryl and Nick looked each other straight in the eye for a moment before saying simultaneously;



The boy was silent since birth.

Never cried.

Never spoke.

He was mute.

And everyone feared him for it.

No one knew what he was thinking.

No one could guess.

He quickly became an outlaw after a particularly bad 'prank'.

He moved in the forest that blocked each kingdom from each other.

No one knows if he's still there.

Or if he's even alive.

It's not like he can really tell anyone.


540 words

We get to see the not very silent mute next chapter, woo!

Just so y'all know, I have a loose storyline for this. Things have been removed, added, or changed, but the plot is still the same.

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