5-The King and his Equal

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Before you read, just know that I describe Techno in this chapter, and I'm gonna describe a humanized version of his skin.

Cool? Cool.


Everything was silent as Nick lead Dream through the winding corridors. He really didn't want his old friend to see the King again, not after what happened last time, but if there's going to be a new recruit, then both the captain and the King have to agree, unfortunately. It's a sort of 'I trust that you won't betray us and kill the King' kind of deal.

Nick wondered how quickly Clay would rise to the top, if he gets into the guard. Knowing his friend, it would take him no time at all. He'd probably get access to George before the month is out.

He huffed. It took him three years to get to the rank he is now, and five just to get a rank. Don't get him wrong, he loves Clay, but he was also always so jealous of him, the way he seems to get everything he wants without even having to blink. With a mere wave of his hand, he could get an entire kingdom to kneel for him, both out of admiration and fear.

"On the other side of this door," Nick said as they neared the banquet hall, where the king and captain were residing. "Is the King and the Captain of the Royal Guard. Unfortunately, I cannot go in with you. Do you know what you need to say?"

Dream nodded. "My name is Cl-"

"-No." Nick interrupted his friend. "Dave knows your name, Clay. Even if you change your last name, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together."

Dream huffed, crossing his arms. "So what do you think I should do?"

"You simply go by Dream. You've forgotten your real name so you just chose Dream because you dream to find out about your past." Nick stated as if he recited this ten times over. "You wear a mask because you're incredibly scarred and can't afford to let anyone see your face, because you practically have none left."

Dream pondered this information for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Do Dave and the captain know sign language?"

"The captain does. He uses it to convey plans during battle."

Dream nodded as he put his hand on the doorknob. "Wish me luck."


The banquet hall was silent as the masked man walked in, almost as if he owns the place.

And in a way, he does.

He took in the appearance of the two men before him, one familiar and the other a complete stranger.

The last time Dream saw the king was roughly five years ago, and, just like him, he changed a lot.

He was tall, similar to his own height. Unlike him, however, he was more built in muscle, though that didn't mean Dream himself would snap like a toothpick if the King punched him.

He is a warrior, after all.

His hair was long, tied back with a pinkish hue.  Two tufts of his hair was present near his face. Some would say that they resembled pig ears.

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