Chapter 1:

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Just a warning, there's going to be a l o t of death and sad in this, because that's all I can write apparently lmao

The four friends made their way through the dark and cold forest. They've been walking for hours, and we're starting to give up on the search.

"You guys!" Bad called for his friends attention. They all went over, and Bad pointed. They looked to where Bad was pointing, and they saw what they had been looking for.

It was almost a legend to the four. They made their way to the large mansion.

"Whoa!" Dream exclaimed, "I didn't think we'd ever find it."

George walked up beside Dream, "It's a lot more run down than I was expecting."

"Should we go inside?" Sapnap asked, and without waiting for an answer, he went to the door. Sapnap tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. "Hm..."

"Sapnap, don't. It's probably locked for a reason." George frowned.

Sapnap shook his head, "No way. We didn't walk all this way just to turn back and not take a look inside." Sapnap took a step back from the door, and kicked at it.

He kicked the door a few more times before the door swung open. "Hah!" He cheered. "Come on." He walked inside, the other three followed him.

George looked around and gagged, "God, it smells like something died in here!" He covered his nose.

Bad looked around, frowning. He was picking up on some.. not very good vibes.

"Hey, Bad." Dream went over to Bad, "You okay?"

Bad blinked at Dream and then nodded, "Yeah, just.. it's creepy here."

Dream nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we should probably leave now." He looked at the others who also agreed.

"Yeah.. I have to admit, I'm a little freaked out." Sapnap admitted, and then went back over to the door.

Dream followed and went to open it. It didn't open. "What in the world?" He mumbled. He tried again but it still wouldn't open. "Sapnap, what did you do?"

Sapnap shrugged, "I just kicked it. I'm pretty sure I broke it, it shouldn't be locked..." he tried to open it again.

"Well.. kick it again!" Dream shouted, trying not to panic.

Sapnap motioned for Dream to step away, before he started to kick at the door. It didn't work this time. "It's not opening!"

Dream sighed, "Okay..." He looked around, "Well.. this is a pretty big place. There's no way that it doesn't have another door." He said, "You all stay here, I'll look for another way out."

Dream walked away. George crossed his arms, "What about the windows?"

Sapnap looked around, going to a window. Wooden planks were nailed to the open window. "Hm... Even if we could get these off.. there's bars on the outside too. I don't think windows are an option."

Bad was going to suggest something, when a low growl made him freeze.

In the shadows, Bad saw two large eyes glaring at them. "G-guys." He stuttered, taking a step back.

George and Sapnap turned to Bad, seeing the eyes too.

The creature roared at them, making the three scream and scatter.


Dream made his way down a hall. A lot of the doors were locked or just didn't lead anywhere. Dream groaned in frustration.

He walked into a room and examined it. It looked like a kitchen of some sort. He looked around for any exits. Nothing.

Dream froze when he heard something, sounded like screaming. Dream's eyes widened and he ran back to where he left George, Sapnap and Bad. "Guys?!" He skidded to a halt, looking around. No one was there. "Hello?"

He got no response. Dream frowned, and started to look for his friends, calling their names.

He walked up the stairs. On the second floor, Dream was met with more doors that led to more rooms. He walked into one room, and saw George.

George was sitting against the wall, his knees up to his chest and his hands over his ears. "George?" Dream went over to him.

George had his eyes squeezed shut, he was shivering. Dream placed a hand over George's shoulder, "George, snap out of it!"

George let out another scream after being touched, and then he blinked his eyes open. "Dream!" George sobbed out, "Oh my god!" He reached out and hugged Dream.

"What happened?" Dream asked.

George took a few seconds to catch his breath and stop shaking, "God..." He whispered, "I don't know.. We were trying to think of how we could get out, and then there was this.. thing. And we all just ran!" George tried his best to explain, "It was terrifying."

Dream sighed, "Okay.. do you know where the others went?" George shook his head, "Okay... Come on, we have to go look for them."

George's grip on Dream tightened, "I don't want to go back out there!"

Dream sighed, "It's okay, George." He grinned, "I'll protect you." He chuckled.

George huffed but then nodded. He let go of Dream, following him out of the room.


Bad's heart was pounding, and he found himself on the ground. He didn't remember how he got there, everything was a blur. Bad closed his eyes, catching his breath.

Just as he was about to stand up, a figure standing in front of him startled him. "Ah!" He yelped.

The figure stared down at Bad, holding out a book. Bad stared at the book, and he took it. "What..?" Bad whispered and looked up, the figure was gone. Bad flipped through the books pages. All the pages were blank.

Bad tilted his head, "Huh..." He stood up, and looked around. He was surrounded by book shelves. His eyes were drawn to one particular shelf. The books on it were toppling over, and Bad assumed that the book he was holding was taken from there.

He hesitated, but then put the book into his sweater's pocket. "Dream?" He called out, "Sapnap? George?" He started to look for his friends.

What Bad didn't notice, was a dark creature following behind him.

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