Chapter 6:

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My mom told me I was a blunder of God

Bad watched as everyone spoke amongst each other. Dream tried to explain what happened.

Bad found himself continuously thinking about how he was going to get everyone out alive. He frowned at the thought of watching them all die in front of him again. Bad quickly shook his head, "Guys, I really think that we should check the basement. All of us."

Dream hesitated, glancing at everyone else and then nodded, "Okay, lead the way, Bad."

Bad smiled, waiting for everyone, and then going back through the tunnel. He took everyone down to the first floor, walked down behind the stairs, and opened the door that was there. Behind that door, was another flight of stairs.

Bad continued to lead the others down those stairs. His heart ached at his plan, but he kept going. "Over here." Bad stopped at a large, iron-like door. He grunted and pushed it open, everyone piled inside. Inside the room was a large cell.

Bad glanced around, "I have a plan.. and we can all go in there to.."

Sapnap interrupted him, "You want us to get in that cage-thing? We'll be sitting ducks!" He shouted.

Bad flinched and then shooo his head, "No! You see.. we can lead it over, and then.."

Dream sighed, "Calm down, Sapnap." He walked over, "Bad isn't an idiot. I'm sure he has a plan that will work." Dream said, and then let everyone go inside the cell.

Bad held back tears. The thought of lying to his friends hurt him. Once everyone was inside, Bad acted like he was going to go inside too, before swiftly slamming the cell door.

Dream rushed to the bars, "Wait, Bad." He blinked, "What the hell?"

Bad couldn't looked at Dream, "I'm sorry.. I'll be back soon!" He forced a smile, but it quickly faded when everyone stared at him with hurt in their eyes. "Y-you can be angry but... I promise I'll be back.. and I'm trying to protect you."

He met Skeppy's gaze, and hesitated. "But... don't worry." Bad whispered, "Even if I mess up I can..." He shook his head, ignoring his friends who were shouting at him to open the door. He looked back at Skeppy and forced a smile, "You know.. I love you too." He said and then ran.

Skeppy shouted after Bad, "Hey! You better get back here!" He tried to hold back tears.

"Calm down, you guys!" Wilbur shouted at them. Everyone turned to face Wilbur. "Like Dream said, Bad isn't an idiot. He must know what he's doing."


Bad raced up the stairs to the second floor. "I'm here! Please don't hurt them again!" He looked around, he got no response. Bad frowned and then ran to a room that was previously locked.

When he opened the door, he was met with the creature, glaring at him. Bad stares into its eyes, "I-I'm here. Please, let us go."

"You.. cannot escape."

The creature growled, Bad could hear it as if it was talking in his head. Bad flinched, spreading his wings, "If you won't let us go then..." He held his hand out to the side, he summoned a weapon. "I'll have to fight you!" He yelled.

The creature threw itself at Bad, hitting him to the ground. Bad grunted when he hit the ground, he quickly got up. Bad went to stab the creature in the chest, but in the last second, it jumped out of the way.

Bad fell over again, and out of panic, he summoned a sort of shield around him. "No! I don't—" He yelped as the creature hit the side of the shield. It only took another hit for the shield to break, and he couldn't get away in time to escape a dark energy-like attack.

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