Chapter 4:

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Get ready because I am about to take everyone's heart and crush it with one hand

Bad's heart dropped. "Skeppy, please." He whimpered. His grip on Skeppy tightened.

That's when Dream rushed in, "Bad!" He gasped.

Bad looked over, "D-Dream! I tried to save him.. I did!"

Dream walked over, staring at Skeppy, "What happened?"

"That thing.. it came in and.." He sniffled, "Skeppy's dead!" He sobbed, hugging Dream tightly.

Dream hugged Bad back, whispering, "It's okay, Bad... We should go."

"I can't leave him here!" Bad shouted, "He means too much to me."

Dream frowned, "I know, Bad but..." He glanced at Skeppy, "He's gone now... and now that we know this monster can kill us, we have to work on saving the ones who are still alive."

Bad wiped away tears, "What are we going to do with him?"

Dream stood up, helping Bad stand too, "We have to go. That thing.. it's strong. It broke the lock."

Bad gasped, "No one's hurt. Right?"

Dream hesitated, "We all survived, but Sapnap's missing.. Tubbo is really hurt.."

Bad blinked and then ran back to the second floor. He rushed into their safe room.

George was wrapping a torn, old sheet around Tubbo's arm. Tubbo's eyes were shut tightly, his teeth gritted. Tommy was on the other side of him, talking to him to make him feel better.

Bad went over, "What happened?"

Tommy blinked, "That thing just.. came out of nowhere!" He tried to explain, but then went back to talking to Tubbo.

Bad looked at George, "Where did Sapnap go?"

"He said something about going to find you.. and then he didn't come back."

Bad stood up, "I'm going to go look for him.." He wiped away his tears, "I'll be back."

Bad left the room, going to find Sapnap. He desperately hoped that he could find his friend, alive. Bad went down to the first floor, and walked down the hallway to his left.

Bad noticed drops of blood on the floor, and panic set in. He started to run, wanting to be there for Sapnap. He didn't want him to be alone.

Bad ran into the kitchen, seeing Sapnap slumped against the wall right away. "Sapnap!" Bad rushed over, helping him stand, "What happened?"

"I went up to the third floor.." Sapnap explained weakly, coughing. "And then that thing chased me... I couldn't get away fast enough."

Bad helped Sapnap get to the others, and when the returned, Sapnap collapsed.

George ran over, calling Sapnap's name.

Bad sat beside Sapnap, who looked at the others, "You all need to get out of here.." He hugged himself as pain shot through his body. "I'm sure I saw more stairs... I think there's a basement."

George blinked away tears, "You'll show us, right? We'll get you fixed up and you'll show us to the basement!"

Sapnap stared at George, and then smiled. "Yeah.. I'll show you.." He glanced at Dream, "While I'm.. getting better.. you'll take care of everyone, right?"

Dream nodded, hiding the fact that he was crying. Sapnap closed his eyes, falling limp.

George sobbed out Sapnap's name, holding him close.

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