Chapter 7:

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What if I made an art book to just dump everything I have? Lmao could you imagine?

Hours passed before Wilbur and Tommy left the room. Wilbur looked at Skeppy, "You can go see him.." He said softly.

Skeppy quickly got up and rushed into the room. He stopped in the doorway, letting out a choked sob. "Oh Bad..." He slowly walked over.

Bad was laid out in the middle of the floor on the sheets that Tommy had collected. And the flower was carefully placed into his hands.

Skeppy fell to his knees, "Hey, Bad.." he took a deep breath, "Come on, man." His voice broke, "We were supposed to make muffins together... Wh-what the fuck Bad?" He stared at Bad's face for any sort of reaction.

Bad's eyes remained closed, and his expression was blank. Skeppy frowned, reaching for Bad's hand  continuing to talk to Bad.

Wilbur watched Skeppy, and then looked down at Bad's bag in his hands. He stared at it for a few seconds before he pulled out a book. He flipped through the blank pages, humming. "How odd." He whispered, going to Dream.

Dream was just outside the room, standing with George. "Dream, can I talk to you?" He asked. Dream nodded and followed Wilbur up the the third floor.

"Yeah, what's up?" Dream asked.

Wilbur handed Dream the book, "I think there's a way to save Bad."

Dream looked at the book and then raised an eyebrow, "No offence, Wilbur.. but he's a little beyond saving."

Wilbur chuckled softly, "That's where I think you're wrong." He took the book back, flipping through to the middle of the book, "I think there's something special about this book. Now, you may think I'm crazy, but I think there's a way to go back to just before we all went into the mansion."

Dream tilted his head, "What do you mean by that?"

Wilbur hummed, "Bad said something interesting when he was talking to Skeppy. He said something about a 'last time' and their roles being reversed." Wilbur explained, starting to pace, "And also as soon as Skeppy, Tommy, Tubbo and I arrived, it was like Bad was expecting us." He stopped in front of Dream. "I think Bad used this book to time travel. If he could do it, so can we."

Dream stared at Wilbur like he had two heads. "Wilbur.. I don't think that's possible. Even if it was, Bad was a demon. We're just regular humans. It might just be a demon thing..." Dream turned away, going back to George.

Wilbur watched Dream go, and then looked at the book. "I can go back, right? It has nothing to do with being a demon or whatever." He whispered. He flipped through the pages again, still blank.

"I'm not giving up on you." Wilbur said to the book before going back to the second floor. He pulled Tommy and Tubbo aside. "Go to that bunker place, I have to talk to you guys when Skeppy's done."

Tommy and Tubbo nodded, leaving. Wilbur glanced at Dream, who was avoiding his gaze. He huffed in annoyance, waiting for Skeppy.

It took a while, but Skeppy finally left the room. George walked with Skeppy to where Tommy and Tubbo had went off to.

Dream walked over to the door. He whispered something to Bad, before closing the door and then locking it. He, Sapnap and Wilbur went to meet the others too.

In their safe room, Wilbur pulled Tommy and Tubbo aside once more. "Come with me, you guys. I don't believe that thing is dead.."

Tubbo tilted his head, "You want us to come with you to find it? Isn't that a little dangerous?"

Wilbur was about to explain his reasoning, when Sapnap caught his eye. "I'm going to look for any more hidden keys." Sapnap said and quickly left.

Wilbur narrowed his eyes, "Change of plans." He whispered to the two teenagers. And then he announced that they're going to help Sapnap.

Sapnap walked down to the basement, heading past the room they were locked in, and down another hall. "Hello?" Sapnap stopped walking, looking up.

Wilbur hid behind a cabinet with Tommy and Tubbo behind him. Wilbur was positive that Sapnap knew they were there, but he was talking to something else.

Wilbur looked up, noticing that there was a hole in the wall, up high. He tilted his head.

A familiar face poked their head out of the hole, saying something to Sapnap. Wilbur gritted his teeth.

Tommy whispered to Wilbur, "What's Fundy doing here?"

Wilbur shrugged in response. He couldn't ignore the feeling that Sapnap might be up to no good.

"Took you long enough." Sapnap called up to Fundy.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the place and then—"

"I don't need your excuses! I just want to get out of here. I..." He hesitated, "Bad's was the first this time."

"This time?" Fundy tilted his head, trying to understand what Sapnap was saying. He shook his head, "No, tell us later. Come on." Fundy threw down a rope and Sapnap got ready to climb up.

Wilbur quickly took action, wrapping his arms around Sapnap from behind. "I don't think so!" Sapnap yelped, tugging the rope. The tug on the rope caused Fundy to lose his balance and fall, and the other person that was there fell too.

"God dammit!" Sapnap groaned in annoyance.

Wilbur looked at Fundy, and then at the other person, "Who are you?" He asked them.

They smiled awkwardly, "Ouch.. Ah.. You can call me Ant!"

Wilbur huffed, "You guys are coming with me." He dragged Sapnap back to the safe room.

Tommy and Tubbo walked with Fundy and Ant, uncomfortable with the awkward silence.

Tubbo glanced at Sapnap, glaring as he confirmed that Sapnap did indeed know something that they didn't. Possibly something about the creature.

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