Chapter 10:

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I spent the whole day at a National Park so that was pretty fun not gonna lie

Also do you like my new profile picture?

"I'm not sure about this, Skeppy..." Bad whispered.

Skeppy sighed, "You know what, Bad? Neither am I but..." he paused, thinking, "We can do it!"

Bad grinned, "Yeah! You're right!" Skeppy hugged Bad tightly, whispering something to him.

Meanwhile, Wilbur was talking with Tommy and Tubbo about what he was thinking. "Like Skeppy suggested, one of us will lure the creature out while the rest of us hide."

Tubbo spoke up, "I can lure it out."

Tommy quickly turned to Tubbo, "Are you crazy? No way, I can do it."

Tubbo shook his head, "I volunteered first."

Wilbur looked between them, and then closed his eyes, nodding. "Okay." He then called everyone else's attention. "Tubbo will lure out the creature while the rest of us hide and wait."

Everyone else didn't look very sure about the plan, but they all nodded anyway.

Tubbo took a deep breath before grabbing his sword, "Let's go soon then." Tommy stood up with Tubbo, trying to convince him to change his mind.

Wilbur went over to Bad, handing him the book. "Of anything goes wrong, you know what to do." He said quietly.

Bad frowned, "Right..." He put the book into his bag. "Okay, everyone. We should go now." He said and then left through the tunnel. The others followed Bad, and Tubbo trailed behind.

They piled into another room, and then each found a place to hide. Tubbo went to a different part of the mansion.

"Hey!" He shouted, nervously. "Monster thing!"

A growl sounded from behind him, but nothing was there when he turned around. Tubbo gulped, holding up his sword. "C-come on.."

Out of nowhere, the creature jumped out at Tubbo, swiping at him. Tubbo used his sword to block the creature, making him fall over.

Tubbo swiftly got back to his feet and ran to the room where the others were, "Can't catch me, you bastard!" The creature roared behind him, and followed.

Tubbo rushed into the room, losing his footing and then falling. The creature quickly caught up, and then held Tubbo down.

Wilbur watched as the creature got ready to fire a bright light-like energy at Tubbo. He jumped out of his spot and covered Tubbo.

Everyone else jumped out of their spots to cover for Wilbur and distract the creature.

Tubbo dragged the wounded Wilbur to the side, out of the way, before joining in on the fight.

Dream landed a hit onto the creature's legs, only to be knocked back by it. Dream hit a wall pretty hard.

Tommy also got knocked back, and then George and Sapnap, and then Skeppy.

Bad panicked. Wilbur was covering his eyes with his hands, Tubbo was down, Tommy was down... He was sure that they weren't going to win this.

Bad summoned his own weapon, and slashed at the creature. It growled in pain, going to attack Bad, who jumped out of the way.

Bad went to slash at it again, but was stopped by it. It kicked Bad down, and then held him down.

Bad, in a panic, reached into his bag and pulled out the book. "Stay back.. you know I'll do it again!" He held the book up in defence, trying his best to go back.

The creature growled, demonic energy surrounded the creature, and it sent the energy after Bad.

Bad pushed through the pain, waiting until the energy disappeared. Once it did, Bad summoned a fire ball, sending it at the creature.

The creature roared, countering the fireball and then sending it back at Bad.

Once Bad was hit, his eyes widened in horror when he saw the book had set on fire. "Wait no!" He desperately reached for it, but failed.

The book burned until it was nothing but smoke and ash.

The creature stared at Bad, seemingly laughing at him.

Bad turned to the others with wide eyes, and he whispered to himself, "I don't think we're going to win this..."

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