Chapter 11: Ending

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Here's a thing I made

As Bad laid on the ground, the creature slowly approached him. Bad stared up at it in fear.

He reached for his weapon, holding it up, "I'm not going to give up. I know you want me to but..." He stood up.

Skeppy looked up, seeing Bad. Ignoring how much his body hurt, he stood up and went to back Bad up. "Yeah!"

Bad took a step in front of Skeppy just in case the creature were to attack, he could block it. "Just let us go." He whispered.

The creature snapped, tackling Bad to the ground and stabbing Bad's own weapon into him.

Bad winced, but quickly recovered from the pain. He stared the creature in the eyes and laughed. He escaped the creature's grasp and he held out his hand, going to do something he should've done a while ago.

Bad summoned another fireball, but instead of sending it at the creature, he sent it straight into the ground. "Everyone, please run!" He shouted at the others.

Skeppy took Bad's hand, running out of the room.

Dream and Tommy helped Wilbur stand and out of the room, Tubbo was right behind them.

George was trying to get Sapnap to go. Sapnap had his eyes locked on the creature as it slowly got trapped in a wall of fire.

It met Sapnap's gaze and snarled at him. Sapnap gritted his teeth before running with George. The raced to the first floor, the door was still closed.

"The basement!" George pulled Sapnap away, narrowly avoiding part of the ceiling that fell. The ran down the stairs, and met with the others.

Wilbur was slumped against a wall, covering his eyes with his hands. Tubbo went over to him, "Wilbur, are you alright?"

"Of course he's alright!" Tommy cut in before Wilbur could speak, "He's fine."

Wilbur didn't answer them, just chuckled quietly. "I'll be fine just..."

Tommy frowned, "Just..?" Wilbur moved his hands, staring blankly ahead. Tommy got down on his knees, trying to get Wilbur's attention, "Will? How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked as he held up his index and middle finger.

Wilbur was silent, not wanting to admit what happened. "Heh.. I'm sorry, Tommy." Tommy's eyes widened. "I can't see anymore."

Bad overheard their conversation, tuning out once Tommy started yelling out of worry. Bad's eyes were locked on the stairs that led to the first floor.

An ear piercing shriek echoed throughout the mansion, everyone covered their ears in response. Bad's eyes widened and he rushed up the stairs.

Everything around him was on fire. The ceiling was caving in, and Bad had to jump out of the way a couple of times to avoid falling debris.

Something at the end of the hall he was in caught his eye. An open door. And on the others side was the outside world. Bad gasped, quickly running back to the basement.

"We aren't safe if we stay here! The door's open, if we hurry we can get out!" He told the others, hopefully.

They looked at Bad, unsure if that would work. Wilbur got to his feet, relying on Tommy for support. "Come on, we don't have much of a choice."

And so they set off. First Dream went up the stairs, and then George and Sapnap, Tommy and Tubbo helped Wilbur, and Bad took Skeppy's hand.

On the first floor, the fire was much more intense. Dream dropped to the floor, crawling towards the, now opened, door.

Everyone else followed Dream. All that Bad could hear was the sound of his friend coughing from the smoke, and the sound of the blazing fire.

He didn't realize that he zoned out until he realized that everyone made it out. Bad smiled. They did it!

He also dropped to the floor, crawling towards the exit. He tried to not get distracted by falling debris, or the occasional shadow that passed by in the corner of his eyes. It was nothing.

He was almost out, and he let out a sigh of relief when he made it outside. Bad did a quick head count, making sure everyone was there.

Once he was confident that they were all there, they started running to avoid the burning mansion from falling on them.

Bad stopped by the mansion's gates, and he looked back. He watched it all collapse, feeling a quick pang of sadness for it.

His heart dropped when he saw two white eyes staring at him. He took a step back, glaring. "We've won. You can't get us anymore." He said out loud, before running to catch up to the others.

Bad couldn't help but feel guilty. He didn't have the book anymore, so he couldn't go back to make sure Wilbur wouldn't be blinded.

Wilbur seemed to catch on to what Bad was feeling, "Don't feel bad, I'll live."

Bad frowned, nodding, "If you say so."

Wilbur cautiously made his way back to Tommy and Tubbo. Bad watched them, and then looked to Skeppy.

"I can't believe we're out."

Bad nodded, "It's hard to believe.."

"I don't.. I don't know what happened back there, with all those time loops and stuff but..." Skeppy looked up at the sky, mesmerized by the clouds. "I'm glad it's all over now."

"I'm glad I could save everyone.." Bad whispered. "I'm glad I only had to go through.. that once."

Bad stopped walking, staring at his feet. Skeppy also stopped, looking at him. "What's wrong?"

Bad looked up at Skeppy, "Nothing.. I'm just overwhelmingly happy." He said, and then hugged Skeppy tightly.

Skeppy laughed and then hugged Bad back, "I'm happy too."

Bad pulled away from the hug, "Okay, let's catch up to the others!"

Skeppy nodded, running with Bad to the rest of the group.

While they were running, Bad caught sight of Sapnap. Sapnap was off the path, talking to someone on his phone.

Bad raised an eyebrow, but brushed it off. It wasn't his business, and all he could focus on was how it was all over.

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