Chapter 8:

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I'd like to share this image I took after stealing Tubbo's skin

Wilbur threw Sapnap to the ground. "Care to explain what you were doing?"

Sapnap grunted, "Ow! Watch it!" He glared at Wilbur.

Dream and the others looked over, "Wilbur? What happened?" He went over to help Sapnap up. And then he noticed Antfrost and Fundy. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I was trying to get help!" Sapnap hissed at Wilbur, "Until you came and trapped them in here too!"

"Bullshit!" Wilbur snapped, "You were going to just leave us here!"

"That's not true!"

Tubbo cut in, "Wh-what do you know about the creature, Sapnap?"

Sapnap glared at Tubbo, "I don't know anything about it aside from the fact that it's similar to Bad."

That's when Skeppy shouted, "You say that like it's a bad thing that he's a demon!"

"Was, you mean. He was a demon." Sapnap stared at Skeppy.

Skeppy lost it, he ran at Sapnap and tackled him to the ground, "What did you do?!"

Sapnap held onto Skeppy's wrists to keep him from getting hit. "Are you blaming me for this?"

"Maybe I am!"

Wilbur and Dream pulled Skepp off of Sapnap, "Calm down, Skeppy." Wilbur growled, "I'm angry at him too but—"

"He's the cause of this! I know it!" Skeppy tried to free himself from Dream and Wilbur's grasp, but failed.

He eventually gave up, and stormed off. Glancing at everyone, Wilbur went after Skeppy.

Skeppy was sitting beside the locked door where Bad was left, hugging his knees. "What are we going to do?"

Wilbur tilted his head. "With what?"

"Bad's gone.. That creature might still be around.. And Sapnap might be the cause of.... something!" He stood up, "We might be totally screwed!"

Wilbur blinked and then nodded, "I get it. Why don't we continue to try and find a way out?"

Skeppy sighed, pacing. "Okay.. okay." He nodded, following Wilbur.

Wilbur went up to the top floor, going into the only room. He looked around, it looked like a library. "See anything out of the ordinary?"

"I don't know what the ordinary would be here." Skeppy looked around, freezing when the door creaked open.

Wilbur and Skeppy turned to the door, and there was the creature. It roared at them, making the two scream.

"Wilbur!! What are we going to do?!" He took a step back. Wilbur pulled out the book that Bad was carrying and noticed that the pages weren't blank anymore.

"I knew it..." He whispered, and then grabbed Skeppy's arm. "I have a plan, you're just going to have to trust me!"

Skeppy raised an eyebrow, glancing from Wilbur to the creature.

Wilbur held tightly onto the book, mumbling something over and over.

"Wilbur...!" Skeppy tried to get him to focus on their current situation.

Wilbur held the book up as some sort of defence. Right as the creature lunged at them, Skeppy screamed.

Skeppy quickly opened his eyes. The creature was gone, "Are we dead?"

Wilbur looked around and then shook his head, "I don't think so."

The door swung open, and someone came running in, screaming. They paused and stared at Wilbur and Skeppy.

Skeppy gasped, "Bad!"

Bad blinked and then smiled, "Skeppy!" He chirped, but then his smile quickly faded, "Wait..." He glanced at Wilbur, "I thought you guys were supposed to come through the front door..." He whispered to himself, just loud enough for Skeppy and Wilbur to hear.

Skeppy looked at Wilbur. What was he talking about? And how was Bad here..? "Wilbur, what did you do?"

Wilbur went over to Bad, "Where are the others?"

Bad looked around, "Dream was looking for a way out.. Sapnap scattered along with me and George."

Wilbur placed a hand on Bad's shoulder, "Bad, do you know what happened?"

Bad stared at Wilbur, "Do you know..?"

Wilbur nodded, holding up the book.

Bad tilted his head and then dug through his bag, "How did you..?"

"Bad, we need your help. We're from the second loop."

Skeppy tilted his head, "Loop? Guys! What is going on? How is Bad alive?"

"Second loop..? Like.. But wait no, that doesn't make any sense! I only went back once! And what do you mean by 'how is Bad alive'?" Bad pointed at Skeppy.

Skeppy put his hands up in defence, "Bad, I have no idea what's going on. You're asking the wrong person!"

Bad looked at Wilbur, who stared at him. "I know it's confusing, Bad. Any sort of time thing is confusing. But you have to listen to us, Bad."

Bad stared at Wilbur, confusedly. "Okay..."

"I know you're planning to lock everyone in the basement.. don't do it. Sapnap is planning something and—"

Bad gasped and turned around, "Wait! What about Tommy and Tubbo. If you're already here, they might come alone!"

Wilbur flinched at the sound of a loud crash from one of the other floors, and then they heard a scream. "Shit!" Wilbur shouted, pushing past Bad, "We might've already fucked this up!" He raced down to the first floor.

Skeppy and Bad followed after Wilbur, worried for Tommy and Tubbo.

Anxiety filled Bad's chest. Things were drastically different than last time. He pondered how he was going to save everyone when Tommy interrupted his thoughts.

"Wilbur what the fuck?!" He gasped, falling back.

Bad saw Wilbur push Tommy away, taking a blow from the creature. Wilbur winced.

Bad rushed over to Wilbur, "Come on!"

Skeppy watched with wide eyes and then remembered their safe room. It should sti be there. "Come on, Bad. And you guys too," he pointed at Tommy and Tubbo, "I know a place."

Skeppy led them to the hole behind the cabinet, making sure they all got in before the creature got to them.

Skeppy narrowly avoided the creature's next attack, letting out a sigh when it missed him. He made his way into the room, he helped Bad lay Wilbur down onto a bed that was there.

He looked around, "Where's Dream, George and Sapnap..?"

Tommy looked around as well, and then shook his head, "I don't know?"

Skeppy rolled his eyes, and watched Wilbur closely.

"Is he going to be okay?" Tubbo asked, looking at Bad and Skeppy.

Bad nodded, smiling reassuringly. "Of course! Don't worry. I'm going to find Dream and them, I'll be back." He said before leaving.

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