Chapter 5:

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Disgaea 6 Disgaea 6 Disgaea 6
Hell yeah im hype
Also I saw a tiktok about Remember me and it's sequel and I was shook but it was amazing

I also have a tiktok, @dangervest.rex

Bad blinked, staring at Dream, and then the others were there too. "You guys!" He gasped, trying not to cry.

Dream turned to Bad, "What?" He tilted his head. "Are you okay?"

Bad nodded quickly, looking down at his feet, "Yeah! I'm fine just..."

Sapnap laughed, going to the front door. "Sounds like Bad is scaaaared." He teased and then tried to open the door.

Bad shook his head quickly, "No! Uh..but don't you think we should head back?"

Sapnap shook his head, "No way! We walked hours to get here." He kicked the door a few times, gasping as it swung open. "Holy shit—" He gasped, and then turned to the others, "I'm going to take a look inside."

Bad panicked as Dream and George followed Sapnap inside. He raced after them and held the door open, "Wh-why doesnt one of us stay outside, just in case the door—" Bad yelped and stumbled inside as the door seemed to slam on its own.

Bad stares at the door, and then immediately tried to open it. "Oh no.." He managed to go back, back to before they all entered the mansion but... "It's all playing out just the same." He whispered, trying not to cry.

He assumed that no matter how many times he keeps going back, he'll still have to watch his friends die, over and over again.

He gritted his teeth, shaking his head. He's not going to allow that. No matter what it takes, he's going to try and get everyone out alive.

"I promise." He whispered, more quietly.

He watched as Dream walked off, and scrambled away with George and Sapnap as the creature made its first appearance. Only this time nothing was there, on the top floor, to give him that book.

Bad took a moment to calm down before running down to the second floor. Instead of running into Sapnap, he ran into Dream.

Dream caught himself before he could fall, "Bad!" He smiled, "What happened? I heard screaming."

Bad smiled slightly and then looked around, "A creature.. came out of nowhere."

Dream tilted his head, and then walked into a room. There was no one there. Dream looked around, under the bed and then in the cabinet.

Dream let out a scream, startled by George who was sitting inside. George screamed in response, "Dream! You scared me!"

"What are you doing in here?"

"Some.. thing came out and we all just ran!" George reached out for Dream. Dream helped George get out. "Bad!" He looked around, "Were's Sapnap?"

Bad shrugged, "I don't know.. he must be hiding too." He looked away.

Dream walked out of the room, looking for Sapnap. George and Bad followed closely, Bad was paying much more attention than he was last time. A small creak, coming from the floor above, made Bad shove George and Dream into another room, they all hid.

Loud footsteps walked past the door of the room they were in, and Bad let out a sigh. Once he was positive that the creature was gone, Bad led everyone out of the room.

George rubbed his arm, nervously, "There's a lot of rooms here.. how do we know that Sapnap is here?"

Bad was about to say something, when Sapnap came running and crashed into him. "Holy shit!" He wheezed out, "Oh! Hi guys!" He looked up at Dream and George, before helping Bad up.

Bad quickly looked around, "We should.. find somewhere to stay. It's getting dark."

Sapnap nodded, "I found a place with a lock, that thing won't come for us if we go there."

"Why don't we try the basement?" Bad blurted out.

Dream tilted his head, "There's a basement too?"

Bad nodded, "Y-yeah. We should all go down there. It might be safe."

George shook his head, "You know.. There's a small tunnel that I found in that cabinet dresser thing. It might lead somewhere."

Bad frowned, and panicked as he was outvoted. "Okay... let's go see that."

George led the others to the cabinet he hid in. He crawled inside, so did Dream, and then Sapnap. And lastly, Bad crawled inside. He made his way through the tunnel, trying not to panic at how small it was.

When they all reached the end of the tunnel, they were met with what seemed like an old bunker. "Huh..." And then he quickly remembered, "Hey, Wait! I forgot something I'll... be right back." And before the others could protest, Bad crawled back through the tunnel.

He ran down to the first floor, just in time. "Skeppy!" He cried, so happy to see his friend again. Bad ran over and hugged Skeppy, tightly.

Skeppy stumbled, "Wh-whoa! Hey Bad!" Skeppy hugged Bad back.

Tommy and Tubbo glanced at them, and then at each other. To them, it was like Bad was expecting them.

Bad looked to make sure everyone was there. Sure enough, there was Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. He met Wilbur's eyes, he was staring intently at him. Bad shivered at that look, like he knew something Bad didn't, then took Skeppy's hand, "Come on. Dream, George and Sapnap are up here."

He took everyone through the tunnel, and smiled as they all met again. They didn't seem to question Bad.

Bad glanced at Skeppy, and awkwardly shuffled his feet. "Um..."

Skeppy looked at Bad, "What?"

Bad was quiet, he started fiddling with his fingers, "I um..." He stuttered, "I-I'm glad you're here." He smiled.

Skeppy blinked and then smiled too, "Yeah..!"

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