Chapter 9:

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Turns out I was accidentally snorting cocaine

(That's just a joke don't worry, I don't do drugs I'm 18 not of age)

Bad made his way to the only other room that had a lock. He tried to open it, and sure enough it was locked. Bad knocked on the door, and then Dream opened the door.

"Ah! Bad." Dream gasped, "We were so worried about you!"

Bad smiled slightly, "Dream... Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur are here. There's a much safer place than this..."

Dream glanced at the sleeping George and Sapnap, and then nodded, "Okay.. I'll wake them up."

Bad walked in to help Dream wake George and Sapnap. George opened his eyes, huffing. "Did something happen...?"

"Bad's here, he's going to take us to Wilbur who's.. apparently here." He quickly looked away.

Sapnap sat up, groaning, "You're saying we're not safe in a room with a lock?"

Bad shook his head, "I'm not saying that.. but the creature can't get into this place.. you have to trust me, Sapnap." He looked Sapnap in the eyes.

Sapnap glared at Bad, hesitating. Bad noticed that something flashed in Sapnap's eyes, he looked a little sad. Bad smiled reassuringly, "I'd never willingly put you in danger, Sapnap." He held his hand out.

Sapnap sighed and took Bad's hand, "Fine.." He stood up, and followed Bad, along with Dream and George.

Bad took them through the hole behind the cabinet, and met with the others. Wilbur was sitting up, possibly feeling better after what happened.

Dream met Wilbur's eyes, almost questioningly. He remembered something that Wilbur had said to him, so he walked over to him, whispering, "Wilbur, what's going on?"

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" Dream wasn't with them when he and Skeppy went back.. so Dream must've been talking about something else.

Dream lowered his voice, "How is Bad... you know."

"Alive?" Wilbur questioned, and Dream nodded. "How do you remember that?"

"I don't know.. I don't know what's going on." Dream glanced at the others.

Wilbur whispered, "I told you there was something about that book."

Dream's focus went back to Wilbur, "So you went back and...?"

Wilbur nodded, "I brought Skeppy with me, so he kind of knows what's going on."

"Do you know what's going on?"

Wilbur hesitated, "Well... Kind of. Dream, I want us to keep a close eye on Sapnap. He might try something again."

Dream frowned, looking over at his friend, "I don't want to believe that Sapnap would do something like that..."

Wilbur closed his eyes, sighing. "I understand but..." he shook his head, "We'll talk about it later. We all need to have a discussion about that creature."

Wilbur walked to the others, "Okay, everyone. I have a suspicion about how to stop this creature-thing." Everyone turned to look at Wilbur. "As we know, the similarities of this creature and Bad are almost uncanny."

Bad shifted uncomfortably, but he didn't say anything. He let Wilbur continue.

"What I think is.. I think Bad is the only thing that can kill it."

Bad shot up. Skeppy frowned, glancing at Bad. He looked at Wilbur, "But what about—"

"Because of this thought of mine... I think if we all work together we can kill that creature and get out." He paused, waiting for the others reactions.

Skeppy looked worried. Wilbur understood why, but if they were all together then they could do it.

"If we can distract the creature, while Bad delivers the final blow, we can win." Wilbur glanced at Tommy and Tubbo, who already seemed on board. Of course they did.

Dream glanced at the others, who all seemed unsure. He was unsure too. From what he remembered, things didn't end well when Bad tried to fight with that thing.

"It's worth a shot.." Bad spoke up, smiling nervously, "Right?" He glanced at the others, waiting for any kind of reaction.

Skeppy sighed, defeated. "Bad's right. We should try, we can like.. use one of us as bait to lure the creature and then ambush it, keeping its attention away from Bad!"

Wilbur nodded along, "We can wait at least a day, but we won't have long.. It's only a matter of time before we die of dehydration or starvation."

Dream nodded, along with George and Sapnap. "It's a good plan."

Wilbur closed his eyes, "So we all agree? Good. Now we should all get some rest before we figure out who will lure the creature."

Bad kept the half-way smile on his face, but he was really nervous. Worried that they would all fail.

Skeppy took Bad's hand, smiling at him, which made Bad calm down a little. Bad smiled back at Skeppy.

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