Chapter 2:

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I just want to sleep early so I can be up early and go to lunch with my mom, is that so much to ask?

So anyway, cover's done!

Dream walked down a hallway on the second floor, with George following him. He checked a few of the rooms, none of them had Sapnap or Bad in them.

At the end of the hall, Dream checked the last room. Inside, Sapnap was there, sitting on a bed and gripping on a sword. "Sapnap!" Dream smiled, "There you are!"

Sapnap whirled around, pointing the blade at Dream and George. When he realized who they were, he sighed and lowered the sword. "You guys are alright.."

Dream went over to Sapnap, "Are you okay?"

Sapnap nodded, "Yeah.. just a little shaken up."

Dream nodded too, glancing at George.

George was staring at the door, his eyes wide. "Do you guys hear that?" He whispered.

Sapnap's eyes widened when the door knob started to jiggle. Part of him told him that it could have been Bad, but he didn't want to risk it. "We should hide." He whispered too, looking around.

Dream, Sapnap and George quickly hid under the beds. As soon as they settled into their spot, the door swung open.

Dream tried to get a good look at who came in, but retreated back to under bed in fear of being seen.

The three of them could see the bottom of a large, black creature. It stomped its way across the room.

Dream blinked, holding his breath. He couldn't help but draw a connection between this creature and a certain someone they were all friends with. But there was a huge difference between this thing and Bad. Literally.

The creature was giant. Dream gulped, they would have to find a way out of this mansion soon, before this thing got to them first.

The creature gave up on looking for them, and left the room. Dream let out a breath, "What on earth was that..?" He whispered.

George blinked away tears, "It's so..." he shuddered, "We have to find Bad and get out of here."

Sapnap pulled himself out from under the bed, "We should have some time before that thing comes to look for us again."

"You seem very knowledgeable about that, Sapnap." George stood up.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "I'm making an assumption." He started to leave the room, "Come on."

Dream and George glanced at each other, before following Sapnap. Footsteps sounded from the direction of where they were walking, and Sapnap fell to the ground.

Bad fell on top of Sapnap, after crashing into him. "Ouchie." He whined, "Oh, sorry Sapnap!" Bad quickly got off of him.

"Bad!" Dream went over, "You're okay too."

Bad nodded, smiling. "Yeah..."

"Did you have any run-ins with that thing?" George asked, and Bad shook his head.

"No.. Not that thing at least." He mumbled but then quickly brushed that off, "Dream, did you find a way out."

Dream sighed and shook his head, "No, unfortunately."

Bad shrugged, "Well.. we can keep looking." He smiled. Bad just... gave off this energy that made the other three feel calm, and at ease.

Dream took the lead, "We should find a room to use to hide in for now.. one that locks."

They nodded, following Dream. Dream led them to many different rooms, before finally finding one that had a lock on it. They went inside and Dream closed the door.

George sat down on the floor, hugging his knees. "It's getting late.."

Bad frowned, "I guess we'll have to stay overnight before we can keep looking."

Sapnap yawned and then huffed, "Fuck sleep.." He frowned.

Bad gasped, "Language!" He stood up and went over to the bed that was in the room, "You guys can sleep, I'll keep watch."

George hesitated, but then laid down on the bed. Maybe it was because he was so exhausted, but the bed was extremely comfortable. He seemed to have immediately fallen asleep.

Dream joined George, and then Sapnao did too. Bad smiled at his friends, happy that they could sleep so easily. Bad's focused turned to the door, and he watched it closely.

Bad didn't know how much time had passed, but he realized that he had zoned out a while ago.

He shook his head to regain focus again and then blinked a few times. Glancing at his friends, he nodded, knowing that they were still asleep.

Bad froze when the doorknob started to turn. His heart almost stopped. How did they forget to lock the door?! Bad rushed over to the door but it was too late.

The door creaked open, and Bad got ready to defend his friends from the creature. Relief washed away all of Bad's anxiety when he was face to face with someone he recognized and he smiled brightly.


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