Return - Daichi

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And I'm think if  these walls could talk. This was requested!
Based off many tiktoks

You and your best friend were in your lectures room together

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You and your best friend were in your lectures room together. You're back at college since the spring break, and it's been 3 months since you and your long term boyfriend, Daichi broke up. You barely see him around because he did a course in a different college for his assignments. You knew he was coming back today. You knew you had to face him. Daichi or you don't know why you broke up. Incorrect, ye both broke up because of the constant fighting and questioning in the relationship which ye both agreed wasn't healthy and needed to go your own ways.

You remember all the splendid times the both of you had, from just having cute hiking dates to sitting down at his couch at 4 am talking about the future. It only started to turn for the worse a few months before the breakup. You seem to find it impossible to get over him. The little things reminded you of him and you couldn't imagine doing them without him. You daydreamed in your seat about the two of you starting college 2 years ago.

"y/n babe, how much luggage do you need? We will be home on the weekends" daichi groaned as you giggled. He carried one of your bags to the dorm and you carried the other three.

He brought you on a date that night, he bought you this very expensive necklace which you still wore to this day because of how much you loved it. You frowned as you remember how happy the two of you were, fumbling with your necklace. "Baby no no I thought we were getting rid of the necklac- holy shit, are you okay?" she was about to unclasp the necklace until she saw tears stream down her cheek. "I miss him so much" she whispers as her best friend agrees "I know you do love, but the best thing now is to forget about it okay. He's too focused on his own self he wouldn't be capable to hang out with you 24/7 too" she doodles on her journal as you shot up in your seat. Your facial expressions went from remorseful  to pride as she nodded.

"You right" you uttered and started to take the necklace off "it's over officially once this is off" you let out a huff slowly pulling it off you. What you didn't notice was Daichi about to sit down in homeroom, head leaning against the door as he watched you take off the prized possession. It was very difficult  and very expensive to obtain the chain for her. He even got it engraved. His heart shattered to pieces on the spot and your best friend only noticed him when you pulled the necklace off of you. "Hunny, please dont look up youll- fuck sake you already did" she sighed and blows her fringe out of her face.

You froze up on the spot. This was the first time you saw Daichi in months and the first image he saw of you was the removal of the necklace. You looked into his eyes as you knew you regret talking off the necklace. They weren't teary eyed but was emotionally sickened. He just turned and walked out of the homeroom, you chasing after him "Daichi wait!" you shouted at him as he takes a breather and stops, finally turning to face you.

"Here to give me the necklace?" he asked, looking down at the ground the entire time. He couldn't dare look you in the eyes now. After everything, he still loved you with all his heart. You left out a little puff, sighing "I don't want to, but I know I have to" you whispered as you looked at your right hand. It was clenching the necklace as you were shaking a little bit. Part of you wanted to say "fuck it" and kiss him and ask for him to come back to you. You knew it was futile.
Or so you thought it was, thinking Daichi had moved on as he clearly hasn't. You loosened the grip on the necklace and grabbed his hand, placing the necklace into his left hand, tears seemingly flowing down your cheeks yet again over this man.

He looked at the necklace, him getting agitated as he remembered giving you the necklace and that night. It was one of his favorite nights with you. He enjoyed the whole night and there was no arguments or passive comments happening. All this passive aggressiveness happened 5 months ago all because the two of you became possessive of each other. Ushijima was trying to persue you even though you refused, it broke Daichi. Daichi had fangirl since he was now captain of the colleges volleyball team and he said to you "to keep up with the popularity and support of the team" that he must keep talking to them.

You kept thinking back, how stupid it was. The fighting was over nothing because the two of you were loyal and wouldn't dare go for anyone else, it's still the same way although the breakup happened 3 months ago. You looked at Daichi as he turns you around, pushing your hair aside.

"What are you-" you stuttered as he puts the necklace onto your chest and clasped it at the back "I wouldnt dare think of anyone else wearing this. Never in a million years. I still see you as mine, although we broke up. I-I don't know..... It's has been a difficult few months without you pudding, I wish you were still mine" he murmurs and placed a kiss on your cheek, expecting to get a slap, but you allowed it, some tears falling onto his cheek. He looks at you, gripping your chin and wiping the tears away. You couldn't help but slam into him for a hug, bawling into your arms "I want to try again" you whispered as he nodded, grinning.

"I knew you did. I do too." he whispered and kissed your temple "We should start off nice and slow firstly baby okay?" he whispers and grabbed your hands to feel his hands as you nodded. "perfect, we will try again" you whispered "and none of the jealousy between the two of us" you murmured as he nodded and sighed "I thought Ushijima was going to sweep you off your feet, I mean look at the guy he's smarter, taller, more han-"
"shut up. Dummy. I want you and only you"


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Also. He's beautiful and very underrated prove me wrong

 He's beautiful and very underrated prove me wrong

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