I felt Ethan's ragged breathing on my neck as I lugged him towards the others. The morning air felt as if frozen. No wind blew, no princess songs were ringing in our ears. It was silent. It could've been because the howls of the titans were gone. I was not sure.
Ethan gurgled something that sounded like tangksth. I took that as "thanks". I was guessing he was barely conscious, enough for him to help me carry him without collapsing. He tried to shift all of his weight back onto himself, rather than me.
I mutter under my breath, "No," but Ethan didn't answer. He just straightened his posture, and let go of my shoulder. Instantly, he stumbled back, groaning.
Sadly, midfight, I lost my glasses.
I had no idea if the small dark shadows in front of me were my alive friends or what was left of them. I felt no death like I usually do, only pain, and near-death situations. But that last feeling was almost always.
My boy-that-is-a-friend (see how I phrased that), slid his arms around my neck again, in a piggyback position. I squatted lower to show Ethan I could handle his weight. He grunted, and hopped on, and when I say hopped on, I mean slumped on and put his legs on my hips, hanging on for dear life. I adjusted my weight and stumbled to all the sitting shadows.
Honestly, I was scared to look. Watching Ethan getting slammed head first into a light pole was way over enough. He had crumpled down on the cement and the slightly bent pole started to bend. Then, half way down, the pole snapped and came crashing down, right onto Ethan's head. Oh dear, I really hope the others are okay. And most of all, I hope that our medic/friend/Kas, is still alive and has enough supplies.
I felt so helpless. I had always been a good fighter, right? What is with me now? What did I do to fight? Seconds later, I felt tears run down my cheeks, but little did I know, I was slowly losing consciousness. Before I knew it, I passed out on the crispy feeling grass.
"ZARA!!" Said a muffled yell. Well, it was more of a half sob half yell. Drowsiness washed over me as I tried to sit up and open my crusted over eyes. I groaned.
"What?!" I snapped back.
"Zara!" I felt a wave of relief around me, "Are you okay?" Asked the muffled voice.
"Um..." I looked around at the white wood surrounding me. From the inside it looked like a small half circle covering us. It kind of looked like an igloo in a wa- Wait! Us? I turned back at the lifeless body next to me; Ethan.
There was a puddle of a red substance where his head was laying. Kind of like his head was swimming in a puddle of blood. I gasped. His wavy mane of dark black hair looked dyed in a reddish color. The blood was dry. How long have we been lying here? What is this white igloo? It can't be ice or snow. I'm in Florida.
I sat up, now wide awake, and looked more closely at the igloo. I ran my fingers down the jagged wall. It almost felt as if it were made out of...bones? I rubbed my eyes then sighed. My glasses. I was lost without them. I tapped the bloodstained ground around me.
"Agh!" I groan at last.
"Zara?" The muffled voice asked again.
"I'm okay I think. But..." I looked over at Ethan, "Ethan's here too, and he needs medical help right now!" I started to tremble.
If this thing was made out of bones, I could control them and move them away.
I took a deep breath and willed the bones to move. I felt all the sadness of the souls inside each and every bone. By this point, I was shaking like an earthquake.
"Kas!" I gasped. "What happened? Where are the others?" Kas didn't reply. She just wore the face of a surgeon getting ready to do a heart transplant. I stood up and looked around at all the destroyed benches and street lights. But most of all, I looked at the grass. It was tinted a light shade of gray and some patches were brown. Kas must have noticed my look of confusion, because she answered my question.
"Everyone's okay, um, we aren't sure what happened to the grass or any of the other live things, also, all street lights are dead. We were hoping you would know."
"We?" I ask.
"Thankfully everybody's alive-" She looked over at Ethan's lifeless body. His face was so pale and ghastly, he kind of reminded me of my brother, Nico. Oh, Nico! I hoped he was still alive. But...father wouldn't kill his own son...would he? My attention was snapped back to Kas, "Um, what happened? Is he..." She gulped.
"He's alive. At least I think. Usually I can feel when death is around," Ethan gasped shakily. "See," I rolled my eyes, trying to act calmer than I really was.
Kas knelt down next to Ethan's head, dug in her bag, and pulled out medical tape, a mild soap, water, wipes, a needle, thread, and scissors. I watched as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She pushed up her medic glasses, holding her other arm to her chest.
I was about to ask about it, but she talked first, "Could you help, please?"
"Oh, um, sure," I answer.
I knelt next to her and she asked me to grab the ambrosia and nectar canteen from her bag. I pulled out the zippy-bag of ambrosia first, and took out a square. Then opened the nectar and set it next to me. Ethan groaned as Kas disinfected the wound, but I had to tear my gaze away when she injected the needle. I hated needles. He moaned as I held his hand while Kas stitched his head. Blood dripped down his face and onto the pavement. I whispered to him. Soft, kind words. As soon as Kas cut the stitching thread, Ethan lost all consciousness and started snoring.
"He should live. I'ma go back to -, uh, check on the others," Kas said hastily, watching Ethan snore.
"Okay," I croaked. My throat felt arid and scratchy, but I sat there with him, still holding his hand, watching drool trickle out of his mouth and mix with the blood.
I thought about the bone igloo, the street lights, and the grass. How did this happen? It couldn't have me, could it? I can manipulate bones to protect me, I can bend the darkness, and I can kill living things. Oh no! It was me... I can't tell the others. My powers have gotten stronger and stronger. What if some day my powers take over me? What if I become like my father?
Before I could think more, Kas disrupted my thoughts, "Zara!" Kas yelled a few minutes later, "We have a plan!"

The Next Generation
AdventureFingers of ice, One that can raise the expense, Shifter of lands, The son of rivalry and defence, Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead. A soldier's namesake, The girl who pierces the night, Eyes that shift with every ga...