Fingers of ice,
One that can raise the expense,
Shifter of lands,
The son of rivalry and defence,
Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead.
A soldier's namesake,
The girl who pierces the night,
Eyes that shift with every ga...
When Zara dropped us outside of a hotel in New Orleans, she passed out immediately, I stumbled back. I hated that. There was no light. None. Even in the darkest of places there is always light somewhere. That's what I had learned. But not here. No, it was pitch black, cold, and terrible. I welcomed the blazing sun, shivering as the warmth beat down on my back. I would not do that again. No thank you. Nope. Zilch. Zero. Nada. I embraced the warmth, and didn't notice I was glowing opalescent until I saw the others staring at me.
"What?" I asked, confused. I looked down and concentrated, and soon, I was back to normal, the aura fading away. "Sorry. I just, didn't like that," I mumbled. "Emmi, C. J., can you guys check us into a hotel. I think there's a reason Zara dropped us here," Trying to change the subject, I undid my braids, my unnaturally wavy hair falling into place as I hid behind it. Why were they staring? "Guys, I'm fine," I muttered as I went to check on Sammy, who was just starting to regain consciousness. I knelt down by his head, taking his temperature.
It was unusually cold, but I could feel it heating up by the second. I pushed my glasses up my nose, and checked his vitals, which were growing more stable. Wow, he healed fast. The Zhang boy's golden eyes flickered open, and I pursed my lips and blushed as he flashed a smile.
"Hey, what happened," He said gravelly. I smiled.
"Hi. You overworked yourself, so you passed out. I'm pretty sure we're in New Orleans, and C.J and your sister are checking us into a hotel right now. We're all fine," He pushed himself up, wincing at the slight pain. "Yeah, you're going to be pretty sore for a while," I sighed as I helped him up.
"Thanks, Mira,"
"What did I say about the name?"
"That it's amazing and you don't know why you don't use it more often?" I punched him.
"Shut up,"
"Never," I stuck my tongue out at him, a childish move, but a move nonetheless. He poked his out right back, and scrunched his face up, which made me laugh. I noticed everyone was staring again, and scrambled to adjust my hair so no one could see my face, which was on fire. I caught Charlie smirking, and Lacy seemed like she was about to say something sly, but, thank the gods, Emmi and CJ came out of the lobby, satisfied.
"The place is owned by a demigod daughter of Hecate and a son of Athena. They said we could stay here as long as we wanted," I let out a breath of relief, and gestured to Sammy and Ethan to help me carry Zara up to our room. Taking her by her arms and legs, we lifted her gently.
"Gods, why is she so heavy?" Sammy grumbled, and I smirked.
"What, all that fat pretending to be muscles?" He scoffed.
"Have you been checking me out, Mira? I mean, I can't blame you," I rolled my eyes, blushing, as Ethan helped us along, supporting her middle so she wouldn't collapse like a folding chair.
Despite the stitches in his head, he seemed fine, except for the fact that he had blood matted in his hair. I sighed, and as Riley held open the door, one of the few that had actually been kind of nice, I smiled and carried Zara in. The room was really nice, and had three rooms that looked like this:
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