Fingers of ice,
One that can raise the expense,
Shifter of lands,
The son of rivalry and defence,
Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead.
A soldier's namesake,
The girl who pierces the night,
Eyes that shift with every ga...
There were honks coming from the cars around us, making me and CJ slide across the bed sheets as we talked. I sat cross legged across from him, staring at his slightly paler than Ethan's green eyes. My lips were bitten raw and his so it seems, are too. For a while we just sat there, staring into each other's souls. No one interrupted us throughout the hour. I find myself staring at his hands, rough from lugging swords around, but soft because of holding hands with so many girlfriends.
"AGHH!" He hollered at the top of his lungs, I jump at the noise and then wait for an explanation. He never gave me one. Plucking a pillow from the bed, he chucks it at the wall and grabs hold for another one. After watching him throw all the pillows at the wall, he collapsed on the bed, holding his palms to his eyes. His body shook.
"CJ?" I ask him in a whisper, "Are you okay?" His breath was shaky and he sputtered, but he answered.
"I-I think Lacy wants to break up with me. And I DON'T WANT TO BE A DEMIGOD ANY MORE!" The shortened time I had with him, we both cried ourselves dry. Him, because he thinks his girlfriend wants to break up with him, and me because I am a daughter of Hades in general and...Kas. Yep. That was pretty much a solid forty minutes worth of crying.
I rubbed his back for a while telling him about Ethan. Being his brother, C.J. knew what I was talking about.
"So, you want Ethan, but you don't think he wants you?"
"Well kinda, I like him as a friend normally, but lately, I've been having dreams, Eros, I think, has been channeling them,"
"Zara, that's not good. Have you told anyone else about it?"
"No," I sniffle, "I just..." I let my curls fall into my face to block out C.J's look. He is years older than me, standing at eighteen and me fifteen. I felt arms grow around me, a sweatshirt muffled my gasps for air after every tear rolled down my cheek.
After our time together was over, Sammy walked in, face reddening, but he stared down at the floor and told us we were stopping at Hermes express for help. I think about my position at the moment. I was crying over C.J.'s shoulder while he cried over mine. I thanked Sammy and while C.J. and I got our act together, everyone joined in the front by the driver's seat. By the time we got there, everyone had found a seat around the room. I cringed, seeing the only spot open in between Ethan and Kas. I glance at C.J. and simultaneously sit down on the floor. Ethan raises his eyebrows, but I shrug and look away. Lacy gave us a talk about what we were going to do when we got there. She told us that we had to be nice if Hermes was really there. We all agreed to go in together. Never leaving each other out. We were a team, it was about time we started acting like one.
The bell rang when we swung open the door. Piles of boxes stood like mountains on top of each other,making us dodge the heaps so we didn't trip over them. By the time we were all through, we had four boxes knocked over, one stubbed toe, and three people holding their elbow. The late teens boy at the counter bobbed his head up and down while he highlighted papers.
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That's what Hermes looks like right now ^
The earbuds shoved in his ear told us he didn't hear us come in. As we got closer to the counter he saw us and took out one earbud.
He grinned, "Don't you just love Apollo's new bop?!" I raised my eyebrow at the teenage boy. He looked about nineteen, for his age, but being a demigod, I knew...
"Hermes I assume?" He puts out his hand for me to shake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir," Kas said from behind me. I glanced back and smirked at her. When a god is trying to take over Olympus, do the other gods step in to help? Nope. They sit around on their butts everyday listening to 'Apollo's new bop' and drinking coffee. Kas shrugged and turned her attention back on the god.
"We need your beyond wonderful intelligence." She announced.
"Then why didn't you go to Athena?" He snickered.
"Help us!" Ethan blurted, "Help us, please,"
Sorry for such a short chapter! (I had writer's block) I promise the next one that I write will be longer.