We made our boundaries. Ethan on the right, me on the left. His green eyes on that wall, my blue ones on the other. For a while that's how it went down. Until I got bored and Ethan started pacing, that is.
Our "box" consisted of a couch, a TV, a shelf full of board games, and pillows, lots and lots of pillows. There were no windows or doors which made me feel claustrophobic, but I pressed on twisting my curls in my fingers and getting them stuck. By the time I was done doing that, my scalp was aching.
Finally, I ended up watching Ethan walk around the room, pick stuff up carefully, and set them down again.
"Do you want to talk or would you rather just stare at the wall?" He let out a sigh and plopped down on the couch with a bounce. He was literally a six year old in a teen body.
"I dunno," I replied, getting up from my seat on the carpet to grab a pillow. For the past twenty minutes I had been eyeing it, but was too lazy to get it and I was waiting for Ethan to sit down.
Something slapped my back, something soft.
"I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!" I yell, "YOU WILL REGRET YOUR CHOICES MY FRIEND!" I turn around to find Ethan peaking at me from behind the couch. I raise my eyebrow, "Oh I see..."
Cranking my elbow behind my ear, I make a 360 with my arm, sending the pillow I was carrying right at Ethan's face. I cracked up right then and there. Watching Ethan's goofy expression was the best of it all. He wasn't expecting me to throw it at him. With my back still arched from the laughter, I feel another fluffy square hit me in the back of my head.
"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT AGAIN!?!?!" I screamed hysterically.
After many pillows were thrown, we quieted down.
I had pushed Ethan onto the couch and giggled like a little girl with a crush. No. Why did I still like him? After all this time. Well, anyways, after I pushed Ethan, he made all the water bottles in the room burst and all the water gathered into one huge wave. It came at me with such force that when it hit me, I was slammed into the game board bookshelf which made all the games topple over on my head. I shrieked when I looked up to find the bookshelf tilting over me. Using the first instinct I had, I covered my head and waited for the fall.
Fwoop! Is all I heard when I lifted my head up to check if I was still alive. Ethan must have used his waterboy powers to lift the bookshelf back in place. He had his hand out in front of me to help me up. I snatched it tightly and he pulled me up then bows.
"Need anything else my fair lady?" He asks with a straight face, "I have already saved you from being squished from existence and helped you up. And, well, if you count making you smile, then yeah, three things." I rolled my eyes.
"You've done nothing," I argued. He shrugged his shoulders and raised an eyebrow.
"I've never stopped loving you."
"Oh gods Ethan why are you so good at flirting all of the sudden!" I groaned and shouted at the same time.
"Maybe it's because-"
He raised his eyebrows, "What?" He smiled mockingly, "You know it's-"
I took a deep breath, "Can we just stick to being friends for a while? I would really like it if you STOP FLIRTING with me."
He chuckles but then clears his throat, "I guess...I can make that arrangement." I sigh in relief, hoping he can keep a promise." Just to make sure he knows I'm not kidding, I reach up and put my hands behind his neck to pull him in for a hug. Right away his lean body embraces my smaller one, and for a moment, I felt safe. In his arms. Somewhere I thought I would never think would feel safe in a homie way.
"Thank you," He whispered into my ear.
I pull apart and look up at him confused. "For what?"
"Accepting me."
We had fallen asleep in eachothers arms on the couch. Nice for me because he is warm, but not so great for him. Let's put it this way, I gave him a cold.
That's what woke me up, a sneeze and a shivering body snuggled up to mine. His bed hair was twisted into a wave of curls on top of his head. I couldn't imagine mine was much better.
"Morning just-friend." He smiled.
I grin, "Morning." I yawned and sat up so I could snuggle into his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine and reached for the TV remote.
"What'd ya want to watch?" He asked me quietly.
"I'm not sure," I yawned again, "I like thrillers. Know any good ones?"
Ethan smiled big, "Same! Have you ever seen The Village?" I shook my head no. He got up and shuffled around the movie self until he found one that satisfied him. He held The Village in front of my face then putting it in my lap.(The village is a real movie and it's REALLY good! I definitely recommend it!)
After reading the back of the CD, I was pumped to watch it.
"So the story takes place in an Amish community? Is their life boring?" I asked.
"Never." Ethan replied. I shrugged.
"Well, what are you waiting for, PUT IT ON!" I snuggled up against Ethan again, trying to warm his freezing body temperature, but it was helpless. My body heat was always cold.
Hours of watching a screen later...
"I knew you would like it!" Ethan grinned at me.
"You were right about that one." I smile. I felt a trickle of sweat go down my temple because of how tense I was throughout the movie. "Are there any more movies by the director?"
Ethan raised his eyebrows, "You mean M. Night Shyamalan?"
I threw my head back, "Yes! M. Night Shy man!" Ethan laughed again.
"Duh, what great director wouldn't make more movies?" I rolled my eyes, thinking about all those great directors Ethan wasn't thinking about.
I leaned into his shoulder then turned to whisper in his ear, "Do you have any other favorites by him? Other than The Village?" Ethan blushed at the warmth of my breath, then craned his neck so he could whisper back.
"Have you ever seen Sixth Sense?"
WC: 1162

The Next Generation
AventureFingers of ice, One that can raise the expense, Shifter of lands, The son of rivalry and defence, Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead. A soldier's namesake, The girl who pierces the night, Eyes that shift with every ga...