Ethan. Always trying to show off. I should've run off while I had the chance. Finally, the prophecy of seven and their kids choose to show up. I wipe the beads of sweat off my face. I look down at my Doc Martens, hoping Ethan will stop looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes. My shoes were tattered and covered in the arena's sand. I could feel my body burning with embarrassment. The kids at camp are always embarrassing me with questions.Why don't you say yes to being his girlfriend? How come you never talk to him? Can you tell him to ask me out? Don't you want to become popular? That last question hurts me the most. I don't know why I don't want to be popular. I guess it is just not my thing.
When Annabeth told us that she and the other seven were going to be leaving their kids would be here for the next few weeks, I wanted to scream. I don't even know if I could live that long.
Chiron asked where they were going, "To the underworld." Jason announced.
"To find Hestia's hearth," Frank suggested.They all nodded in agreement.
Will, who had been holding my little niece, set her down. "Aunt Zee! I missed you!" She shrilled, running to me.
I squatted down to her height, "Aww, I missed you too Bee. How is Nico? Is he good to you?" I glared at him, then opened my arms so she could give me a hug.
"Yes, yes, of course!" She cries. Just then I noticed something. I stood up, picked up Bee, and put her on my hip. Everyone's eyes were staring at us.
I waited in silence for a bit and then bit my lip, "Um, Will...Nico, would you like me to take her to the pegasi stables?"I squeaked. My face burned almost as red as my hair.
Nico nodded, "We can talk later," and I started off, with Bee, towards the stables. I don't care about all those selfish, popular demi-gods.
"Are we going to see the horsies with wings?" Bee asked. I nodded and then giggled. I hadn't seen her since last summer and I missed her more than I thought. She was wearing one of Will's old Camp Half-blood t-shirts, with a pink, fluffy tutu, and a pair of Polka dot rain boots. "You're leaving again!" She panicked.
"Not that I-I know of. I will be right here with you." I coaxed. Knowing that Bee could see glimpses of the future, I was scared. I was going to leave? Not that I know of. I only leave Camp Half-Blood once a year, and that's just to a boarding school that Chiron makes me go to.
I had lugged the door all the way open before I saw her. Kas. She came through the lush strawberry fields at a fast pace.
When she caught up with us, she was panting, "Chiron...wanted" She gulped down air, "With you."
"Great," I sighed. The air around me started to freeze, "S-sorry.I tend to make things a bit...chilly."
Kas laughed. She slipped her beanie over her ears, "Luckily, I brought this," She pointed to her head. I giggled.
"Oh, I like you best fwend! She's nice," Bee blurted.
"Um, we aren't...really, uh, friends," I frowned, "That was rude, sorry."
Luckily, Kas is a nice person, "You're good," She smiled.
We found a bench in the barn and sat. The wooden bench was cold from the morning dew and the air smelled of horse manure and hay. Being a Hades daughter, horses (and pegasi) aren't really fans of me. Bee walked around the stable, gazing into every horse's eyes, like she was thinking of their future. I concentrated on the mound I was making at my feet. The dirt fell over my shoes when I squeezed them together. My annoying, orange, Camp Half-Blood, t-shirt, was untucked from the battle with Kas. She was a good fighter. I mean really good. When she has the light on her side, she can do almost anything. Me, having the dark side, can be trickier in the sunshine, but I have been working on it. Today, I just raised some spirits of the dead. Using all my power would be dangerous, but if they knew my secret, it would be worse.
The conch horn blew, "We should head back," Kas reminded me.
"You're right," I sighed.
"Yay! I'm hungry," Bee shrieked.
When we got to the dining hall, Bee ran over to the Hades table and plopped down on the end, next to Mrs. O'Leary, the hellhound. She yelped when Bee disturbed her. Bee giggled.
"See you later?" I asked Kas.
"Yeah, sounds good," Kas sighed. "You've got company, anyways," I watched as Kas jogged off towards her siblings. They all smiled when she sat down.
"Now that looks like a great table," I muttered under my breath. I sat down on the opposite side of the table, across from Bee. Just when I was about to take a bite of my delicious garden salad, Ethan stood up at the Poseidon table and marched over to me.
"You have my cousin," He said, pointing to Bee,
"Yea, cuz she's my niece,"
"Well, give her back," Bee prances over to him.
"Traitor," I mutter as Ethan smirks and says,
"There's one more thing," I groaned, knowing what's coming, "Will you go out with me?"

The Next Generation
مغامرةFingers of ice, One that can raise the expense, Shifter of lands, The son of rivalry and defence, Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead. A soldier's namesake, The girl who pierces the night, Eyes that shift with every ga...