This was my first time rebelling. When people did this, did their stomach turn and lurch as they took each step? Did they have to swallow back vomit as they prepared to speak? Did their legs shake and their lips become chapped? Because all that was happening to me. See, I was born in a library and raised by nine sisters, as old as the stars. Each taught me different subjects, but our favorite pastime was to just read and talk about literature.
Cleo taught me history, and we would marvel over the things people did, back before I was born. We also tried guitar, but I was pretty horrible at it. Lia specialized in science and nature, and would take me out back to do the most amazing experiments. Mel would always be the one I would go to if I were sad, and she would sympathize with me, and share tragedies so vivid and realistic, one would have thought she was there. She was always the clown of the sisters, always having a wisecrack on hand. Era was kind, and was the one who got me into poetry, a skill that I didn't practice often, but I loved anyways. Poly would help me with my geometry, and writing, and was always the one who would correct someone's grammar. Rania and I would stay up late at night and stargaze, pointing out constellations that I now knew so well. Cho was the strictest, keeping me on my education, but still light and sweet enough that she would dance her way across the library. And Tera and I would try a new instrument each week. But, my favorite was the leader of them, and her name was Hope.
It was Hope that found me in the streets, a small toddler nestled in blankets of light, the wind rocking me to sleep in the dark alleyway. It was Hope that convinced the other eight to take me in. Hope and I would engage in any activity we pleased, and sometimes, we just curled up by the fire together. Hope would tell me stories of her son, how his voice was so beautiful it would charm others, and how he met his demise by not trusting the captor of his love, and then losing her for good. I pondered the thought, wondering why I hadn't realized that he was so much like his namesake, but I lost my train of thought as I reached the clearing.
I had trekked a few minutes through the woods to get here, and the secret meeting spot was thanks to Sammy, Ethan, and C.J. For them, all it took was some persuading, deal-making, and flirting to get the dryads away from the clearing and have them make sure it was protected from, say, Chiron. I shuddered at both thoughts. Chiron finding us, for obvious reasons, and the absolute weirdness about the fact that Sammy was flirting and manipulating someone into getting what he wanted. I mean, I wasn't jealous, nope, not me, it's just, I would always read about people manipulating others through love, but seeing it in real life was... icky. Don't ask why, please. It just was.
Anyways, the whole group, minus Bee and Milo, the little kids, were already there. Except for two. I didn't see the fiery curls of Zara, nor the flash of sea green eyes of Ethan. Lacy, Riley, and Charlie were huddled in that group that girls will do, snickering and talking amongst themselves. You've seen it most likely more than once. I was never invited to them, so I always found that they were a little cold and mysterious. Keeping this in mind, I walked over to Emmi, who was clutching a few open books in her hands, and contently reading on the ground.
"Hi," I said softly. She looked up at me, and after recognizing me, she smiled slightly and returned to her book. I could get behind that. If I had a book, that was. I plopped down beside her, under the shade of a spindley birch tree. Sammy was conversing with C.J, and I didn't want to bother them either.
"What are you reading?" I asked shyly. Emmi looked up, her large beige coat ruffling in the slight wind. She tucked a strand of beautifly dark hair behind her ear, and said in a low voice,
"It's The Red Queen. It's in Ancient Greek," I looked up from the daisy I'd been twiddling with, eyebrows raised in interest. It was rare that I found a book I hadn't read, and it was always nice to hear about it from others.
"Oh! I've never read it. Is it good?"
"Yeah, I'm only three fourths of the way through, but it's amazing so far,"
"Would you mind if I borrowed it after you finished it?"
"Oh. Um, sure," She finished in a husky tone. Our conversation died right there, and we just sat there, my face surely pink as I absentmindedly sparked a spectrum of colors in my hands, but hiding it just as quickly. I didn't like the attention. I was about to stand up and walk away, when Emmi whispered something. I turned back, my caramel curls bouncing in the slight wind.
"I'm sorry, could you say that again?" She opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, and said,
"How long did it take you to get over your dyslexia?" I blinked. I'd never gotten that question before, but I intended to answer it with complete and utter honesty. I fidgeted with my beanie as I answered.
"Well, I had help, so I can't take all of the credit, but it took me about two years, and even now I stumble on words," She nodded, and I got the weight of the situation. Dyslexia was something that had to be prevented at a young age, and even then it couldn't be "cured" or "gone". Even if a child with it had management, like me, they wouldn't be perfect at reading. "How about you?" Her face colored, and I felt stupid. Of course. She would've been reading english if it were prevented, but both the lettering and her face showed that her dyslexia wasn't exactly the best. "Oh, um, I'm sorry," I muttered, staring at my feet. Gruffly, she replied,
"Nah, it's fine," Unexpectedly, I said,
"I could help, if you want," She looked up, a little surprised,
"Oh, um, sure, I would like that, thanks," We sat there, smiling in silence, when Sammy noticed me, and walked over. Emmi rolled her eyes.
"My baby brother. Tell me something Kas," She said cautiously, "Do you know that he-" Whatever she was going to say, it was cut off Zara and Ethan sprinting into the clearing, sweaty and panting. Emmi and I got to our feet quickly, Emmi drawing her cavalry sword from by her side.
"What is it?" She asked, and it took me a second to realize I had mirrored it.
"Jinx," I whispered.
"We- we-," Zara panted, hands clutching her knees in tiredness. "You guys- you guys have to- see this,"

The Next Generation
AdventureFingers of ice, One that can raise the expense, Shifter of lands, The son of rivalry and defence, Will share a friendship with the curls of fire who wakes the dead. A soldier's namesake, The girl who pierces the night, Eyes that shift with every ga...