Chapter 1: Welcome to Emilaba

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The Zaubators chased the Ferean through the forest. The Zaubators of course are a group of noble warriors who possess magical and powerful weapons called dritellum. The Ferean of course is a large spider like creature that has made a habit of eating innocent civilians. These three Zaubators, Yackon, Wackon, and Doe have dedicated their lives to eradicating the entire species. In the days before the Zaubators the Ferean would run wild and kill many. Those days are over. Zaubators have become masters of finding and killing these beasts and stopping their bloodlust. They chase this Ferean through the trees until they drive it to the coastline. They reach a rocky part of the shore where waves crash against mountainous stone. It is here that the three warriors have the beast trapped.

"Surround him!" Yackon yelled to his partners. The three Zaubators cage the Ferean in between themselves and the shoreline ensuring that the beast cannot escape. Yackon stabs at the beast with his scissor blade. A sword whose blade can split in two making it resemble a pair of scissors.

He stabs the beast and then splits his blade in two making a large wound that blood spills out of. The beast cries out in agony. "AAAARRRRRGGGTTHHHUUU!!!" Doe is able to take a more long range approach and fire at the beast with her everlast bow. The wielder of the everlast bow does not need to carry a quiver because arrows made of pure energy appear whenever the bow is strung. Doe fires multiple energy arrows into the hide of the Ferean. The beast lashes out with its long arms and claws and the warriors have to dodge its fierce and desperate attacks.

Wackon is also able to deal damage from a distance as he possesses the multiply star. It's a small sharp throwing star that can multiply itself infinitely. The wielder can throw as many stars at their enemies as their heart desires. Wackon hurls his stars into this dying beasts hide. These three warriors have killed many Ferean before, so this one never stood a chance.

"We got him now!" Doe yells to encourage her teammates.

"Go for the leg!" Wackon yells to Yackon.

Yackon takes his scissor blade and does exactly what his colleague suggested he slices off one of the Fereans legs. It starts bleeding uncontrollably and falls on the rocky ground. It screams out its final screeches as Yackon takes his blade and cuts off its evil, disgusting, spidery head. The screeches stop and the Ferean dies.

"Yeah WO HOAH!" Wackon cheers in excitement.

"Alright good job everybody." Yackon says to his teammates as he sheathes his blade. These three feel no remorse or sadness for killing this creature. They know this creature has killed other people and if left unchecked they know it would kill again. Its rampage has been stopped and the world has been made safer. By the actions of these Zaubators. Yackon picks up the Fereans head and admires it.

"You know this is probably one of my cleanest kills. Maybe I should hang this head up on my wall." He brags confidently to Doe.

"I don't know, think you could find room next to your giant ego?" Doe sarcastically says to her friend. The two laugh it off while Wackon stares off into the shoreline.

"Hey guys, what's that?" Wackon exclaims to his friends as he points to a cliff on the shore. Doe and Yackon stare at the cliff and see what Wackon is talking about. About two hundred yards away in the side of this rocky mountainous cliff. They see something that has absolutely no business being there. They see a large golden door. The three of them half-heartedly think it's some kind of trick or an illusion.

"I don't know what that is. Let's go find out." Yackon says to his teammates as they head towards the cliff and the door that stands in defiance of nature.

They walk over to this golden door in the side of the cliff. They marvel at this unnaturally man made object forced into this natural cliff side. The door is 30 feet high and 20 feet wide. It is covered in gold and yellow markings including one large golden symbol in the center of the door that resembles the sun. The three Zaubators stare in awe of this massive mysterious thing

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