Chapter 8: Welcome to the Snetop Mountains

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The cutter craft comes to a gradual stop as it reaches its destination. When the craft finally comes to a stop Ignis is knocked off of his couch and spills onto the floor. He hits the floor and is woken up. He cries out a little bit as he is given his rather rude awakening. He's able to wake up look around and slowly remember who he is, where he is, and why he's here. He slowly gets to his feet and regains consciousness. He can tell that the cutter craft has stopped moving and the group has arrived at their destination. It worked out just like he planned, the cutter craft traveled while the group got some sleep.

He goes toward one of the wardrobes in the cabin and takes out a large winter coat. He'll need it if he wants to go outside. Once he puts his coat on, as well as his backpack and his sword he goes over to the door and gets out of the cutter craft. As soon as the door is opened he is assaulted by sub-freezing temperatures. If he didn't have his coat it would be quite unpleasant. He steps out of the craft and has a look around at the place the craft has brought him. 

The base of the Snetop Mountains. The surrounding ground is flat and covered with at least six inches to a foot of snow. The sun shines just a little bit through the clouds as Ignis looks up towards the mountain. The central mountain of the range stands higher than anything surrounding it. It's covered in snow and reaches up to the heavens to scrape at the foot of the atmosphere. 

The top of this mountain is the highest point on the planet and it is rumored that absolutely no one has reached the top. This mountain makes dwarves of men. Ignis stares up to this mountain with reverence and hope. Hope that he might find his friend somewhere on or inside that mountain.

He looks down towards the base of the mountain and sees a town. Base town is what it's called appropriately. He looks at the town and is thankful that the town might be a place to prepare for any possible trip up the mountain side. A few minutes after Ignis got out of the craft Altem, Cearulen, Brilan and Clara sluggishly follow him. 

They were awoken by the noise Ignis made when he woke up as well as the cold that made its way into the craft when Ignis left the door open. Quite inconsiderate of him but the group is out and ready for the third day of their mission. All of them have big winter coats on just like Ignis and they sure need them.

"Here it is, the Snetop Mountains." Altem proclaims to the group. Brilan and Clara look up at the big mountain in awe. They've never seen a mountain that big. Come to think of it they've never seen a mountain at all. They spend a moment relishing in the awe and culture shock of the new location. "Hey lets go into town. Maybe we can find some info about Session there." Cearulen says to the group.

"Good Idea let's get going." Ignis says to the group as he turns the cutter craft back into a platter and puts it away. All five of them start hiking towards base town. They have to walk differently then they normally would because they have to get used to walking in the snow. But they hike on, they just hike slowly. "Maybe Session's in the town and we won't have to hike up that mountain." Altem muses to the group.

"With our luck it won't be that easy." Cearulen says to Altem.

"Yeah probably not. I just want to get out of the snow as soon as possible." Altem complains to Cearulen. Soon enough the group enters base town. A cozy village tucked away at the bottom of the mountain. A town filled with humble buildings made of stone. Kind people who want nothing more than to revel in the white powder that their town has been gifted with. 

Every year base town is the home of people from all across Emilaba who try to climb to the top of the mountain. Our group of heroes might be one of those who want to climb but they won't do it to get to the top. They don't want glory from their climb they just want a reunion with their friend.

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