Chapter 11: Knock Knock

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"Brilan, wake up." Is the first thing Brilan hears in the morning while he sleeps. He opens his eyes to find his sister once again awake earlier than him and trying to get him to start this most important day. 

"Brilan, wake up." Clara says again as her brother starts to jolt up and open his eyes. Brilan sits up in his bed and wipes the morning sand out of his eyes to find the rest of the Zaubators doing the same thing as him. They're waking up and getting themselves ready. They're in the middle of eating breakfast and putting on their armor. 

Brilan hops out of his bunk bed to join them. He eats a hearty breakfast and puts on some armor that Ignis gave to him. Once Brilan is ready he goes over to one of the wardrobes in the cutter craft and takes out a piece of armor. Specifically a chest plate. He takes the chest plate and goes over to Clara. "Here Clara I want you to have this." He says as he gives her the piece of armor.

"What's that?" Clara asks her brother.

"It's a piece of armor it'll keep you safe on the battlefield." Brilan says.

"Oh I don't like that color it doesn't go with my hair." Clara says playfully about the gray dull chest plate.

"Ha ha very funny just put it on." Brilan says as he engages in his sister's playful mood on such a serious day. Brilan helps Clara put on the armor. As they put it on the armor shifts and changes itself to fit Clara absolutely perfect. That's the magic of the Zaubators special dritellum style armor. It changes to fit which warrior is wearing it at the time. When Brilan first picked it out to was probably too big for Clara but as they put it on it changed to fit her and it even turned a shade of red that went well with her hair.

"Wow this thing is something else." Clara says commenting on her armor.

"Yes it is. Today is going to be intense. It's not gonna be like that other day in the jungle. The two of us are going to stand by and stay safe while the four of them take down all of those Deators." Brilan explains to his younger sister.

"Hey I was just following your lead that time. I was just doing what you did. I followed in your footsteps." Clara says defending her actions in the jungle a couple days ago.

"I know, I know all of that and today I'm asking you to do the same thing. Just stick next to me and I'm going to make better choices and not get involved in the fight. Can you do that for me Clara?" Brilan says to Clara.

"Yeah I might as well stick by your side somebody has to watch out for you." Clara endearingly says to her brother.

"Okay, okay we got this as long as we stick together." Brilan says as he laughs a little bit and gives Clara a hug.

"Alright if everybody's ready let's move out." Ignis says to the group in a firm and serious tone. Ignis then opens the door to the cutter craft and the six of them march outside. They're greeted by the sun of the new morning and the brisk smell of the sea water that fills the air. The six of them walk around the area and get their bearings. The cutter craft took them to the same place it took Ignis, Brilan and Clara a few days ago. Just a few miles north of the doors actual location. It's for the better, they don't want to be dropped off right in the middle of the Deators camp.

"Where is the door?" Session calls out to Ignis mirroring the thoughts of the Zaubators who haven't seen the door in quite a long time.

"It's just south of here. Follow me. I'll show you where it is." Ignis says to the group as the cutter craft turns back into its platter form. Ignis sticks the platter in his backpack and heads to the front of the group. From there Ignis starts to lead the group of six Zaubators on a hike down the shore line. 

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