Chapter 6: Welcome to Saltopoli (kinda)

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 The four of them gather their weapons and exit the craft. They gaze in awe at the large trees that lay before them. The jungle seems to go on for miles. Brilan and Clara marvel at this green terrain. They can only imagine what the city at the center of this jungle looks like. The cutter craft shrinks down to its platter form and falls on the ground. Ignis picks it up and puts it in his backpack. "So there's a city at the center of all this?" Clara asks the adults.

"Yeah it's about a two mile hike to the center." Cearulen says to Clara.

"Alright let's get going!" Brilan enthusiastically says to his teammates. The four of them enter the jungle. They start blazing a trail through the trees and the foliage. Ignis leads the group. He uses the combustion blade to cut a path through the forest. He doesn't light the sword on fire because the flames might spread and burn everything down. Besides he doesn't need the flames for this task, only the sword. Cearulen follows directly behind him. With Brilan and Clara following behind her.

Brilan has the universe key in his hand and he's imitating Ignis by slashing at the trees, helping to clear the path. He's not doing as much as Ignis but he's doing his best. The group of four slash and hike their way through the jungle. Brilan and Clara are introduced to new animals and plants on this hike while Ignis and Cearulen can't help but remember their old friend Altem. They hope that he's healthy and willing to assist them. 

Their two mile hike comes to an end when they reach the patch of giant trees. The city of Saltopoli rests on the top of these trees. These giant trees are tall and thick. So tall and so thick that our four travelers on the ground can't see the tops of the trees from the ground. The group of four exit the normal jungle and enter a clearing. The giant trees are fifty yards away from them.

"We're here." Ignis says to the rest of the group. Brilan and Clara look up at the giant trees in awe.

"Wow." Brilan exclaims out loud.

"I can't see what's on top of the trees. Are you sure there's a city up there?" Clara asks Ignis ignoring the wonder that her brother is feeling.

"Yes there is. I swear you wouldn't think a city this complex and wonderful would be easy to get to would it? I'll get out the cutter craft and we'll float to the top." Ignis says to the group as he takes off his backpack.

"Wait! Hold up! Take cover!" Cearulen calls out to the rest of the team. Everyone follows Cearulen as she hides behind a large rock. The other three members of the group can only guess at the threat she saw as they crouch behind the rock for cover.

"What did you see?" Ignis asks Cearulen.

"Look over there." Cearulen says as she points towards the giant tree grove. Ignis, Brilan and Clara pear out from behind their cover and look towards the grove. There they see a most serious threat indeed. A platoon of Deators. Ten of them to be precise. Five of them are covered in armor and armed with blasters. They're guarding the other five Deators who are cutting down the giant trees using motion saws.

Motion saws are a special kind of dritellum that are essentially swords that have metal teeth that move up and down each side of the blade. They are useful tools and are without a doubt the perfect thing to cut down a tree. These five Deators are going all out trying to cut down the giant trees. Those trees are thick and they can stand up to almost anything. But if the Deators aren't stopped they could bring the trees down. 

Our group of four warriors looks upon this sight with horror. This is a true threat that they face indeed. "Look closely Brilan. Those are the Deators. To everyone else they are a dangerous threat. To me they're a light workout." Ignis confidently says to Brilan as he starts to draw his sword. Cearulen grabs Ignis' hand before he draws the combustion blade.

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