Chapter 9: Session just lied to you here's what really happened

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Yeah that long monologue that Session just did to the rest of the group isn't one hundred percent true. Don't misunderstand me he told almost the entire truth but he left out some really important details that he himself can barely process. I'll tell you the full true story and you can find out for yourself where the differences are.

Clip had an excellent childhood growing up in the city of Saltopoli. Her parents were explorers who constantly traveled from the city into the jungle studying the wildlife and the animals that called the jungle home. Many days her parents would bring her with them on their trips into the jungle. She liked discovering the new animals and learning more about nature with her parents. 

Her life was impeccable perfect and pristine, until one fateful day when all that changed. Clip was 13 when her and her parents were out in the jungle. The sun was shining and the day was going on without a care in the world. Clips parents had just discovered a new species of frog. They saw it that day and they were journaling different details about it when suddenly from out of the dense jungle trees a Ferean pounces out.

It screams out like a bloody murder as Clip and her parents turn around and their bodies are flooded with fear. The Ferean swipes down with one of its claws. Clips father jumps in front of the claw to protect his wife and daughter. The beast knocks him to the ground but clip and her mother are fine for now. "RUN!" Clips mother screams at her. She has no time or reason to argue. So Clip dashes off into the jungle away from her parents and the Ferean. 

She can only hear screams and the gnashing of teeth as she speeds away into the trees. Her parents sacrificed themselves to save her and the only thought in her head is to survive and run away from this danger. Her parents had told her stories about the Ferean growing up but she never saw one up close. While her parents raised her to like animals and live with them in peace the Ferean were a clear exception.

As clip runs as fast as she can the Ferean finishes with her parents and chases after her. The Ferean is able to close the distance between the two of them quite quickly. As the monster reaches out with its teeth to bite into her flesh the magna shield flies in and hits the Ferean in the jaw. The beast is stopped in its tracks as the shield bounces back to its owner. Session has shown up to kill this Ferean just like he has pledged to do with every Ferean. When his shield gets back to him a series of sharp metal teeth pop out of the edges of the circular shield and start to spin around the edges. This enhances the lethality of the weapon. Session is ready for combat. He charges at the ferean and the ferean charges at him. He smacks it with his shield multiple times and the two of them are now engaged in a fight that will only end in death.

Clip stops running to see what happened behind her. She sees an avenging hero who has come to help her. She takes cover behind a tree and watches this epic battle between man and beast. She had heard stories of the Zaubators from her parents but she had never seen one in action before. Session lives up to every single story she has heard as he smashes and slashes the ferean into submission. She has no choice but to be hypnotized and infatuated by Session. With every move he makes the Ferean comes closer to defeat. He bashes the fereans legs with the Magna shield one by one. He brings the legs down and the Ferean falls to the ground slowly and surely. Finally Session sees an opportunity to achieve victory. He climbs up onto the Fereans head. He raises his shield high above his head and with all the strength in his arms he brings the shield crashing down into the monsters skull. The Ferean is disoriented by this move but isn't killed. Session picks his shield back up and repeats his skull smashing move a couple more times before he hears a sufficient cracking sound. As blood starts to spew out of the Ferean head Session can tell that this thing is dead and he won the fight.

As the life drains from the Fereans soulless monstrous body. Session steps off the ferean and reverts his shield back to its normal form. Session starts looking around to see if this thing had any friends. Clip hides herself away from Session. She runs from her tree over to a nearby bush. In the moment she's not entirely sure why she hid from Session. Maybe she was embarrassed or maybe she was intimidated. 

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