Chapter 12: Who's there?

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Brilan, Clara and Ignis walk out of the woods and down the hill towards the camp. On their way to the door through the camp Brilan and Clara are forced to witness the aftermath of the attack on the Deators. A veritable feast of burning buildings, scorched earth and destroyed tents. The three of them walk through this scene and they know they are safe. The enemy is gone. The walk through the camp and make it over to the golden door. Cearulen, Altem and Session are waiting for them just outside of it. Brilan, Clara and Ignis go up to the golden door and the children have no choice but to look up and awe at the size of this door. This door has plagued them for days but now they might know peace.

"Okay Brilan try putting your key in it." Ignis says to Brilan as he pats him on the back. Brilan goes up to the door and to his left he sees the key hole. He goes behind his back and takes out the universe key. He goes over to the key hole. The other Zaubators watch him in silent anticipation. "If it can open anything then it can open this." Brilan thinks to himself to get him mentally prepared for his task. He takes the universe key and hesitantly shoves it into the key hole. The universe key is a perfect fit for this hole. Brilan summons all of his strength and turns the key to the right. The massive golden door unlocks and slowly comes open. They did it!

Brilans key opened the door. All six of the Zaubators are surprised and excited by what just happened. Altem lets out a cheerful scream while Sessions jaw is just wide open. Ignis and Cearulen jump up and down in excitement and even hug each other. Brilan and Clara look at each other with their eyes wide open and their stunned expressions on their faces. It worked, it worked, and it worked. Everything that Brilan has been working towards ever since he was given the gift of the universe key has come to fruition. The door opened and now the Zaubators get to see what is inside.

As the massive door slowly opens all six of the heroes look inside. Suddenly the door halts. It's opened wide enough so that all of them could walk inside. They all go through the portal and enter the mountain. Expecting any number of horrible things to meet them when they charged inside. The only thing they found in there was a large dark room and at the center of that large dark room were five dritellum. 

These five dritellum looked like they were made out of gold. They shined brightly, bright enough to illuminate the entire cave. The five dritellum were a golden helmet, a golden spear, a golden sword, a golden chest plate, and a golden shield. They seemed to magically hover in the center of the room perfectly on display and floating in perfect harmony. Undisturbed by any outside force. The five dritellum have just been floating around this cave for god only knows how long.

As the six Zaubators enter the room and gather around the dritellum at its center they are overwhelmed with feelings. As they stare at these golden weapons and they bathed with the golden lights that emanate from them, they are filled to the brim with feelings of happiness and contentment and peace. Words fail to describe the feeling that all six of the Zaubators are gripped by in this moment. 

It is as if every problem, insecurity, and trouble they've ever had disappeared in one moment. All of their anger, fear, disgust, sadness, hope and ambition has been replaced with joy and happiness. They love themselves and they love everything around them. Their past and their future mean nothing to them anymore. All they need is this moment. All of these feelings spill out from each of them until the room is filled with this warm and comforting feeling of love that paralyzes every one of the Zaubators. They all get large and harrowing smiles on their faces and fall to their knees surrounding these five golden weapons.

They can't move, they're too stifled and paralyzed by this feeling that has not been felt by anyone for eons. They can't speak or move all they can do is bask in the glow of these mysterious weapons. None of the heroes even care about what is happening to them. They are being brought to their knees and immobilized by looking at these weapons and they are the happiest things in the world. This is the power of these five golden weapons. Just being in the presence of them can bring such warmth and light that they would never want to leave. The world has not seen a dritellum this powerful for an extremely long time and now the world has to deal with it.

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