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Sweat was dripping off my entire body as my feet landed on the gym floor. 

"That's alright Hinata!" the other team yelled. A short red head rushed across the court back to his position, right next to a blonde beanpole. Today wasn't a good game for me, Karasuno Highschool had a very distracting blocker. I heard his teammates call him "Tsukki" and "Tsukishima" but I called him string-bean in my mind. I hadn't seen String-Bean in former games against Karasuno so I assumed he was a 1st year. As I studied him on the court I saw him glance at me, many, many times. Was he interested? Or just wondering why I was studying his every detail so intensely. I probably seemed like a creep. No matter how hard I tried my eyes kept following him. His pale smooth skin, his light silky hair, and his intimidating yet adorable physique.  

I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in physical attraction... And let me just say... I was VERY physically attracted to this String-Bean. We won the game, as I expected. Karasuno was staying for a week so I would continue to see him for a bit, maybe I could get to know him. He seemed like he'd be nice. I only hoped his personality was as beautiful as his appearance. 

"Kuroo!" Bokuto threw his arm sloppily around my neck, "While we were on break I couldn't help but watch your game with Karasuno... Who were you at looking at the whole time?" 

Before I could respond Kenma came over to input his opinion. "It was that lanky number 11." He said, his eyes glued to his Gameboy.

"Really? How interesting..." Bokuto grinned. "Hey Hey Hey! Daichi right?" 

"Bokuto! What are you doing?!" I panicked.

He just grinned at me and walked over to where the Karasuno team was, I caught up to him. Hopefully I can see Beanpole from a better angle now. 

"Hey, you're Bokuto right? The Fukurodani team captain?" Daichi shook his hand politely.

"That's me! Koutarou Bokuto! Anyway, I was hoping my friend, Kuroo, and I could talk to your number 11 and number 10." 

"Hinata! Tsukishima!" Daichi called.

There he was, in all of his lanky glory. "Yeah cap?" the little one yelled. String-Bean just glanced over at us. Was he looking at me? The thought made my heart skip a beat. I smirked a little, trying to look less intimidating but I probably looked even scarier than before. 

"Tsukishima!" Daichi called again. 


"Come here!" Carrot top laughed. 

As the redhead spoke a tall (Not as tall as Beanpole) lanky teammate glanced over at him, he had short black hair and piercing eyes. "Kageyama! Stop staring!" The little one yelled. The boy blushed and looked away.  "what do you want?" Beanpole finally said. 

His voice... it was so... otherworldly to me, it sent a shiver down my spine. "I'm Kuroo, a blocker on the Nekoma team." I tried to reach my hand out to shake but he didn't pay attention so I put it back down. 

"Yeah, I know." 

"Well we were hoping you'd like to practice with us tonight." Bokuto smiled, "I can help Red-head here and Kuroo can give some tips to Tsukkishima." 

The small ones eyes lit up at the thought. "P-Practice... W-With you?! I am so in!" He turned to Beanpole and smiled. "I guess I'll come too."
"Great! Meet in this gym at 8:00. Kay?" 

"Yep!" The small one sprint off to talk to the tall black haired boy, Kageyama. 

"Hey guys!" Karasuno's coach walked over. "It seems we'll be here a little longer than a week and don't have anywhere to stay." 

"What if Fukurodani and Nekoma have them stay at their houses?" Coach Nekomata suggested.

"I mean, if they're okay with it." 

I didn't hesitate to raise my hand. "I will!" 

"Sounds fun!" Bokuto grinned and looked at Akashi.

Soon after many of my other teammates began to volunteer, so when we got to pick I rushed over to Beanpole. "We'll be practicing together late tonight anyway, you wanna stay at my place?" I tried to play it off cool but I was a nervous wreck. "Whatever, you seem like the only person here I could tolerate anyway." 

"I'll take that as a "Oh yes Tetsuro! I'd love to spend more time with you! You're so handsome!"" 

"Don't expect me to ever say something as ridiculous as that." he rolled his eyes. 

Another chill crawled up my spine, I loved hearing that arousing voice. "See you at eight." I winked.

He gave me a blank stare and walked off. "Kuroo!" A familiar voice behind me screamed. "Bruh, YOU GOT DA MOVES!" 


Bokuto ran up to me and slapped my back, "you totally have a chance."

"yeah- but what if he's straight?" 

"Yeah... But what if he's not?"


"Come on! Lets go get you all fresh and clean for your little date." he playfully punched my shoulder.

"What if he can hear you?!" I yelled.

Kenma and Beanpole glanced at me. For a second String-Beans eyes met mine. It was almost nostalgic in a way, it felt as if the world had froze. His face flushed and he turned around to leave. Why was I so attracted to this lanky beauty? It astounded me. Suddenly my mouth moved without my brain agreeing. "See you later Tsukishima!" I yelled without thinking. He awkwardly waved and walked out with Carrot Top. I swear I had a heart attack right then and there. 

"Hey, he-" I cut off Bokuto, "Shit." 

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