1495, Montefalco Italy
The sky seemed exceptionally blue today, I could just be imagining it. It may seem more blue because I lay in a meadow like in a fairytale. The hills behind our small cottage were overgrown with tall grass and for once I wanted to enjoy it. It would be officially spring soon and this grass will turn into a meadow. The air was warm, it was freezing in the morning but by mid day it was beautiful. It was as if the weather wanted to be warmer but something was fighting it. I had been cooped up in the Vatican for too long and when I was finally away my mind was distracted by the child that I now carried. I was not as big as a house but I was getting there. From what I have heard of pregnancy I would be lucky to be walking in my final months. So for now, while I can walk I would enjoy the sunshine.
I was certain the child moved in my womb. Gabrielle thinks that I am overreacting but it seemed as though the child was having a fight inside me. Many mothers might be excited about this but not me. It just made everything more real and harder to ignore. It did excite Gabrielle though. She often liked to feel the kicking even if I did not. She also tried to stop me from coming out here today, she said she didn't want to have to pull grass out of my hair again. She said my hair was too curly to be rolling around in flowers. But she knew she couldn't stop me. It was fresh air. Under the warm sun and the bright sky I felt myself getting sleepy. As I lay all I could see was the blue sky and the bright green grass around me. It was like I was in my own world for once. Looking up at the sky in a field made me forget, at least for a moment, what I was dealing with.
Turns out it was so relaxing here that I actually fell asleep. Instead of being blue the sky was now starting to turn orange. My eyes fluttered when they opened, adjusting to the late afternoon light. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head, my back cracked in the process. Just one touch of my hair I knew it was a mess. Grass stuck out from the braid and small pieces of my hair had become loose. Clearly I got a deeper sleep than I thought if my hair was this messy. Stretching again but this time turning my torso to get my lower back looser. As I was turned to the cottage I saw Micheletto making his way down the dirt path towards town.
"Micheletto!" I called out and waved. He normally doesn't leave this late. But immediately when he spotted me his direction turned to not that of the town but to me. He seemed to have changed the way he walked. Before he was quickly making his way down the road, stomping his feet in doing so. But now he was casually walking up the hill, not as eager as he was before. "Going into town?" I asked as he approached. "If so can you pick up some more apples, I've really been wanting some." He towered over me since I was still sitting in the grass.
"Not heading to town anymore." His voice seemed slightly irritated.
"Good, then sit." I patted my hand in the grass next to me. "It's my favorite time of day." My smile grew bigger as I looked upon his grumpy face. He rolled his eyes but he did finally sit next to me. I scooted closer to him, leaning into the grumpy man.
"You know when Gabrielle told me you were cloud gazing I didn't believe her." He says with his legs crossed and I watched as his dirty hands pulled at the grass.
"Well why not? It's calming. But it doesn't beat a good sunset." It was hard to watch a sunset back in Rome. Unless you were high up you never got to truly experience it. Maybe that is a pro to living out here. As I looked over the rolling hills they began to turn a light pink and it started to mix with the orange. That peach was my favorite color. Seeing the sun slowly hide itself away warmed my soul.
"It's not something you did before." Micheletto shrugged.
"You don't know everything about me Micheletto." I bumped my elbow into him and I could have sworn I saw a smile come from his grumpy face. "Besides I haven't found the right spot to look at clouds and also hide from Juan. So maybe we can make this a habit then? We go cloud gazing together. That will keep Juan away from me and it will give you time to relax" His head turned to me, I could barely see his face through his red hair that hung in front of his eyes.
"What makes you think I'm not relaxed?" He asked but I asked his question with another question.
"When was the last time you sat and watched the clouds or the sunset?"
"Never" he put it quickly.
"Well let's start today." He said nothing but it led to my next question. "Unless you are busy?" It seemed funny that every time I pry my voice seems to get higher.
"Busy?" He asked while uncrossing his legs. He bent his legs up, letting his long arms rest upon his knees.
"Where were you going before you saw me?" I scooted up so I was in his field of view. Micheletto let's me pester him far more than he should. It was enjoyable that he was so patient with me, even though I was sure he thought of me as a stupid girl.
"I was looking to find you. Gabrielle said you were out here, when I looked out and didn't see you I assumed it was a scheme." I smirked because I knew exactly what he was thinking.
"You thought I went to see Valentino." I chuckled. That was too easy. Though there was no plan yet surely one would come to me soon. But I know better now then to just sneak out. "And miss out on such a great day to cloud gaze? Do you think I'm mad?" I joked.
"Mad is not the word I would use to describe you."
"Well I'm sure I don't even want to know." We remained silent for a moment but then of course I had to open my mouth once again. "But let's note that Valentino offer is something we need. My goal is to find a home for this baby and return to Rome, to Cesare. If Valentino can help with that shouldn't we not take him up on his offer? In reality I am using him rather than him using me. Just look at all the money he gave us." His one eyebrow raised at me curious as to what I was saying. But truly the reason I would like to return home so quickly is mainly to continue my search for my father. Everything regarding that is currently put on hold since I am out here. "If you can protect me from Juan, I'm sure you can protect me from whatever you think Valentino will do." Personally I think Valentino is harmless and sweet but if this gets Micheletto to change his mind then so be it. "I'll be quiet if you just tell me you'll think about it." I moved my head into his vision, popping out right in front of him.
"Fine" he said with gritted teeth. "I'll think about it."
"Perfect!" My hands clapped together so rapidly I didn't think they could do that.
He stayed with me to watch the sunset and we sat in silence but it wasn't awkward. Truly I thought Micheletto was relaxed, at least in this moment. Maybe tense was just his personality but today was there first time I heard him breath. He is human the voice in my head told me. I heard him take a deep breath, hold it in and slowly let it out. He took what I had to say about him relaxing to heart. Hopefully this would become a habit for us. I enjoy having Micheletto around even if he was ridiculously quiet. I don't have siblings but this is what I picture it being like if I had a big brother. He was my strong big brother and I was his annoying little sister. But I found that I love Micheletto and now it's hard to imagine my life without him. He was once my shadow but now my friend, my brother.
Today was actually cold even if that should be ending. But somehow winter has found a way to persist. It annoyed me as sitting in the market with Gabrielle was miserable. I didn't even want to read as my hands coming out of my cloak meant they were cold. I hated when the weather would do this. It would be getting warmer every day then one day that all comes crashing down and winter air makes it way back. I'd rather be with Micheletto doing farm work. But with my bulging belly he doesn't let me do much of anything. Gabrielle doesn't seemed to be bothered by the cold at all it seems. She stood at our stall talking to patrons. Most now we sold what Micheletto hunted, deer, boar and even fish. The big game we sell and the small we keep for ourselves.
Sitting in the stool for almost and hour I felt myself starting to freeze in place. Gabrielle said I was overreacting and just not used to the cold. She is quite right about not being accustomed to the cold. Normally on days like this I would be curled up near the fire. These days my father and I would take dinner with a fireplace blazing to keep us warm.
Standing after some time I started to pace to warm myself up. Gabrielle watched in amusement. She was also bundled up in a cloak, hat and gloves but it seems the cold air only effected me. But while I paced my eyes landed on a man in the crowd walking the streets. He had a woman on his hip who seemed to be laughing at what he said. I knew him, it was that man who own the brothel that was apparently not a brothel. What was his name? I tried to remember. I couldn't remember off the top of my head but at this moment it didn't matter as I needed to hide from him. "Gabrielle I have to go." I said quickly.
"What?" Her amusement faded quickly as she saw my face which must have turned pale.
"I see someone who Cesare knows and I can't let him see me." My eyes watched as he walked through the crowd, he stopped at a stall to look at their wares.
"By all means go."
"I'll be back as soon as he's gone." I put my hood up and took one last look at the man and he was still at the same stall looking at leathers. It was the perfect time to hide from him. Scurrying the opposite direction I kept glancing over my shoulder to make sure he was still behind me. I moved through the crowd and looked for some place to hide until he had gone. Hopefully his shopping wouldn't take too long. If it did it might just be better for me to leave. But I don't want to leave Gabrielle. Somehow if this ended up being long I would have to make my way back to her and tell her I needed to leave. Maybe she would pack up and leave with me.
Quickly I ducked into an alleyway and stood behind some barrels. At least if that man saw me he wouldn't have a clear view as I could easily make my way through the alley. But for now I would stay here to watch him make sure he leaves and doesn't get too close. If he did then a new hiding spot would be in order. Only did I peak out my head just enough to see him, to watch his movements. He went from the one stall that was selling riding leathers to another that sold linens. I didn't know how close he and Cesare were. Or if Cesare had seen him since the last time we were here but I couldn't risk it. Even if he didn't know I was gone he could mention seeing me to Cesare and we can't have that. But now I wondered if Cesare had been here to visit his friend and not known that I was just a couple miles outside of town.
My gaze from him only broke when from the corner of my eye someone approached me. Surprisingly it was a friendly face.
"What are we hiding from?" Valentino stepping in front of my view. I took him by the shoulders and scooted him, he didn't fight me on it, in fact he chuckled. I moved him into the alley so that he faced the market and my back was to it.
"Do you see that man in the black hat with the red feather?" I asked and watched as his eyes scanned the crowd in the market. When he didn't spot him right away I spoke again. "The one with the redhead on his arm, she is in blue"
"Ah." He spotted them. "Brutus." That's his name! Why I couldn't remember is beyond me. "He runs the brothel." I knew it was a brothel! They tried to lie to me and say that it wasn't. Cesare really let me stay the night in a brothel when we could have stayed in an inn, or literally any where else.
"This is your town and you're okay with a brothel?" I feel as though most aren't. Many brothels are tucked away and many keep it a secret that they go to them. Even the brothels in Rome are frowned upon, yet they still stay in business. It's a love hate relationship that I will never understand.
"He takes good care of his girls. Protects them from men who would hurt them and they are paid well." He shrugs. "All the girls that are there are there by their own choice." Hopefully Brutus was a nice as Valentino says he is. "In fact is think it's vile how people treat women like that with such distaste. They sell something men want, and if they are willing to pay then I say cheers to them. There are far worse people in the world than women who make their money through sex." He seemed so causal about the subject, something most men are not. I never looked down on them, how could I? Sure they were unwed but in a way I was like them as because so was I. The only difference is I was sleeping with a man I love and didn't get paid, where as they sleep with men they don't love but they get paid.
"You seem very open minded about it."
"Why not? Everyone has to make money in the best way they know how." He shrugged again. I enjoyed his point of view. Most men would hate those women, even other women hate them but not him. Most would even hate me, a mistress to a Cardinal pregnant with his child. I was unwed and with child. But Valentino looked at me no different than when he first saw me. "Why do you hide from him?"
"He is friends with Cesare."
"Ah, I see." He nodded his head. "You didn't ask but I would be more than happy to be your look out, make sure he doesn't see you."
"If it mean I get to stand here and have a private moment with you then yes." I blush but it was doubtful anyone would be able to tell. It was already cold out and my cheeks and nose turned pink.
"Well where is he now?" I asked looking up at him. At this angle his green eyes sparked in the sunlight. I forgot how princely he was. His chocolate curls were charming, as was his smile. He had something about him that I couldn't explain but I felt comfortable around him. Enough that I felt relaxed. Normally my body was so tense that I had shoulder pain but around him my shoulders were lose. My tight jaw relaxed and the muscles in my face fell.
"He is at a cart, they sell wine." He told me. "Probably not as good as mine." He joked and I did crack a smile. "I like your smile." And with that complement I had to look away as I didn't want him to see me turn bright red.
"Stop" I said quietly. "Is he close?" I tried to remember where that wine cart was but I couldn't.
"No, you are safe for now." His eyes moved as Brutus did. "Strange, he usually doesn't come out to the market. Mainly he has other people do his shopping."
"You know him well then?" My thoughts went to him being friends with him because of the business Brutus provides.
"We are acquainted but not close by any means." Not surprising as I would assume if he was the lord of this area that he would know who lives here. If he knew him better one might think that he frequented the brothel. It wouldn't be surprising, I feel as though many men have spent time in a brothel. "His girls have shown up at some of the parties I have had." Smart idea, as showing up to a party thrown by a lord would open the door to many clients.
I could feel my body start to ache as we stood here. From the cold no doubt as it seemed to reach my bones. The clothes I had were not enough for this sudden cold day. It didn't help that we were standing in mud and the moisture was seeping through my shoes. My feet would be rock solid by the time I will get to remove my wet shoes. Gabrielle would probably have to pry them off of me.
"You're cold?" Valentino asked and I nodded.
"I wasn't expecting it to be this cold today." I admitted. It's true, I could have dressed better but in my defense the weather should have been warm like the past few days.
"Take my cloak then." Before I could even say no he was already working at the clasp of his black fur cloak.
"No it's fine." He didn't listen as he draped the cloak around me. The whole thing was lined with fine furs that were already heated from his body. Instantly I felt better. It smelled like him and now that's all my nose picked up. It was a nice change from the horrid smell of this muddy alleyway. "Thank you." My head was down so he couldn't see my smile. Still even without his cloak he was dressed for the weather. His clothes were lined with fine furs, his leather gloves thick, his hat covering his ears but some of his brown curls stuck out and fell over his green eyes. Everything was color coordinated, black and gold seemed to be the style of today. Even his warm cloak that was now wrapped around me was black and decorated gold filigree. He was very stylish even if he didn't seem the sort of person to care about that kind of thing.
"I believe our friend is leaving." He pointing his head in that direction and Valentino was right. As I turned my head slowly I felt the fur of the cloak brush up against my face. Brutus was walking away towards the direction of his brothel. Still he had that girl hanging on him and they seemed merry enough. "Let me get you back to dear Gabrielle" he stuck his arm out for me to take. The hesitation I felt was strong but I took it anyway as not to insult him.
"You are very kind." He led me from the alleyway into the streets. Still the market was busy though I was just happy that Brutus was gone. If he had seen me he might have said nothing to Cesare but I couldn't even risk him bringing it up casually. Valentino did say he didn't come here often but I would have to be careful more just incase he just happened to go out of his normal schedule once again.
Gabrielle smiled when she saw me coming back and raised an eyebrow when she realized who I was with. She at first was hesitant about my relationship to Valentino but now she seems to enjoy him. I think she liked the entertainment that his presence brings. Me and Micheletto going back and forth is probably amusing to her.
"Ladies if you would allow me, when the day is done I can escort you home." Valentino released me from his arm and I joined Gabrielle behind our stall. She waited for me to answer, probably because she knew what I would say. Of course I would say yes but my mind wondered to what Micheletto would say if we returned home with Valentino. Maybe it would be good for the plan I have yet to come up with. Who knows this could be the start.
"That would be nice." I spoke finally. This process would have to be sped up as my belly only grew bigger by the day. The longer I go without a midwife the more nervous I get. Though this child would not be mine, it should be born healthy, and I should make it through it.
"I have some errands to run and will return later." He bowed and back away from us.
"Wait." I stopped him. "Your cloak." I knew he would be back but returning it now seemed best, he would need it as well.
"Keep it for now. The baby must be kept warm as should you." He was so sweet, too sweet. It wasn't suspicious but it made him lovable. A big smile was always plastered on his face. And now was no different. His concern was genuine and it made me wonder why.
Gabrielle and I watched him walk away. We were leaning so far over our booth it might as well have tipped over. "He's so handsome!" Gabrielle screamed as she grabbed onto my arm. I giggled as she said "If you don't marry him I will." She nudged my side. We both watched until he disappeared into the crowd. And she, just like I enjoyed just looking at him. "Micheletto is going to kill you though, or at the very least kill him." I sat down as she spoke to me.
"He wouldn't kill me." I chuckled. But Micheletto will give me an ear full, I knew that for sure. "That would mean he came all the way out here for nothing."
"He at least is going to yell at you." She turned, her body leaning up against the wooden table.
"Yeah and he has done that before, can't get any worse." I shrugged as I wrapped the fur cloak tighter to my body. My plan had somehow become annoy Micheletto's so much that he just gives me what I want. It worked on my father, I'm sure it would work here. Micheletto seemed to be budging a bit.
Curling up more into Valentino's cloak I took in his scent. His clothes smelled like a fireplace. I imagined him sitting in front of a warm fireplace in his home. It's a place I would love to be right now.
When Valentino returned he was carrying a package but of what I could not tell. The parcel he carried was wrapped up.
"Ready to go?" He asked with his parcel under his arm.
"We just need to load up." Gabrielle held onto some skins from animals that Micheletto killed. We bring one of the horses with us as to help carry what we had to sell. Micheletto didn't let me ride as he was worried I would fall off and hurt myself. He didn't need to fight me on that. Riding was not something I am good at nor fond of. Doing it for a bit is fine but a long ride is something I try to avoid. Maybe if I did it more I would enjoy it.
Valentino walked in the middle of us. Gabrielle was on the far left and she held into the horses lead as it carried our goods. She keep raising her eyebrows at me every time Valentino even said a word. She was practically swooning over him, looking up at him like he was an angel. I can't say she's wrong in her affections, he definitely is a prize to be won.
"How angry do you think Micheletto will be at us?" Valentino teased.
"We shall find out." I smiled even if the conversation was about someone being angry with me. "How good are you are fighting?"
"I'm sure he is quite skilled." Gabrielle added as she looked him up and down. I did as well and when my eye gazed upon his face it was plain to see he was blushing.
"Oh no doubt, but Micheletto is more than he appears."
"I might have met my match then." Valentino chuckled.
"Should we place our bets?" I asked Gabrielle. Before she could answer I felt Valentino's hand touch my far shoulder. He came around me from behind and positioned himself just to my right. It confused me for a moment. It wasn't until I saw him glance over his shoulder at the two men who happened to walk by us. I glanced at Gabrielle who was now next to me. Both of our gazes met through the side of our eyes.
"I put my money on Valentino." Gabrielle was quick to speak.
"Then my ducats are on Micheletto."
"You hurt me my lady." Valentino put his hand over his heart and pretended to be faint.
"I'm sure you will make it through." I teased him. But now my thoughts went to who would actually win in a fight. Micheletto or Valentino? Micheletto was quick and light on his feet. But I think Valentino is strong and would use force. It truly would be a match to see.
Gabrielle squeezed my elbow, when our eyes met she gave a knowing look to me. We both had noticed Valentino's kindness towards me, it was hard not to notice. His sweetness should be just that, nothing more. I liked to believe the way he acted was just because he was nice but I knew better.
As we came upon the small house I noticed the chimney was smoking. Micheletto was keeping the house warm. I breathed a sigh of relief as I could not wait to have my feet in front of the warm fire. My shoes still felt wet but that could just be because they were so cold. But soon I would be warmed in front of a fire and the feeling of being cold would be in the past.
Micheletto came out of the cottage before we were even in spitting distance of the door. He walked so heavily over to us that dust flew up from under his feet. Of course his attitude was no surprise to any of us.
"Gabrielle take care of the horse." He spoke to her first and she walked off behind the cottage. "Lena, inside" he told me. My mouth opened to say something but I thought it best not to. I only took one step before I realized that Valentino's cloak was still around me. Fiddling with the clasp for a moment I was finally able to hand it back over to him.
"Thank you my lord." My eyes dare not meet his as I don't want to have Micheletto yell at me even more.
As soon as the door shut behind me I ran to the window. The fire was blazing in the fire place but it went ignored by me. Just a moment ago I thought nothing of being warmed by it's flames but now I just wanted to see what was going to happen. I crouched at the window so even if they did look over it wouldn't be completely obvious that I was spying.
"They are outside?" Gabrielle came through the back. My head did not even turn to look at her. She joined me at my side, crouching in front of the window to help me spy.
"Yes but I can't hear anything." They were talking that much we knew because their lips were moving.
"Micheletto doesn't seem to be mad. Though it's hard to tell since he's always so grumpy."
"He doesn't appear to be angry." I knew him well and if he was truly angry we would know. And if he was furious then Valentino would surely be dead. Valentino gave nothing away either, it just seems that they were talking.
"What are they talking about them?" Just as Gabrielle spoke both Valentino and Micheletto looked over towards us. Instantly we both ducked out of view of the window but I'm sure they saw us. "We've been caught."
"Just play dumb, it's not like we heard anything." Slowly I moved back up to the edge of the window, only enough for my eyes to peer over. Their back were now to us and walking away. "They are leaving?" It was a statement but I was still confused.
"What?" Gabrielle shot up next to me to see them strolling away like friends. "Probably so we can't listen to them."
"But what could they possibly be talking about?" I groaned. Valentino being alive this long during the conversation was a good sign. Although that doesn't mean that Micheletto won't kill him elsewhere. That may be morbid but Micheletto is a scary man. Who knows what he could do.
Since they left I finally sat myself in front of the fire, kicking off my shoes I curled my toes as the heat hit them. "Are you not cold?" I asked Gabrielle who now was in the kitchen with the black cat.
"No because I, unlike you, dressed for the weather." She teased me, she even giggled at her own joke.
"I didn't dress for the weather because this time of year it should be getting warm." Gabrielle placed a blanket around my shoulders then returned to the kitchen. I stretched out my legs and feet. My toes crack as I did so but I felt relaxed. That would soon be ruined once Micheletto got back to yell at me. But still as I sat on the floor in front of the fire I could not help but think of what was going on with those two men out there. If Micheletto killed him surely it would be noticeable. Valentino is the lord of this city so it would be obvious if he disappeared. Micheletto wouldn't be so stupid as to kill him. Maybe he would make it look like an accident. We all know he would make sure to not get caught.
As soon as I heard the front door open my head swung so quickly around that I could swear my neck cracked.
"Pack your things." Micheletto spoke to me. "We will be moving to a new home."—————————————
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The Mistress
Historical FictionLena was a Roman beauty, daughter of a Cardnial and close to the Borgia family. Everything seemed perfect until her father leaves her in the care of the Borgia family right before his disappearance. While in The house of Borgia she learns about her...