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So a few of you asked me Dada forgiving Jammy that easily is a bit weird. I don't know what was in Dada's mind, but for sure this proves how strong their friendship is.



This story is for you both since you wanted a random Jammy-Dada story.

I don't know how it is, cause it is something very random and actually highlights why Dada forgave Jammy. Hopefully you all will like it. Do comment and tell me how it is.

Dada and Jammy have been chilling in Dada's Kolkata house...with a coffee mug in their hand, early morning.

And suddenly they decide to stroll Dada's private room- filled with trophies, awards, pics of the winning moments.

And Jammy's eyes land on the last pic of Dada in his lap as they have won the match, it was before Greg happened.

Dada realizing that Jammy is stuck on that pic goes and gives him a shove with the shoulder, stumbling Rahul

Rahul: Dadiiii....🙄🙄🙄(shaking his head at his impossible best friend)

And Sourav just grins and leaves the room with Rahul behind him. Out of nowhere a running Sana comes and tries pulling Jammy,

Sana: Chachuuuu....Sachin chachu phirse gifts bhul gayee

Rahul: Baccha but we got them together...How can he forget???

Sana: I tell him...comeeee(pulling Jammy with her full strength)

Rahul: Come baccha I will see...

And off they went but since Sach was sleeping

Sana: Chachu badd mein...he's tired, let him sleep

Sourav: Arre chodo...(and was about to push him off the bed)

Sana: No baba...nooo...let him sleeeppppp(pulling Sourav away)

Sourav: Noo....

Sana: I said nooo, and was looking at Sourav with a warning glance...

And Sach throws the pillow at Dada's face and turns and goes off to sleep and finally they decide to leave him to sleep with Sana chuckling and Sourav cursing the sleeping soul

As Dada and Jammy were again back in their old place

Jam: Dadi

Dada: Hmmm

Jammy: Dadiiii

Dada: Hmmmmmmm

Jammy: You listen to me Dadi(a bit irritated)

Dada: 😶😶🙄🙄

Jammy: Will u answer me honestly????

And dada drew in a deep breath...he knew what was coming......

Jammy: U concentrate(clearly irritated)

Dada: Haan baba Haan....... (softly)Hitler

Jammy: I heard that...

And before Dada could retort...

Jammy: Agar mereko chodke koi aur hota....would you have been still friends with him??

Dada: How does that matter jammy??

Rahul: It does....tell na please......

Dada: I donno.....I guess I never thought about it

Rahul: 😒😒😒

Dada(drawing Rahul closer): See...I just realized I needed my Jammy...else nothing was worth Man of the Man of the Series...mattered as long as I didn't get a hug from you see

And jammy just stares at dada

Dada: Stop giving that look Jam. Everything on one side...what we had before that was a lot more special.......I couldn't have lost you for something that u weren't even at fault....

Rahul(cutting Sourav off): You do know that it was my are just hell lot biased, you know that right????

Dada(shrugged): Well I am biased for my biggest biggest strength...for the person who gets me out of my lows...and cheers louder dan me on my highs...who makes me smile even before I say that I am upset.....who has always been there for me no matter what the situation was.....above all I am biased for my BEST FRIEND, and I don't find anything wrong in it.

Rahul(looking dazed, speechless): I just donno why and how...but everytime you prove me wrong when I feel I know you all...but jo v ho....I guess I have to thank all my stars that u r my best friend...I mean I don't know if I deserve you, but trust me I wouldn't want to be without you ever....

And Dada just shook his head with a smile...

Dada: You deserve me all Rahul, you do......and no matter what I will always support you even if at times it seems stupid on my part, coz you deserve the best and you will always find me beside you no matter what....

Rahul(all teary-eyed): I....I...Dadi...I....... I really am proud and thankful to God that you are my best friend.

Saying it he just hugged Dada tight, trying to pour all his love into it as Dada held onto him firmly.

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