Chapter 11

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The next few days went fast.Sophie had done daily training with Fintan and Marella (using her vanisher ability) , hung out with her friends and went to Foxfire. She would also sometimes sneak in and get Fintan some mallow-melt without let him know that it's her. 

So on a Tuesday, as she was coming back from Foxfire, she spotted Biana and hurried towards her. "Hey Biana", Sophie said. As Biana greeted back, she and Sophie made a plan to go to eat at Atlantis with Fitz, Keefe and Tam.

Then they took a leaping crystal and went to Atlantis. Sophie could almost forget all her worries while she was here. 

Her friends along with her went to a restaurant. They all drank some juice and ate Mallow-melt. Together, they talked about stuff going in their houses as Keefe shouted, "let's play truth or dare". This was trouble and Sophie knew it.

She then tried to make him change his mind but after some time of arguing, she knew that nothing would make him change his mind. Then they started playing. At first it was just easy dares. 

"Maybe this will be a good night", Sophie thought. But just as she was about to drift in her thoughts, Keefe said,"Foster truth or dare". This was hopeless. Sophie sighed and replied," Dare".

Keefe's smile faded. "I thought you would go for a truth and I would finally get you to reveal your crush but this is fine. I dare you to take Iggy farts and help me store them in Magnate Leto's office", he dared. 

"Fine and Keefe truth or dare, As Keefe replied dare." I want you to end this game right now', Sophie replied with a smile.

After some time of talking, they separated and went home. Sophie was very tired so she slept as soon as her head touched her pillow. Then her dream started.

Sophie looked at the scene. She saw a young Sophie playing in the park. She surprisingly saw herself without her wig. 

Beside a young herself, there were a young Ruy, Alvar and Gethen.  They were playing with here with a ball and she was chasing them. Alvar looked like he was 11, Ruy looked 10, Gethen looked 10 and Sophie was ten too. 

This made no sense", Old Sophie thought.

But as she watched the scene, young Sophie tripped and fell. One of her bones looked broken. When Gethen, Alvar and Ruy found her, they helped her up and took her to a healing center. In the healing center, she saw Fintan.

He has no scars", Sophie thought.

He picked young Sophie up bridal and layed her on a bed. He then took a bandage and some medicines and soon her cut was much better. 

 As Sophie looked up, she saw Ruy,Alvar and Gethen's worried faces comforting her. 

She suddenly felt safe and normal. Like someone cared about her. It felt nice. Then her dream ended.

When she woke up, she was happy and she had a smile on her face. Only this time, it wasn't fake.

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