22: Waking up With James

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Blair's pov
Once we finished our movie we sat around talking and playfully fighting. Or even booping each other's noses. After hours of talking and play fighting.

It was late, like really late. It was around 12:30 AM when we realized how late it was. But still we didn't get to bed till 2:43 AM.

Time skip brought the you by Noah's dogs, Lucy and Lucky!

When I woke up I was surrounded by James' scent and blankets. I looked behind me to see James, still asleep and slightly drooling. It was such a beautiful sight. Him laying there as peaceful as humanly possible.

He looked like an angel just laying there like that. I admired his beautiful facial features and his dark brown hair that draped across his face. I swear I found myself leaning into his lips. I was stopped when I heard a deep exhale come from James's mouth.

I laid back into my spot and looked at him worried I woke him up. But all James did was continue to lay there drooling and looking cute. I was about to get up but felt my small body get pulled right back down into bed.

James had pulled me down and into his body. Making my back lay against his bare chest. "Whatcha doin Babygirl?" I heard James mumble. "I- wait what did you just say?" I asked genuinely confused by his words.

"I said, Whatcha doin Babygirl?" He repeated himself, "Well yeah, no shit Sherlock. I meant what do you mean by Babygirl?" He pulled my body closer to his then said "I meant what I said, Babygirl."

I was shocked by this. He's called me many things in the past but never this. "Stop calling me that, it's weird." I said trying to figure this out. "Why is it weird? It's just a pet name, I mean I call you princess. So I figured you wouldn't mind."

"Yeah well that's different, my prince." I answer still thinking over the situation. "How? I mean, how is that different. They're both pet names." He said sounding hurt and confused. "It's different because you've been my prince and I've been your princess ever since we were little. And 'Babygirl' makes it sound like your my boyfriend."

I said moving my hand closer to his arm that still held me close to the warmth of his body. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stop if you don't like it. It's just, I- uh I don't know. Maybe I want you to me my Babygirl. My babe, my princesa, my love."

He held me tighter to him if that was even humanly possible. "I didn't know that was how you felt." He didn't respond for a few seconds. "Well it is how I feel. And now you know." I turned my body so my face could face his.

"Maybe I'll let you call me your Babygirl." I said smiling at him. "Really?" He said looking excited about being able to call me what he wanted. "Yeah, it might feel good to be called Babygirl. By someone who actually likes me and wants to be around me."

He smiled leaning is face closer to mine. Eskimo kissing me. I blushed feeling his nose rub against mine sweetly. "I do have to get up though, so could you please release your tight grip on me." I asked politely.

"Oh yes, sorry about that- princessa." He let go of me and I sat up from my bed. "It's okay, you didn't do anything that you have to apologize for."  I said looking over my shoulder at James who was still just laying down on my bed.

"Oh- okay. What do you want for breakfast? I'll make it!" He said excited to cook. "Anything you want to make. Did you know it's cute that you have a love for cooking?" He smiled and so did I. "No, I didn't know it was cute. But I guess I'll just have to cook more."

"I think you should cook more." I said walking over to my closet for clothes. "Okay I will. Do you have anything clean that I can wear?" He said I looked up from the shirt in my hands. "Maybe, lemme look.  Also what do you want? Like sweats? Jeans?"

"I don't care as long as it's clean." He said sitting up "I have grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt." I said looking back at him. "Sure can I use your shower?" I chucked the clothes at him looking back to my closet for the shirt I had a few moments before.

"Yeah you can, I don't mind. But I also have to shower so don't be too long please." I responded finally finding the shirt. I picked it up and looked for pants to match it. "Thanks." He said walking off.

I was left to find my outfit for today. I looked through my closet once more putting back the shirt I have found. Finding a new one, a red cropped flannel that used to be James's.  But I cut and stole it from his house. The pants where tight and black with little rips in each knee.

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