𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸 - 𝚄𝚗𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚕

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𝚈/𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist." the old man, who called himself Bang, started dancing and doing cool poses.

"It goes something like that. Want to try? The three of you seem to be quick learners. I bet you'll get the hang of it in no time." Bang offered.

"This is the cool thing you said you wanted to show us? A sales pitch? I'll pass. You do it, Y/n." Onii-chan nudged me.

"No thanks, I'm going to have to pass on that too. Plus, I know I'd look weird." I retorted.

"How dare you! You dare mock our fighting style?! I, Charanko, the top student, challenge you-" he was running towards me before Genos grabbed him by the neck.

"Don't touch, Y/n-sama." Genos growled. I could've just avoided the attack with my shield, but I appreciate the help.

"I give up!" the top student, Charanko, surrendered.

"Y/n-sama. I'm sure you would look amazing. Please don't say such awful things to yourself." Genos said.

"That's very sweet of you, Genos." I smiled at him.

"Also, is he really your best?" Genos questioned the old man.

"Pretty much." Bang replied.

"Genos told me that your dojo was full of skilled fighters." I mentioned, trying to get rid of this awkward tension.

"Well, one of my students went wild. He beat my most skilled students so badly, they're all out of commission. The rest got scared and quit." the old man explained.

"He's that strong? What's his name?" Onii-chan inquired, finally interested in something else.

"Garou...he was my top student at the time, but I gave him a good beating and expelled him." Bang answered.

"You must pack a punch, old man." Onii-chan said, impressed.

"Hey! This is the famed hero, 'Silver Fang'! Class S hero, rank 3. He toys with opponents as he flows like water, then delivers a blow like a raging river smashing huge rocks! A master of martial arts!" Cha...Charanko, I think that's his name, boasted.

"You only recently became a hero, right? You'll regret taking Bang-sensei lightly!" he pointed a finger at Onii-chan.

"Enough, Charanko! Do not disgrace us. Saitama-kun is many times stronger than I am." Bang scolded.

"Surely that's a joke, Sensei..." Charanko doubted. I'm sorry but I'm afraid it's not a joke. Even my shield can't withstand his punch.

"Silver Fang-sama! The association sent me. An emergency has been issued to all Class S heroes! Please come to Association Headquarters immediately!" a man suddenly came in.

"Oh! Is that you, Genos-sama? Y/n-sama is here too! Since all Class S heroes have been summoned, please come too!" the man exclaimed.

"Wait, me too?" I pointed to myself in confusion.

"You became a Class S hero not too long ago, Y/n-sama." Genos explained. I did?

"Is it threat level Dragon?" Genos mumbled to himself.

"Goodness me...Charanko, look after the dojo." the old man ordered. Charank told him to take care.

"If Class S is being summoned, they may need your help too, Sensei." Genos mentioned.

"Are you going to come along with us?" I asked.

"Yes, I will...since I got nothing to do." he replied.

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