Chapter 8: Falling Into Track

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   It's the start of a new day. As usual. But somehow, I feel a growing attachment to this place.

   An inexplicable sense of belonging.

   Je ne sais quoi, they say...

   It's almost time to leave for school, so I scurry up my scattered belongings, making sure I have everything packed and ready. A nudging thought consumes me, so move to the mirror to speculate myself once again.

   My dark chocolate layers are tight in a high ponytail. Hazel eyes stare back at me. Dark blue jeans, white converse, an oversized pine coloured hoodie. Perfect. Simple, casual yet classy.

   I don't think anyone's actually noticed this about me but I never wear sleeveless nor do I ever wear waist-length tops. Being born and brought up in a conservative country etched a few rules in the blood of all girls. Never showing too much skin was one of them.

   "Selina..." I hear Ammi calling me from downstairs. Breakfast must be ready.

   When I reach downstairs, I find Abbu already seated with a newspaper. Some habits never change. I greet my parents with a smile as I take my place beside them. I feel unceremoniously serene today, a certain peace that only comes when you're content with life.

   When I'm finally seated, both my parents divert their attention to me. Perks of being an only child.

   "So, Selina, how's life? Made new friends?", as always my father begins in what he feels is a quirky way. It's his way of trying to connect with me.

   "Nothing much. Eli's been a great friend. Helped me through a lot of the work. The classes are rigorous but surprisingly the syllabus is really easy." I grin through my food, "Kudos to you. And oh, I got into the  literature club. Today's my first day. Starts at three. So, you don't need to pick me up. I can get home alone..."

   Abbu stares at me, dumbfounded, when I realize where I slipped. Ammi silently watching the banter.
   "Who's Eli and you think you can come home alone?"
   I knew they'd be incredulous. They'd never let me out alone before. I exhale a quick breathe and explain it to them in a calm tone.

   "This is America, Abbu. I'll be safe. Don't worry. Kids my age are learning how to drive. I learnt how to walk ages ago. I'll be fine. And Eli's a close friend. Also, she's a she. So again, nothing to worry about." I take his callous hands in mine and look him directly in the eyes. "I'll be fine, father. Trust me."

   I'm stunned that my little speech came out so eloquent... So is my father...

   He huffs out a huge sigh. And looks at my mother instead. "See, Armineh, the kid wants wings now. They're always so eager to leave the nest." Now, he turns to me. "Fine, your appeal is granted. You may have your freedom."

    I let out an excited squeal and leap off to give my father a huge hug.

   Finally, some independence.


    For the first time in my life, I arrive to school all alone, unaccompanied by anyone.

    Such a sweet feeling this freedom is.

    I find Eli quickly enough. She was waiting for me in the hallway. As soon as I reach her, she bombards me with questions.

    "So... Who were they??? What did they want? You know, I wanted to talk about it after class but I couldn't find you anywhere? How could you leave me in mystery? Oh, oh... Was it a secret admirer? Damn it girl, speak."

   I chuckle, "I could've already told you if you hadn't fired all that artillery at me."

   She stares at me wide-eyed, silent to allow me to continue.

   So, I relent to what I've been wanting to tell her since last afternoon. "I met Josh under the bleachers, one of those cafeteria friends, and he asked me to join the literature club."

    She cocks her head, "Why would he leave a note when he could've asked you in person before?"

    I shake my head in disagreement, "I didn't say he left the note..."

    Her eyes widen, almost bulging out of their sockets. It was comical. I strained not to laugh out loud.

   "Treyton did."

    She lets out a loud shriek, giving a jump right in the middle of the hallway.
She's in disbelief. I don't blame her.

    "Treyton left the note??? You mean, Trey... Treyton? Hates-everybody Treyton? Leave-me-alone Treyton? Why the heck does he have to do with you??? Wait, was it because of that little showdown you gave him last week? Lee, are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Lee, speak!"

   Surprising me, she takes my shoulders and gives them a good shake. Yikes, girl's gone paranoid.

   When she finally allows me to gain my composure, I scowl at her. Not because of what she says of Treyton, because her outburst left me dizzy.

   "He just wanted a new start, said sorry for being a nut-job and wanted us to be friends." I shrug, failing to mention that he said his 'world would collapse, if he didn't'.

   She still continues to stare at me, "That's... odd..."

   I give her another nonchalant shrug, she's correct. "So I agree."

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