Chapter 17: Formal

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   Five months.

   It's already been five months since we moved to America- the place where dreams actually came true. I guess, what they said was actually true.

   It's also been five months since I've actually met Trey. Now he's all I ever think about.

   I know obsessions never healthy but I can't help it.

   He's delicious...

   Kisses have never been scarce after the first one. And even though I'd never allowed one in public, he was okay with it. As long as he got to devour me afterwards. His words, not mine... The tiny gestures of affection that melted my heart were more enough for me.

   But today, a new air infiltrates the school. It's infectious and everyone's caught up in its frenzy. Posters in elegant cursive were plastered all over the school walls in a disorganized synchronization.

Winter Formal

   I've never been to a party before, let alone a party where random boys and girls came within a feet of each other, when they were not even siblings or fiancés... 

    But from what I hear, there will be chaperones. Maybe... just maybe... I'll be able to convince Abbu and Ammi. We haven't spent much time together lately and I'm repenting over the fact that it's mostly my fault.


   When I met Eli at the lockers, I found her bubbling with excitement. And true to anyone's guess, it was about the formal.

   "What colour will you wear?" She assaults me without even a 'hi'.

   "What makes you think that I'm going?" I say as deadpanned as I possibly can. Just to tease  her...

   Instantly, her face deflates and the glow is gone. "What do you mean?" She cocks her brows in dismay. She's genuinely disappointed.

   Aww, Amelia cares about me...

   "I'm kidding." I reply, breaking out my trademark grin that never leaves  when I'm with her, "Well, I do have to ask my parents for their permission though. Let's see. They'll also probably want to know who I'll be going with and I-..."

   "Who you'll be going with?" Eli repeats in an incredulous tones, "Girl, you listen to me..." She points her finger at me and I can barely suppress my laughter. "You're going to the formal with ME. Not Trey, not Josh... if he's still a contender... You and me only. I'll kidnap you if I have to. Unless somebody's already asked you..." She squints her eyes when stressing that 'somebody'.

   Damn, that girl's always dramatic.

   But she hit home. Trey technically didn't ask me out yet. Eli was the first one. And I could never dream of daring to say no to her. Things would also be much easier with my parents if I went with her. I also kinda wanna gauze out Trey's reaction.

   "Eli..." I take her hands, put a few feet between us and kneel down. When I'm settling and comfortable in my position, I fake out my best British accent, "'ve always been my one true love."

    That earns me a squeal and a short tight hug. She's practically jumping with delight. And I grin madly with her. I guess, the only thing I'm actually good at is keeping people I love happy. 

   "Tell your parents I'm taking you shopping tomorrow."

   Uh oh.


   Didn't think about that...


   I've never been in Trey's car before. It's sleek black body is polished top to bottom. The interior leather seats seemed shinier than the exterior. A tinted sunroof above allowed the soft afternoon sunlight bask into the car. It was anyone's guess that Trey turned out to be one of those people who valued their car over their lives.

   I wonder how much it cost. The entire thing was screaming of exuberance.

   "It's a Cadillac CT6." He says when he sees me scrutinizing his car, "This baby's my only prized possession. Had to work nights to buy her with my own money..."

   His eyes glint with pride as he trials off in the sweet memories of savouring his success. But can't help but marvel about how a teenager could, in any possible dimension, be able to buy a car like this with his own money.

   There's so much that I still don't know about him.

   However, we have time for that later... I need to address the more pressing issues first.

   "I'm going to the formal with Amelia." I state in a an as-a-matter-of-fact tone, knowing full well that he won't take the information calmly.

   "WHAT?" bellows Trey.

   "You heard me." I say deadpanned, using all my strength I try to refrain from laughing out loud. "She asked me first. And we're going together. It's not like you hunted me down as soon as you saw the posters..."

   "B-But..." He's whining now and I can barely hold my laughter anymore. "You have to give me a chance to make a plan to ask you out. You didn't even give a chance to THINK about it..."

   "Look, while you needed to think...", I rolled my eyes while air-quoting "think",  "Eli needed a date. I was there. It all worked out between us."

   "What about me-e-e?" Trey's watching me with a puppy eyes look with his lower lips trembling out in a pout.

    My grin finally breaks through.

   "Well, the formal's a long night, and maybe, just maybe, I could get a nice dress just for you. Just. For. You."

    With my words, his pout slowly spreads into a mischievous crooked grin; eyes twinkling in humour.

   "Don't." I try to stop him before he can say anything that will sure make be blush.

   "I'll just have to make sure..." his voice drops to a low murmur, his hands trailing up my arms, "... you'll be mine for the rest of the night."

   My heart flutters at his words... 

   I lean into him for yet another hug and he instinctively kisses the top of my head. I didn't even know what we are but somethings don't need a label to them. And just like that, as he lingers on the kiss, I feel myself melting into him...


   Life's great.

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