Chapter 1

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"This is not how you raise a child!" there was a voice heard in my parents room. I peek through the little crack of the door, trying to see what was going on. "Alfred you don't decide how we raise our son," i heard my dad say. "You haven't been to any of his soccer practices, games, no parties with him, never take him to scho-" "We're very busy people Alfred and we don't have time for those type of events. Plus he has you," my mother said as they both looked ready to go somewhere. "I understand that Martha a lot but today is very important for young master matthew. He turns 5 and its all he's been looking forward to for awhile ma'am." They continued arguing as I walk in and then Alfred sees me. My parents turn around and gasp, "Oh um hey son.." I sniffled, tears in my eyes. "A-Are you really going...on my birthday..?"  My mother sighed and picked me up before saying. "I'm so sorry honey we really wanna stay but daddy and i have something to take care of and we don't have time for this.." she said as i started to hear her voice break. She bursted out crying and hugged me tightly, my father had to pull her away because of how tight she held onto me. "Come on Martha we have to go. Have a good birthday son." He patted my head as they left to wherever they were going. I turned around and started to sob as Alfred held me close. "I'm so sorry Master Wayne....let's go celebrate your birthday." I nodded and sniffled, holding onto him even more. 

"Morning Alfred." Matthew said once he walked downstairs. "Good morning Master Wayne. Any breakfast you recommend today sir?? It is your birthday after all," Alfred said as he stood over the kitchen table. Matthew shakes his head as he smiles, looking at himself in the mirror by the kitchen. "No thank you Alfred, I'll be okay." 

"Happyy Birthdayyy Toooo YOUUU!!" I heard from behind me. I turn around and see Luke and Tatsu with a cake, walking towards me. "Ah what a surprise. Thank you guys." I walk with them to the table as they set the cake down. "Now we didn't get you any presents because you can pretty much get any present you want," Luke said as he sat down. I smiled slightly, understanding. "Perfectly fine Luke. The new Batmobile you've been working on is more than enough for me," I replied.

Tatsu scoffed and gave a long gift box to me. "WE did not agree on that. I got you something Matt." I looked at the gift and took it from her hands. 

"Huh? What is it?" I asked as I studied the box, beginning to open it. "It's an ancient sword dating back to years and years before our time, close to the time of Jesus Christ." I looked at her then looked at the sword as I took it out. "What's the background on this?"

"Well it is said that it belonged to the leader of the League of Assassins, Ra's Al Ghul. Apparently the sword was used to kill many of his enemies and was lost the day that he faced his greatest foe. Azrael. And so my people were able to find the sword and we took it in. But.." Tatsu's voice trails off as her expression goes from normal to sad. "But my parents weren't raised to accept our background and the martial arts. So they wanted to give this away and didn't want anything to do with it." She looked at me and then smiled again, "But never mind that. It belongs to you now  Matthew. Happy Birthday!" 

As my friends and Alfred began to sing me happy birthday, I couldn't help but think how big this is. Life is great. 20 doesn't seem that bad. I don't think it is anyways. Nothing bad is going to happen. And even if something bad does happen, I will stop it. I have to. The Batman has to. 

In The Narrows

"Ladies and gentleman!" A man with a green messy suit said as others walked by. "If you are looking for a new scientist , a brilliant man with AMAZING RIDDLES, then look no further!" The man walked around waving a stick with a paper question mark on top of it. 

"Nobody cares!" "Stop trying." "Ain't gon work bud." "Brilliant? What kind of brilliant idea was it to wear that." "FREAKSHOW!"

The comments towards the man continued all day. By the time the sun was going down, he decided to walk back to his apartment. 

"Hey Eddy buddy!" A clerk behind a desk looked up from there, and called for the man. "It's Edward Nigma man I told you before Will." The clerk, Will, rolled his eyes and sarcastically face palmed himself. "Damn sorry silly me. Make sure you get comfy, the new neighbors next to you are enjoying each fuck they get. But hey at least they can get some every night huh? Not you though fucking freakshow! HAHAHA!" Edward sighed and walked to his room. 

"Another day, another failure." Nigma sat down at his little desk, his little bed right behind him. He sighed and looked at his stuffed animal Penguin in front of him. "When you do not know what I am, then I am something. But when you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I?" He said to the stuffed animal. 


"A riddle!" Edward laughed and snorted at the riddle. "You liked that one didn't you Pengy?" He sighed and heard noise next to him.

 "Oh my goodness!! YES!! Fasterrrr!! Fuck meeee!!"

Edward looked at the direction where the noise was coming from, frustratingly. Annoyingly. Disgusted at the sounds. "Simple minded horndogs. Always wanting to have pleasure. You can simply have pleasure in a not so sexual way! Maybe a riddle or um.. a riddle.." He rolled his eyes and got out of his seat to lay in bed. "People could be smarter. There are smarter people.. but just not here." He sat up and looked out his window. "Not this place, full of simplicity and ignorant, retarded people!" His eyes furrowed as his nose scrunched up. "I could give these people some actual knowledge. A new perspective on life and everything else. Not just sex.." He turned to the direction of the wall where the couple next door were having sex. "Not just drugs or alcohol." He looked over the city once more and grinned slightly. "That does not give you the power and respect you want.. knowledge will. I will show you Gotham City. I will show you."

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