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Spencer Hastings was a goody-two-shoes, or at least that's what everyone thinks because Alison Dilaurentis says so. Every one believed that except for Toby.

"Hey, Hastings!" Toby circling his arms around her waist. Spencer immediately panicked turned around she saw Toby, and hit his chest.

"What do you want?" Spencer said irritated.

"feisty" toby kissed her neck. "Ouch!" Toby smirked when Spencer slapped him.

"Don't waste your time Toby she's too innocent to kiss you" Caleb laughed.

"Geek Hastings wont have her first kiss until she's married, and sex 10 years after her marriage" Alison laughed at Spencer as she grabbed her books and exited the hallway.

"Really Ali" Toby looked at her annoyed. "what?" Alison said innocently.

"Its a shame that Spencey won't do as you predict" Toby said as he brushed a strand of Alison's blonde hair behind her ear. "why is that?" Alison asked she circled her arms around Toby's neck and he pulled Alison by the waist aggressively making her gasp. "Because she'll be mine by the end of the school year." Toby said as their lips were inches away. "Maybe you should come by my house today my parents will be gone all week long." Alison whispered. "I'll think about it" Toby said pushing her away and heading towards his next class but instead decided to skip it.


"You want me to do what so you could do what? Caleb asked unsure of Toby's plan

"Just distract the teacher while i go see who's partners with who and then sabotage it" Toby said as he lit his cigar.

"I can't do that!" Caleb yelled

"Why not?!" Toby asked getting angry

"Dude I'm high! I can't go walking towards a teacher, they'll know!"

"Well I don't care, so you go make some bull shit excuse for Mrs. Montgomery, so I can do my part of the plan"

5 minutes later they heard the bell ring and that meant they had exactly 15 minutes before his next class. Toby and Caleb walked inside the school waiting to find Mrs. Montgomery. Caleb spotted her, he started walking towards her.

"Mrs. Montgomery! theirs a fight going on behind the school!" Caleb said as worriedly as he could. Mrs. Montgomery and some other teachers excited the school.

Toby walked inside the  empty classroom and looked at the list Mrs. Montgomery made for partners and groups for the next semester.

Spencer had Jenna as her partner and he had Noel as his partner. Noel would love have Jenna's company, and Toby defiantly loved Spencer's company, he switched Jenna's and his name. For groups it was Hanna, Caleb, Andrew, and Spencer. Toby thought Andrew was too smart like Spencer, she might fall for him, so he replaced Andrew's name with his name. After that toby needed to leave immediately not because of the teacher, but because Spencer liked being extra early to all of her classes.


During class Toby couldn't stop smirking at Spencer. Every time her eyes landed on his she would look away or roll her eyes.

The teacher said that they had a project based on Shakespeare, partner would be assigned. Toby's smirk widened when she announced that him and Spencer were partners. he saw her turn around to look at him, she looked angry which Toby thought was hot.

after class he walked out the school, he was halfway down the stairs when he heard spencer voice.


"What are you talking about" Toby smirked.

"the chances of us being together were not possible"

"Maybe it was meant to be" he grabbed the by the waist tight so she couldn't escape. "Maybe we could meet up at my house so we can begin our project what do say?" he asked Spencer

"Go to hell" She said angrily

"I said what do you say?" he asked again and loosened his grip.

She sighd. "Fine" she said defeated.


Spencer walked to Toby's house and saw him packing stuff on the bed of his truck.

"Going somewhere?" Spencer asked afraid he forgotten.

Toby turned around and smirked Spencer rolled her eyes.

"Yeah look out point." Toby answered

"Should I come back later?" Spencer said taking a few steps back.

"Nope you're coming with me" he said simply

"Am not" Spencer said

"Yeas your because I have food, dessert and" Toby held a bottle of wine.

It was tempting. But what if was some kind of trick, to sleep with him or make fun of with his friends.

"Fine" she said "I'm going to regret this" she whispered to herself.

Toby opened the door to the passenger seat.


"It's beautiful" Spencer looked over the small town.

"Yeah, I come here a lot"

"To get high?"

"No" Toby half lied

"Should we get started" Spencer said getting her book.

Spencer and Toby studied on Shakespeare. Spencer was surprised on how much Toby knew about Shakespeare.

"I can't drink anymore or I'll be too drunk, and who is going to drive?" Spencer said as she finished her 3rd wine glass.

"I'm not drunk" Toby said

"You better not be" Spencer said getting up and heading towards the truck.

"I'll take you home"

"You're different"

"Really how?" He asked

"At school your a jerk with his reputation of not caring about anything not even yourself. And now I'm seeing a whole different person one who I can actually talk to without wanting to rip their head off you listen to me, you actually helped on the project, you had feelings which I never knew about."

"It's all about getting to know one, cause look at you all everyone says is a stuck up goodie-two-shoes that did what ever mommy and daddy wanted, and today I saw someone willing to have fun take risks and get drunk" he chuckled "it's crazy!"

"Not as crazy as this bad boy having feelings!" She said kissing him in the lips.

Although it took a while for Spencer to accept her feelings for Toby she finally decided to date him. At first them walking in the hallways holding hands seemed to make Alison furious she got over it when Noel and started dating. Toby started to care about a lot of things, he was a new person, but some of his bad boy habits didn't go away so easily. Spencer and Toby decided not to get married but stay together. After 5 years Spencer found out she couldn't have kids, it's was heartbreaking but after 2 years they adopted a baby boy and named him Mason Phillip Cavanaugh.

"Tobes?" Spencer said as they danced together at prom. "Yeah?" Toby said looking at her brown eyes. " it's perfect" she said.
It wasn't perfect due to Alison being prom queen and  Toby prom king, they seemed uncomfortable dancing together, Noel jealousy got the best of him and pulled Spencer onto the dance floor, which made both Toby and Alison angry.
Toby didn't like Spencer with any other guy. Alison was annoyed that everything seemed to be about Spencer.

"You are perfect" Toby said making her blush.

"Toby?" Spencer said looking at his blue eyes wanting to treasure the moment forever. "I love you"  Toby couldn't help but to smile at her as he felt the same. "I love you too" he said as they continued to dance the night away.


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