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She didn't want to spend Christmas with her family, if she did she would see her perfect cousin. She loathed her ever since the summer before freshman collage 4 years ago.

"I don't want to go!" She screamed

"Why not?" He asked 

"I don't want to see my cousin I loathe her" She said in anger. "ever since she stole ex boyfriend"

"Then how am I supposed to meet your family?" He asked her. "Another holiday"

"Babe can't we just pass by? We might not even see her." He tried to convince her.

"No!" She said, she didn't want to be anywhere near her cousin. "You know in a relationship we're supposed to know what troubles us"

"I don't want to go, but you do we will just stay for dinner and leave," she said.

"you won't regret this," he said kissing her,

"I hope not, I love you, Marco"

They walked inside the mansion to find their families together on holidays.

"Honey, you made it!" her mother hugged her.

"Yeah, I came here with my boyfriend," she said introducing him. "Mom this is Marco Fuery, My boyfriend"

"Noce to meet you, Marco"

She wandered off to the voice she heard. She walked into the living room she found him next to the tree talking on the phone. He looked up and smiled at her. She blushed, after all this time he still affected her.

"hey," he said walking towards her. She waves at him. "I haven't seen you since the summer before my Junior year.

"I've been busy during college and after college, I got a job, as a secretary for the time"

"Seems like life has been treating you good," he said smiling at her, If anything she forgot that people existed apart from both of them.

"Toby?" her cousin entered the living room. "Oh my God! You made it! I was hoping you would come" her cousin said. She hold up her hand to show a giant rock on her finger.

"We're engaged!" She says. "Congratulations," I say in my most fake enthusiastic voice I could muster.

"That means a lot from you" she says hugging me.

Dinner was delicious probably the only good thing about today. I tried to make Toby jealous by introducing Marco to him, total fail. One of the things I loved yet annoyed me was that he never got jealous easily. When he met one of my exes he didn't mind until he started flirting with me.

We gathered around the Christmas tree to open presents. The kids got toys, the couples got each other meaningful gifts, others got gift cards or lame presents. I saw my cousin giggling with her friends about something I roll my eyes.

"I have a present for Toby," she said holding a small bag. "I would have preferred to do this privately, but the girls convinced me do this now" she said as Toby looked inside the bag. She had to be happy and perfect.

Toby pulled out a stick with 2 pink lines. She was shocked at what she had just witnessed. They're engaged and expecting.

"I'm going to be a father!" Toby yelled. Everyone around them congratulates them. I'm the only one who didn't so everyone looks at me.

"Do you expect me to congratulate you for ruining my life! I love Toby and you stole him from me! I hate you, Spencer Hastings!" I yell at her.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Yvonne" tears streamed down her face.

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