Episode 3.4: Chaos

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    "I will do something I've failed to do for some time now..." Zemo said, aiming his gun at John tauntingly and then at Sharon. 

   Zemo then fired his gun, shooting Sharon in the head, killing her instantly.  The sound of the bullet seemed to make everything quiet.  Kate's scream then filled the silence afterwards as Sharon's body collapsed onto the floor.  Everyone stood around, watching in utter shock, including Bucky who stared at the body for a second before letting out a guttural yell of anguishing heartbreak.  Bucky, with Kobik by his side, ran to Sharon's body and collapsing onto his knees in front of her.  No one could believe what was happening before them.

   The Avengers were all facing her, gutted by what they had witnessed.  Sam, like Bucky, had collapsed onto his knees. RJ felt frozen and Yelena wanted to cry, surprisingly. John, angered by what had just happened, was the first to turn back around, seeing Zemo and his team start to flee.  "It should've been me...you coward! Why didn't you shoot me?!" John yelled as he began to follow them. 

   Zemo shot at John, but he blocked it. John nearly grabbed him, but Ross, still in Red Hulk form, slapped him away, grabbing Zemo and Barney and charging out of the building towards the hangar. The rest of the team was too focused on Sharon, too shaken. As John stumbled to his feet, Kate got an idea and took Kobik's hand. "Kobik...take us to the New York Sanctum," Kate told her as she held onto Sharon and thought of the Sanctum.

Bucky was curled up into himself and he prayed for his heart to stop so he could stop living in this hell. He peaked his head up, looking into Kobik's eyes. "For...for Bucky," Kate said to her.

"For Buckaroo!" Kobik said back, disappearing with Sharon and Kate.

"Hey wait!" Sam shouted.

John eventually got back up, shaking off debris. "They're escaping! The bastards!" John yelled as he chased after them, with everyone, but Bucky following him.

Zemo's team had broken into the hangar kill more agents. Barney was shocked. Tony chuckled at him. "This bothered you?"

"Their deaths aren't keeping my brother alive."

"And if you don't follow along with us, I'll pay him a visit," Tony threatened.

"Can we get going please?" Hammer asked from a helicopter them as Ross returned to his normal form.

   Yelena had followed them into the hangar, aiming her gun at Zemo—who was about 30 yards away—with the rest of the Avengers catching up to her. She fired a few shots at him, sending him to the floor.  Tony then grabbed Zemo's gun and aimed it at Yelena, firing.  Quickly, John held his shield in front of her, blocking all the bullets as Ross and Barney helped Zemo into the helicopter.  With the engine already going and the ceiling opening up, they knew they had to try and stop them.  "Oh no you're not," John said, running after them as the helicopter began to take off after Hammer hacked the systems. 

   John put his shield on his back clip and ran full speed after the helicopter.  As it took off, he jumped after it, catching the landing skids.  He dangled off them as the helicopter rose higher and higher.  Tony noticed him as John inched his way towards the door.  The helicopter continued to climb and Tony chuckled.  "Go higher!  Quick!" He shouted at Hammer. 

   The Avengers watched as John dangled from the helicopter, still inching his way towards the door.  As the helicopter gradually got higher, Tony looked over the side and cackled.  "You obsessive piece of shit," he said, but John couldn't hear him. 

   As John reached for the door handle, Tony pounded his fist on his, causing him to lose his grip.  John held on with one hand, his heart now in his throat and his stomach dropping as the helicopter continued to climb.  "Die scum," Tony said, throwing his fist down again, but missing as John let go, and grabbed the door handle with his right hand. 

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