Chapter Five

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John Laurens
Philip is sleeping in his bed, dreaming of running in parks almost all day, I hope. He certainly did it today, and I don't have even one complaint. Okay, maybe one:

People shouldn't be so mean to mosquitoes. They're a source of food for turtles, and turtles have always been a huge part of my life, since I was a boy about Philip's age.

Anyway, other than that one specific thing, zero complaints.

I brush some of Philip's curly hair from his small face and tap the tip of his nose, just as Alex had. Philip moves it a little, probably trying to itch it but failing because of sleep.

"Daddy!" Angelica's voice calls from her room. It's scared, worried. The door to Alexander's study opens and he walks out.

Alex goes into his daughter's room and I follow. Alex sits in the chair next to Angelica's bed.

"Yes, sweetness?" he asks.

"It's Philip," she says, seeming to be on the verge of tears. "I had a bad dream that his imaginary friend turned on him and is actually trying to hurt him badly."

I blink in surprise. Where did she get that idea? I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Especially Philip. Alex holds Angelica close to him.

"Angie, your brother's imaginary friend has the shape of a man named John Laurens," he begins. "He would never hurt a hair on your brother's head, and he'd never forgive anyone who did."

True, I agree in my head.

"But I thought imaginary friends were...well... imaginary," Angelica says. "Didn't you know a Nohn Morence?"

"John Laurens, darling," Alex corrects. "And yes, I did know someone with that name. You and Philip never got the pleasure to meet him."

"Will we?" Angelica asks. "Soon? I wanna meet him. I wanna make sure he doesn't do anything bad to Phil!"

I smile at her fighting spirit. There's another way she reminds me greatly of the first Angelica: they have the same itch to protect.

"You'll meet him one day," Alex's voice is sad. "Not soon, I'm afraid. But someday, you'll meet him, and I know you'll just love him to death."

Angelica's darkish eyes brighten. "Really? As much as I'm gonna love my new brother?"

"How do you know your mother's pregnant?" Alex also sounds tired as he speaks.

"She isn't," his daughter replies. "But I'm sure she will be soon enough. And I think it's going to be a boy and you're gonna name him Harry."

"Harry you say?" Alex laughs lightly. "It's a little British for my liking, but I'll keep in the Idea Bin, yeah?"

"Yeah!" Angelica smiles with all her baby teeth and looks down at her lap. "Thanks Dad. I feel a lot better."

"Good," Alex tucks her in tight. "Then go to sleep, my little Betsey."

"You call Mommy that," Angelica recalls.

"Indeed I do," he agrees. "Have a nice nap. I shall wake you for dinner."

Angelica rolls over and begins to try and fall asleep. Alex gets up and I half-expect him to go back to his study; but he walks down the staircase instead.

Eliza is pleasantly surprised as her husband comes in from behind her. "Oh! Alexander!"

Alex is gentle with her, as always. "What? I'm not allowed to say hello to my beautiful and amazing wife?"

"Well, of course you are, but I'm sure that can't be me," Eliza turns in his arms so she facing him.

"Oh, but I think it is." Alex kisses her and Eliza whacks him lightly with a rag.

"Next time, don't scare me out of my skin," she orders. Alex takes a few steps back and bows as if his wife is queen.

"As you wish, m'lady,"

"Oh, you," Eliza shakes her head, smiling. "You are no help at all you know that?"

"Mhm," Alex agrees, standing straight. "You are always."

Eliza laughs and goes into the kitchen to set out dinner plates and put up the rag. Alex follows, helping any way he can. He sure does know how to take initiative quickly, I think.

I watch as Alex and Eliza set the table, not able to pull myself away. This is the image of a functional and happy family that should be common, but isn't always. I feel horrible for the people who have never experienced this.

"So," Alex begins, "about Philip and Angelica's education."

Eliza doesn't stop what she's doing as she speaks. "I don't know, Alex. They're not old enough to enroll yet. I'm pretty sure the age specification is 12-17. For Charleston at least."

"They moved it down to ten being the earliest a student can go," he informs her. "Philip could go in two years, Angelica in four."

"Yes," she sounds unsure. "Perhaps your manner of thinking is right. But we should be careful how we go about it. You know that Philip and his sister are sensitive."

"I know, but—" Alex is beginning to become desperate and frustrated. "Look. You can't just take care of four children all day; everyday, Betsey. That's a lot of stress on one person."

"Maybe if you took more breaks on weekdays it wouldn't be so stressful," Eliza points out. "I see what you're saying, Alex, I hear you. But let's wait. Okay? A couple more years?"

Alex purses his lips and then nods. "Two years. And then Philip should go."

Eliza sighs.

"Maybe. We still need to talk more."

Alex doesn't seem satisfied, but I'm not surprised by that; he's never been satisfied with anything. He kisses her again and goes back up to his study. I hate his routine more than anything. He works too much, takes absolutely no breaks except for meals, and sometimes not even that. 

I sigh and don't have the energy to follow Alex. I go into Philip's room and sit down in the beside chair. He's so...peaceful, asleep and snoring quietly. Philip's curly hair fell over his closed eyes and I suddenly wish that I'm alive. I shouldn't have attacked without consent. 

And I have a feeling that most of Hamilton's misgivings are because of me.



I did it! I posted a new chapter! I'm proud of myself. 

Again, sorry for the delay. If any of you have ideas, I'd be very much open to them. 

Thanks for your patience,


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