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:: luke ::

I had been standing next to Michael and Evelyn, the next thing I knew is I'm trying not to crash in the pouring rain as I was driving myself to the hospital. I sit in the waiting room, my eyes glued to the floor as my tears fall down. I've been here since two in the morning, it's now, eleven in the morning. Everything went by in a blur. I remembered being next midday and-- oh my. Mama Irwin. She's going to hate me. It's all my fault. I begin to cry even more, sobbing quietly.  

"Luke," I look up and see Evelyn. She sits next to me and hands me a tissue and I blow my nose. "Try to get some sleep, you need it."

I shake my head. "This--this all my fault Evelyn. If I wasn't being such a manwhore I wouldn't have put myself and Ashton in this mess," I tell her. She quietly sighs. "What am I suppose to tell Ashton's mum. She's going to hate me, Ashton's going to hate-- hell everyone already hates me."  

"Hey that's not true. I don't hate you. We all make mistakes Luke. I promise you that, Ashton and you will get through this like you always do--"  

"Irwin family," I stand up and the doctor comes over to us. She sighs. "I assume you're the..."  

"I, um, boyfriend. Mum is flying in for Christmas, but doesn't know, at least not yet," I tell her.   She nods. "It's alright. He had a close call. Died on us on the table," my heart stops. "But he's alive. There were a few broken bones. The bones in the ribcage, I think five and six, and broken leg, but there was some major damage to the brain, but we aren't sure what it is yet, maybe it's speech, or movements, or memories, or maybe even all of them, we won't be able to take tests on him until he's awake-- he's in a slight coma, kind of, so he won't wake up right away when the medicine wares off, it maybe take a day or two, or maybe just a few hours, we don't know, but we'll allow you to visit him for right now. Do you know exactly when his mum will be here?"  

I shake my head. "He was suppose to pick them up today, I think, but I've been here, so I'm not sure if she took a taxi or something to his house," I inform her.  

"Okay, well thank you and we hope the best for you. He's very lucky to be alive. He should have died, but he didn't. He's a strong person," I smile. "C'mon let me take you to his room."  

I look over at Evelyn and I motion for her to follow. We go up the third floor. I think he's in ICU. "He's right over there, just go through those doors and ask for Ashton Irwin and say that Doctor Ross sent you," I thank her and we follow her instructions.  

"Hello how may I help you," a nurse says.  

"We're her for Ashton Irwin. Doctor Ross sent us," she nods her head.   

"He's in room seven," I nod my head and we go find the room. A few people in the ICU with they're families. Most of them awake. I see Ashton through the glass window. My heart drops down to hell. The tears fall down and I open the door. I feel as if I make any noise, he's going to awake from his sleep.  

"W-What did I do to you," I whisper. Head wrapped up, some stitches on his face, neck in a neck brace. "I sh-should've stayed home. I shouldn't h-have gotten d-drunk."  

Evelyn rubs my back. "I'm going to get you something to eat Luke," I don't say anything.  

I hear the door open and hear a gasp. "My gay baby," I turn and see Mama Irwin and I begin to cry even more. "Oh Luke."  

She comes over to hug, but I reject her. "This is all my fault, I'm s-so, so sorry. I should have never gotten drunk and I wasn't with that girl, none of this would've happened. I put him in this position-- I shouldn't have cheated. I'm so s-sorry Ms. I-Irwin. This is all my f-fault," I sob out.  

Mama Irwin has tears in her eyes. "Oh Luke," she hugs me either way and I cry on her shoulder. "As mother, I should be mad. Cheating isn't right, but I know you have problems Luke. You fear being alone and I can tell. I know you made a mistake, trust me we all do. I'm not made, I'm just disappointed. But we'll get through this. No matter what happens alright my babies gay boyfriend," I nod my head and look at her in the eyes. She, smiles and wipes my tears away. "Now I'm made at Ashton for not picking me up, but I can see why already. Now why don't you go eat something and take Lauren and Harry with you, I don't want them worrying about Ashton right now. I don't want them to see him like this, not until he's away at least. Take them down the canteen. Here's some--"  

I shake my head. "I'll buy them food, it's alright," she smiles and kisses my forehead. I walk out of Ashton's room, but quickly run back in and give him a kiss on the forehead as I let three words slip out, "I love you," I mumble. I go back out.  


I let Harry and Lauren borrow my phone, so that they can watch Netflix on there, while they ate chips. I put some ketchup on my fish and chips as I watch them laugh at something funny.

"Hey Luke what's wrong with Ashton?" Harry asks, putting my phone down.

"Um, you're brother is sick, but don't worry he's going to be fine. The doctors are going to fix him," I tell him. Harry nods.

"Can we go up and see if Ash's awake please," I nod my head, not bother to finish the little of the food I have left. I grab their trash and throw it away.

We walk back up to Ashton's room. I'm shaking as if I'm about to have an anxitey attack. I feel someones hand in mine. I look down and see Harry smiling up at him. I smile back and try not to break into tears. Lauren press the up button to the elevator. The doors open and we walk in Lauren pressing the three button. We ride up in silence, not an awkward one, but a peaceful one.

When the doors open, we walk out and head to the ICU. The double doors slide open and the lady at the front lets us pass through. We go to room seven and I'm shaking with fear. "It's okay Luke," Lauren says. I nod again and she opens the door.

"Really? That's so-- Harry! Lauren!" Harry let's go of my hand the run towards Ashton.

"Careful kids, Ash is still sore," Mama Irwin says.

"Sorry," the both say. I watch as the kids laugh. Ms. Irwin looks at me. I smile and she walk over to me.

"The doctors told me Ashton had some type of cancer and it wasn't really... something that could effect him, and since they found it before it could spread even more, they were able to operate the tumor that had been forming," I nod my head. "Did you know Ashton had cancer Luke?"

"W-Well I thought you kn-knew?" I stutter. She shakes her head. "M'sorry."

"It's alright Luke," she says. I nod my head quickly.

"Ash aren't you going to say hello to your boyfriend,"


"Yeah Luke,"

The next two words he spoke hit me like a bullet. "Who's Luke?"

a/n: sorry for the late update and I had orignally had something else in mind for the story, but now i have something else. and in the long run you guys might hate me for what's going to happen, but I promise a happy ending. :)

comment, vote, and share please. and I'm almost at 5K reads! thanks for all the reads guys! :)

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