0.4 - now yoυ ĸnow

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0.4 » aѕнтon - now yoυ ĸnow

wheel into fifth hour period, trying not to bump into students as I make my way to the back. I move the chair, so that I can fit the wheelchair in. I can't believe Michael actually got me a wheelchair. I take out my English honours notebook. I really don't want to be here, but I can't stay away from school. I need to do this or else I won't get a good education. As I look through my book bag, I don't see my sketch book. I begin to freak out I left it in Art class. Calm down Ashton, you can get it back after school is over.

I flip to a blank page. From the corner of my right, I notice Luke walking in and I begin to freak out. I should have just stayed home. I feel my lip begin to quiver and I can feel tears coming. I look down and I hope I don't begin to cry, because that's the last thing I want happening. I tap my right foot on the foot rest. I notice Luke taking his seat as the bell rings. "Look who decided to show up to class. The faggot," Luke sneers. I don't say anything, but gulp.

Mrs Grey hands us a worksheet, saying it needs to be completed by the end of the hour. I try to do my work, but can't seem to do so, when students are throwing paper balls. Luke scoffs as students laugh, whispering. I look around, not lifing my head up. I notice the door open and a girl with glasses come in. "May I help you Jane," Mrs Grey asks the girl. 

"I, u-uh, i-is Ashton I-Irwin in this c-class," she stutters.

"In the back next to Hemmings," she replies. She nods her head and I look down at my paper, doing my work. I notice her shoes as she comes up close. I pretend to rub my eyes, when I'm actually wiping away the tears that threaten to fall. 

"A-Ashton," Jane stutters. I slowly look up, for me being a gay guy, I'd totally turn bi for her. She's pretty cute if you ask me. She hands me a book. I notice it's my sketch pad. "You left it in a-art class. So they made me come return to you."

"Thank you Jane," I flash her a smile. She blushes.

"You can leave now," Luke snaps. She nods her head and quickly rushes off. He scoffs, shaking his head. I begin to put my sketch pad again, when Luke begins to speak, "Why the fuck did you come back to school fag."

Why is Luke being such a big time dick this time. I look down. He's words stung like venom. It's slowly taking over. I look back down at my finished paper. I bit my lip, trying not to let his words get to me. "Answer me gay boy," Luke hisses.

"I came to learn. Obvious dumbarse," I snarl.

"I thought you'd actually stay home and mop around crying like all the other faggots do, I guess you like the attention, huh," Luke whispers. I don't say anything. "You want attention, well here you go... Ashton stop fucking touching me! Don't touch me there you fag!"

Everyone turns their attention to us. People whispering, some wondering what's going on. Out of nowhere the tears rush down. I shove everything in my backpack and grab the assignment given out to us. Students begin to throw things at me as I wheel up to the front. I hand Mrs Grey my completed assignments. "Where you wheeling off to faggot!" Someone yells. A few students begin to laugh. I turn and face them.

"It's not nice to bully people, so why fucking do it? Why fucking say something about someone, when it isn't true? What if it were you to be getting the hate, huh? Would you like that. What if being straight wasn't right and being gay was? Then everyone would be laughing at you," I yell. Everyone stops talking and everyone's paying attention. "So instead of fucking doing around and making people feel like shit, go out and get a fucking lie your morons. I hope your happy Luke. Spreading rumours about me being gay. Well here you have. I am gay. I hope you feel like you've accomplished another life goal, because now you know."

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