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~Chance begets coincidence, luck benefits planned incidence~

Red and white contrasted heavily in any setting moreso in the entertainment room Nessa lounged in.

A glass of pinot noir sat on the table beside her next to a half-consumed bottle. Most people either prefered red or white wine but Nessa's choice ranged between dry and sweet.

Sometimes her buds relished a riesling or zinfandel other times a merlot or chardonnay.

The white themed comfort room brightened the entire space giving her a feeling of exposure rather than the intended relaxation.

The comfy chairs were directly opposite two large beanbags by the wall. The rug matched with the curtains despite their difference in fabric, pattern and make.

A heavy table centrally positioned above the rug created distinct dents where its legs rested and hosted a ceramic vase filled with white roses.

Other than a large ocean painting that hung above the chair Nessa sat on, the walls remained bare. The two shades of sky and ocean blue on the art piece offered the only touch of color but even that blended well with the white room one barely noticed.

"A single slip and we'll add color to the room." Emma's voice pulled Nessa back from her thoughts.

"I was thinking the same exact thing." She picked up her glass.

"I don't like this room, probably because mother freaks out when she notices a speck. It is bound to happen, it's so white it practically blinds."

"Oddly, I hate it but love it at the same time. So easily cool yet annoyingly bold."

Emma leaned forward grabbing the bottle, she tilted it to refill her glass and gestured to Nessa who allowed her to pour some more into hers.

"It's not my least favorite room I'll tell you that."

"Your mother's favorite of course."

"Oui." Emma smiled sitting back.

The clueless girl had been making an effort to speak the little french she learned in highschool over the past weeks and Nessa indulged her.

She'd learned Emma and her mother were not close, they had different interests. Emma's mother cared a lot about opinion, family image and impression while her daughter cared not.

The two argued on several occasions infront of her and it was sad to watch. She wished she could argue with her mother just one time.

Nessa actually liked Emma, she had expected a stuck up woman but found a laid back lady whose kindness surpassed most.

Her friends on the other hand were the epitome of entitlement and meanness. They got on Nessa's last nerve but she easily ignored their bickering and petty jabs.

"I can't believe it has already been a month, extend your stay Ana, please."

"I'd like to but I cannot, commitments and responsibilities await."

"You are leaving in two days, it's too soon." Emma rubbed her thigh and sat back.

"I have enjoyed my stay, I'm glad I met you."

"More like bumped into me but I have no regrets."

She sighed brushing her fingers through her hair; if Emma found out Ana was really Nessa and everything had been a lie, she would have regrets for sure.

Moreover, she was a means to an end.

Of course Emma appealed to her but she didn't kid herself that the friendship could continue or lead anywhere. A foundation built on lies was bound to crumble and if she stayed too long it would all blow up in her face. 

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