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~ A pen is mightier than a sword, if the circumstance is right ~

The night was still young and the street lamps spread their dazzling light every few metres, one before the next brightening up the entire road in a uniform sequence. Most of the buildings on the avenue appeared sombré in the darkness with a few windows here and there lit, where dedicated workers toiled away.

Nessa locked her car, pocketed her keys and matched briskly towards the building she parked the vehicle infront of, heading for her office. Her office because Dan and the rest of her employees spent their 9 to 4 every weekday running her business, set on bringing in more profits. The aim of any good business was to make money after all.

Located in a ten storey office building in town, she mostly visited during the night keen to avoid bumping into anyone. The risk of recognition necessitated the extra care or maybe it stemmed from the paranoia Dan often accused her of.

Can't be too careful these days, Nessa thought as she approached the elevator.

Other than Daniel, her other working men and women knew her only by name. The entire time Nessa choose to be anonymous over the past years but soon enough, that would all change.

Unlike other companies that occupied entire floors, Nessa rented five rooms for her's on the second floor. She could place a bet on her small space making more money than the former any day.

Vacating the lift, she got to Daniel's office and found him eyes glued to the computer typing away. He looked up when Nessa came in and rose to his feet a smile on his face. She put an arm around him returning the hug.

"Hi boss."

"It's all good Dan. How's everything?"

"Better than ever." He pulled a chair beside his so she could sit.

"Thanks." Nessa settled on the seat leaning back as he collected two files from an office cabinet and handed them to her.

"This one is the startup and the other file is the other company." Dan explained sitting down and crossed his legs under the desk.

The only light in the room came from a low bulb hanging over them and a desk lamp on a high table beside the working space. A few papers spread about on top but a desktop computer took up majority of the space.

Nessa skimmed the papers about the startup she considered investing in. Small investments tended to become big with the right guidance and direction, the trick remained in selecting the right goose to bring in the gold. Incorrect judgement could mean money flushed down the drain and as someone who'd lived under circumstances of lack, she hated to waste it.

It presented a promising case of a possible money maker but she still hadn't decided. As much as she liked to follow her gut, what use did she have for a company that may not make it past the five year marker.

Putting the file aside she figured a little more time to think it over wouldn't hurt. She reached for the next one and perused it much slower than the first.

Nessa's information on the company proved accurate and the more she read through the more she approved.

This will work just fine, to my total advantage. She smiled at the thought, yes.

Automatically the best news she had gotten all day, Nessa closed the file placing it on the desk and sat back.

"Let's put a hold on the startup and go with the second one."

"But boss the second firm is in shambles, a step away from the cliff if not over it already." Daniel's surprise returned the faded smile to her lips.

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