1 | The Mission

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Rhea walked into the Avengers tower. She quickly stepped into the elevator and told JARVIS the floor. JARVIS answered before the elevator began moving upwards towards her destination. She quickly stepped out and walked down the hall until she found a large conference room with a glass wall. She opened the door and stood at the head of the table.

    Before her, Nat, Tony, Rhodey, T'Challa, and Vision sat. Tony motioned for her to sit, her following his gesture and sitting in the chair before her. "Hey, Rey." Nat greeted. (Rey is her nickname) Rhea nodded to her, before scanning the eyes of the others. She looked to Tony when he spoke.

    "Rhea, we need your help to scout out a few people. You're the best scout around, and we need to bring these people in, fast." Tony explained. Rhea nodded. "And who are these targets?" Rhea asked. Tony paused and looked to Nat and Rhodey, who both nodded. "Cap has assembled a team. It consists of him, Wanda, and Clint. He also recruited a guy named Scott, and another named Sam. But he has the Winter Soldier with him in hiding. We believe they are at a safe house, but we're not sure where."  Tony said. Rhea's eyes widened a little before nodding. "These are tough times, there was bound to be some disagreement." Rhea smiled.

    "Excuse me for interrupting, but how old are you, Rhea?" T'Challa asked. Rhea turned to him. "Sixteen." Rhea answered calmly. T'Challa's eyes flew open, but he nodded, contemplating her answer. "Well, I should get going. I'll send you the coordinates if and when I find them." Rhea nodded her head before stepping out to grab her suit from her locker.

    Her suit consisted of a black long-sleeve with a black vest covering it, and black tight-fitted pants. She had soundless black boots that reached to just below her knee, and had a belt with needle-pointed knives and a handgun. (Think a mix between Quake, Black Widow, and The Winter Soldier)

She flew her jet to a remote location, to try to remain inconspicuous. She thought for a second while looking through the Avengers' main hideouts, safehouses, and locations. She thought to Clint's farm, and figured that was a good idea. She had been trying to track the group for a few days now, first trying to see if there was any trail she could follow.  But the group did an excellent job in disappearing.

    She parked her jet a mile away from Clint's farm, to stay hidden from their sight. She knew they had to have some type of security, so she was very wary while creeping up to their farm very slowly. She found a large bush and hid behind it, monitoring their movements for a while.

    She saw Cap walk outside. He had someone else with him, whom she assumed was The Winter Soldier. He was talking to him, and thanks to her enhanced senses, she could hear every word they said. "How ya doin, Buck?" Steve asked. Bucky looked up. "I don't know, Steve. Why are we hiding? I killed all those people." Bucky looked down. Steve placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nonsense." This made Bucky look up. Steve smiled at him. "You didn't kill those people, HYDRA did. I'm with you till the end of the line, pal." Steve smiled before grabbing a log and an axe, chopping firewood. Bucky sighed and smiled a little before sitting on a tree stump, watching Steve.

    Rhea smiled a little at what Steve said. She knew that phrase meant something to the two, and her heart was telling her for a moment to turn around and deem the mission a dead-end. But her instinct to follow orders got the better of her, and she shook her head to clear that thought.

Rhea settled for the calm, inviting approach. She planned to act as if she were joining them, watching their every move without suspicion, then leaving to go to report to Tony and Nat. She knew it was pretty cold, but she wanted to stay as undetected as possible.

    She slowly stepped out from behind the bush she was hiding behind, walking towards the two. Bucky whipped his head up and growled, stalking towards her. She held her hands up in surrender, waiting for Steve to recognize her. He looked up, and grabbed his shield, also unsure of who she was. She sighed and watched as Bucky lunged for her, only for her to turn on her ability to penetrate matter (penetration, think Vision), watching as he tumbled to the ground in shock.

    Steve immediately recognized her, and ran up to her, smiling. "Rey! It's so nice to see you!" He called as he neared her. She smiled and waved. She looked back to Bucky. She bent down and held out her hand. "Sorry about that. My name's Rhea, but everyone calls me Rey." Rhea smiled. Bucky cautiously took her hand, and was surprised when she flung him up. "Rey's our top scout. She's been with us for three years, since she was thirteen." Steve exclaimed. Bucky narrowed his eyes when he heard the title "scout", standing over her threateningly.

    "How do we know she isn't a scout on a mission, searching for us?" He huffed. Rhea became a little nervous at his suspicion, but quickly shook it off. "Then I'll have to prove to you I'm not." Rhea couldn't believe she was doing this. She took off her belt with her weapons, and set it on the ground. Then, she took out her earpiece, and her communicator watch. She handed them to Steve. "See?" She held her hands up like a football goal post in surrender.

    Steve cautiously watched the two's interaction. He sighed with relief when he noticed Bucky calming down and letting his guard down a little. Steve, Rhea, and Bucky headed inside to greet the others.

    "Rhea!" Wanda screamed, running over and hugging Rhea tightly. Rhea laughed and hugged her back, smiling. "Did I just hear Rhea?" Clint asked, excited. Rhea and Wanda let go. "The one and only!" Rhea smirked. Clint smirked back and mock-waddled-ran over, hugging Rhea tightly. He let her go, smiling.

    "Who's Rhea?" Scott asked, stretching and yawning. "Don't tell me you were having another nap." Wanda tilted her head. "Sorry." Scott chuckled. Clint tilted his head back in a silent laugh. "But really, who's Rhea? Oh, and isn't that your second nap of the day, tic-tac?" Sam added. "She's our top scout. Also, probably." Steve answered both questions. Sam nodded before grabbing a glass of water.

    "Rey Rey!" Lila ran into the room, laughing. Rhea bent down, and scooped Lila up when she jumped into her arms. "Hey, Lila." Rhea chuckled. Cooper ran over, smiling. He was slightly taller than her, and hugged her tightly. "Hey Coop." Rhea answered his hug. He smiled before the three pulled away.

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