8 | Recovery

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Bucky worried paced outside the medbay, waiting to hear news on Rhea. Strange had also stepped into help. They were just finishing up checking her to check for internal bleeding and any other injuries. She lost a lot of blood, too; so they gave her a blood transfusion.

Bruce walked out, and beckoned for Bucky. He nodded, and quickly followed Bruce to Rhea's room. She was asleep, and looked so peaceful. Bucky smiled, before turning to Bruce. "What happened with her mind?" Bucky asked. Bruce looked down for a second before facing Bucky. "We think she had a relapse." BRuce explained reluctantly. Bucky nodded.

He took a seat next to her bed, and stroked her arm, watching her sleep. He looked up to see Tony, entering the room. He sat on a chair at the end of the room, staring off into space. Bucky looked back to Rhea. He watched as she fluttered open her eyes.

Rhea slowly opened her eyes, and panicked. She didn't remember being here. She started to struggle, but found cuffs all over her body. She tugged hopelessly at them, until she felt a hand on her stomach. She looked up fearfully to see Bucky, looking down at her. She flinched and turned her face to the side, screwing her eyes shut as a large hand reached down towards her face.

But when the large hand gently stroked her cheek, she relaxed a little, before opening one eye in pinch. She slowly opened her eyes all the way and turned her head to see Bucky, still holding his hand on her stomach and stroking her cheek. He smiled, before leaning down and kissing her forehead. Rhea closed her eyes again, but opened them again when she realized she wasn't in pain.

Bucky still saw fear in her eyes, and his heart dropped. He understood relapses, but it pained him to see Rhea getting them so badly. She was scarred from them. She was scared of everything he did, and he hurt for that. He knew he had to get her out of this headspace, fast; before it took too much effect.

"Rhea, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." Bucky gently cooed. Rhea shook her head and screwed her eyes shut. Bucky thought of an idea. He grabbed the key from off the counter, and unlatched each cuff; setting them in a pile on the chair. He turned back, and was relieved to find Rhea already much more relaxed.

Just then, Bruce walked in. He stood at her other side, working on a computer. Then, he turned to Rhea, who looked at him fearfully. Bucky looked up and saw the problem. "Bruce, her mind is still recovering from the relapse. Take your lab coat off; it brings too many bad memories." Bucky whispered to him. Bruce looked up, and nodded, quickly taking off his lab coat and hanging it on a hanger behind him.

He slowly pulled the sheets down and reached her abdomen; which was now exposed. He examined the scars, and nodded; before pulling the covers gently up to her mid-stomach. He typed in a few things before gently lifting her arm. Bucky kept his hand on her cheek. When he noticed Rhea tense up, he turned her head away from Bruce so she was facing him.

She started to whimper a little as Bruce gently ran his finger down the underside of her cut across her forearm. "Shh, shh, it's alright. No one's here to hurt you, Rey. You don't have to be scared." Bucky whispered as he began stroking her cheek again. She closed her eyes in acceptance.

After a few hours, Rhea finally turned back to normal. She was being closely monitored by the others, just in case. She eventually ended up falling asleep on the couch. Bucky took her to her room, and shut the door before heading back to the main commons.

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