4 | Who's Ticklish?

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Rhea's injuries were completely healed by two weeks, and she was already feeling better. She knew that the others at the tower were probably worried about her; but right now, she didn't care. She preferred to be with the group she was with.

    Rhea was sitting on the couch when Clint walked into the living room, smirking. Rhea muted the TV, sensing something. "What?" She asked, a little warily. "Oh, nothing. Just heard you were...ticklish?" He smiled really wide and grabbed her off the couch, setting her on the floor and tickling her stomach while her legs were over his shoulders. She tried to cover her stomach with her arms, but when Bucky ran in and held her arms down over her head, she couldn't do anything.

    Bucky ended up tickling her armpits too, and she desperately tried to struggle out of their grasp. When she finally did, she squeaked in surprise when Bucky pulled her backwards, tickling her again. She put him into an armlock before jumping up and running out the door. Bucky chuckled a little and followed.

    Rhea ran quickly through the field, and soon reached the forest. She could hear Bucky and Steve, following in close pursuit. She skidded to a stop at a rock wall, facing her pursuers. "Got you!" Steve lunged for Rhea, but she turned on her penetration, watching him slam into the rock wall. "Ha!" She cheered, turning off her penetration. But her celebration was cut short when Bucky threw a power-dampening cuff on her ankle. "Aww." She groaned before Steve picked her up, throwing her in a fisherman's carry and running back to the house.

    The three arrived back at the house to find Sam and Clint smirking evilly. When Rhea squirmed desperately to get away, Steve held on tighter and walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. He swung Rhea back over his shoulders so she was laying on his lap. He watched as Sam dragged her to the floor, holding her legs while Clint held her arms. Bucky then started tickling her.

    After a while, The three stopped, letting Rhea breathe. She sat up and coughed, catching her breath. Bucky pulled her closer and rubbed her back, calming her lungs. She calmed down almost instantly, and glared up at Bucky. "I'm not a baby." She whispered. Clint smirked. "Oh yes you are." Sam said. Rhea rolled her eyes. "Hey! Don't you give us that attitude!" Bucky chided teasingly. He pulled her into his lap so her back was resting on his chest, and her legs on his legs.

"Aww..." Clint stuck out his bottom lip. "I'm not the clingy type." Rhea sighed. "Now you are!" Steve laughed. Then Bucky picked her up and sat on the couch, still holding her on his lap. "Who knew the Winter Soldier would try to cuddle." Rhea smirked. Bucky rolled his eyes and laughed silently before turning to the TV. Sam sat on his right, Steve on his left. Clint sat at the far end of the couch.

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