9 | Therapy

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"Rhea, can I talk to you for a second?" Bucky asked as he walked into the main commons. Sam looked up, nodding a greeting before turning back to the TV. Rhea nodded warily and patted the seat next to her.

"Rhea, we think you should start some therapy lessons." Bucky began. Rhea quickly shook her head, and scooted away from him, only to bump into Sam. Sam turned her around so she was facing him, and tilted her chin so she was looking at him.

"Rey, it's not scary. No one will judge you." Sam reasoned. But Rhea looked down and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Rey; but you don't have a choice. Your session starts in an hour." Bucky told her before standing up and walking out of the room. Sam leaned Rhea into his side, and rubbed circles on her arm to try to take her mind off things.

An hour later, Bucky walked back in to take Rhea to therapy. He sat next to Rhea's right: since Sam was on her left. He placed a hand on her thigh and gently rubbed circles with his thumb for a moment.

He tried to convince Rhea to stand up and follow him, but she shook her head quickly and looked down. "Rhea, come on. I'll be with you every step of the way." Bucky tried to say. Rhea looked up. Bucky felt horrible about the way her eyes glazed over with fear, but he knew she had to go. Bucky took her hand and pulled her up, before placing a hand on her back, leading her into the elevator.

While they were in the elevator, Rhea sniffled a little. When the door opened, Bucky led her out towards the therapy room. When they reached the door, Rheaturned invisible, and turned on her penetration. Bucky sighed angrily. "Rhea, you're testing my patience. Come on!" He yelled angrily. But Rhea didn't listen, because she was already running down the hall, tears streaming down her face. She turned off her penetration, but kept on her invsibility. She felt tears blur her vision as Bucky yelled from behind her again, angrier.

She gasped when she ran into something hard. Her invisibility immediately turned off as she fell to the ground on her side. She looked up to see Sam, looking down at her. At first, he looked at her angrily, but then his emotion changed to sadness when he saw the pure fear and emotion in Rhea's eyes. He looked up to see Bucky, running down the hall before stopping in front of Rhea.

"Rhea, come on." Bucky huffed, pulling her up roughly. She flinched under his touch. "Bucky, calm down. She's just scared, don't be so tough on her. We went too fast." Sam reasoned. Bucky stopped, and looked down at Rhea. She was looking up at him with fear in her eyes. When Bucky out his hand towards her cheek, she flinched and shrank in her skin.

Bucky knelt down so he was more at Rhea's level. "Rhea, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to try therapy today." Bucky explained. Rhea sniffled a little. "I-I thought you were gonna hurt me, because you were so angry." She muttered quietly. Bucky looked shocked. "I'm sorry, Rey, I didn't mean to scare you. But I'm not gonna hurt you ever, okay?" Rhea nodded a little in response before Bucky took her hand and led her to the therapy room.

During therapy, Rhea hardly spoke, unless Bucky encouraged her to. She didn't want to say anything; she just wanted to be left alone. Afterwards, she ran up to her room, and quickly pressed the elevator button. Bucky sighed and walked to the main commons to make supper.

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