3 | The Chase

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Rhea dodged Bucky's attacks and Sam's punches, dodging Steve's shield. She turned on her penetration and ran, watching in horror as the three followed in pursuit. She ran into the forest, the three still right on her tail. She had to turn off her penetration; she was becoming tired. She quickly scaled a small tree and clung on.

    Bucky punched the small tree's trunk, shaking the tree violently. "Come down here!" Sam yelled, annoyed. "I can't." She made out before the tree shook so violently, she fell to the ground on her side. She couldn't roll right in time. She tried to get up, but a dull ache throughout her body told her otherwise.

    Tears rolled down Rhea's cheeks as she felt a strong arm wrap around her stomach. She tried in vain to escape, but the arm just wrapped around tighter, and she yelped in pain as the ache grew. "Rhea, stop. We don't want to hurt you, but we will if we have to." Steve said. Rhea ignored him and tried to escape again, hating the fact someone was holding her in place.

    Steve ended up slamming her on the ground, watching as she gasped and coughed for air. She tried to roll back up, but Steve held his boot on top of her. She finally gave up, glaring at him through tear-stained eyes. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes tight as she saw a large hand reach down towards her face.

    But she relaxed a little when she felt tears being wiped from her cheeks. She looked up to see Bucky, looking down at her sympathetically. She tilted her head back and a pained cry escaped her lips as the dull ache returned, swarming over her body.

    Steve took his boot off her chest, allowing her to breath better. She coughed a little, but winced and let out a yelp as the pain grew. The three men frowned before Sam turned her to her side to try to figure out what was wrong. He figured she had some bruised ribs and bones, along with a few bruised organs. He already found bruises forming on her side, and ran his hand along them, watching as her muscles contracted from the pain.

    "We should get her to medical attention back at the house. That is, if she agrees not to tell Team Iron Man of our location." The three looked to Rhea, awaiting her answer. She looked back at them, pain glazed over her eyes. "I'm on your-side-but I know-that-Tony-and the-others won't-like what-I'm doing." She answered through grunts of pain.

    Steve tried to help her up, but she was in a lot of pain. He took it slow, not wanting to rush her. Bucky finally became impatient and carefully picked Rhea up bridal style. They quickly ran back to the house.

    Steve stepped into the house first, greeted by Clint and Wanda. Clint was tapping his foot on the ground, and Wanda was fidgeting with her fingers. Bucky came next, holding a shriveled Rhea in his arms. Sam came last, quickly brushing stuff off the kitchen table, wanting to wrap her side immediately.

    "Oh, so the little traitor came back, with a few new injuries?" Scott walked in, glaring at Rhea. But Rhea didn't care; she was in too much pain. "She's not a traitor, Scott. She's on our side, said it herself." Steve explained. Clint walked up to Rhea, who was still in Bucky's arms. "Oh, really?" He asked, poking her side roughly. She gasped in pain, throwing her head pack and clenching her teeth. "Don't hurt her anymore, Clint. She fell from a very tall tree right on her side." Sam called from the kitchen. Clint chuckled a little. Rhea swiped a hand out and slapped his cheek, making him yelp in pain. "You try running from two super soldiers and the falcon, see how long you last as a sixteen year old." She hissed before furrowing her eyebrows in pain. "Okay, tough girl. Let's get you patched up, then you can throw some punches at Clint." Bucky winked.

    Sam wrapped her side in a medical sleeve and gave her some ice for the bruises. She thanked him, and slowly sat up from where she was lying on the table. But when she tried to sit up, it hurt even more. She coughed a little, because the pain was making it hard to breath.

    Bucky held her up and rubbed circles on her back, careful to stay away from any bruises. He knew this helped her breath better, as long as a calming gesture. He felt her breathing begin to turn back to normal. She slowly slid off the table. Bucky helped her to a bedroom and closed the door as she fell asleep on the bed.

    When he returned, he saw the others, gathered in the living room. He checked quickly to make sure the door was locked before joining them. "So, are we just gonna trust her? Just like that?" Scott asked. "Yup. She's in a tough spot right now, and she realizes that she'll end up betraying someone either way. She's decided to stick with us, even if it goes against direct orders. She agrees fully with us." Steve explained. Heads nodding.

    Rhea woke up in the morning to see rays of sunshine seeping through the curtains. She yawned, then whipped her attention to the door that was opening. Bucky and Steve walked in, and Steve turned on the light while Bucky walked over and sat on Rhea's bed next to her.

    "How are you feeling, Rey?" Bucky asked. The only response he got was a coughing fit from Rhea, as her bruises were making it hard to breath. He sighed and pulled her closer to him gently, rubbing circles on her back. He watched as her coughing slowly died down, and her breathing and heart rate relaxed. He smiled and looked back to Steve, who had sat on the end of the bed.

    Steve nodded. "Rhea, can you lay on your side for me? We should check the bruises." Bucky began. Rhea nodded and slowly laid down on her side, and Bucky gently pulled her shirt over her head. (She had a sports bra on) He examined her side, nodding in satisfaction that the bruises looked much better, and he ran his metal hand over it gently. Rhea shivered at his touch a little, but was warmed again at his human hand on her stomach, and his leg against her back.

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